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Reply 2780 of 3355, by badmojo

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clueless1 wrote:

Coming to light implies it's some secret that people are ashamed to admit. I have no qualms about playing on Easy skill levels and I've been vocal on these boards about it. Phil has mentioned that he does the same. Here's how I look at it: when I was a kid, I had nothing else to do but play games. I took it as a badge of honor to play on at least the "normal" setting. Now I'm an adult with a career and limited playing time. I want to enjoy what limited time I have with minimal frustration. If that means knocking it down to Easy, I'm all for it. So who is your target audience? Are they mostly kids and young adults with lots of time and youthful reflexes who barely remember these games? Or adults who played DOS games in their youth and now want to watch reviews of their favorite games as well as some that they never had a chance to play?

Another 'easy', 'can I play daddy?', 'tell me a story' player here for exactly the same reasons. I regret nothing!

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 2781 of 3355, by Gemini000

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keropi wrote:

99% (yeah I can exaggerate too) of the old viewers you are mentioning also had monochrome displays back then, why stop on SB sound and not go all the way? Do the reviews with an amber shader!

"Today in Ancient DOS Games we'll be looking at Zeliard, it supports several graphics modes from MDA to MCGA 64 colors and various sound devices from speaker to Roland MT-32. So we'll be looking on the MDA/Speaker version of the game. Where do I begin? Well it is just wrong. Only 2 colors and basic sound"


keropi wrote:

People that watch these videos don't just want to remember but also learn about the true potential of a game, even though back then they were oblivious to aspects like sound, midi etc. That's why people now go crazy over the fastest ISA vga or the best soundcard with best OPL filtering and best midi device so you can hear and see the developer's vision in whole.
So OK, GM sound in megaman X sucks, what about Lands of Lore? It sucked too? I wonder, if you were to review doom/dn3d or even rott, you'd do them in FM without even a mention about the great soundtracks they offer like you did with Lands?

Lands of Lore's soundtrack fits the game and is well done but doesn't stand out so much that I had to mention it. I generally focus on gameplay and only cover the graphics and audio in more detail when there's a particular reason to do so, which is something I touched on back in my Jill of the Jungle review. I've found people have vastly different opinions on whether I should go for nostalgia or for quality when it comes to choosing between FM synth and wavetable music options and it's not possible to satisfy everyone, so I go with my own decisions on that front which generally means nostalgia first, quality second. This is also why I don't recommend specific audio devices anymore unless there's a technical reason to choose one over the other.

keropi wrote:

You really give me the impression that when it comes to sound you wanna stick to "period correct" hardware but when you criticize aspects like gameplay/mechanics/story/controls you seem to forget you are reviewing a 90s piece of software built with 90s tools/experience and compare said aspects with a 201x mentality - resulting in everything being broken and bad.

Uh... again, in my Jill coverage, I explained how I come to the decisions I do as I often make my gameplay assessments based on what other games were out at the time and what kind of precedents were set. Lands of Lore came out in 1993; there were already other dungeon crawls which set standards as to how such games could play, some of which were even made by the same company, but Lands of Lore tried to be different and in doing so, does some things which are either good, bad, or debatable, and I went into all of those.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2782 of 3355, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

uh... I have read enough, you lost me on the Lands soundtrack that "doesn't stand out so much that I had to mention it" 🙄
I am done here , I see no point to continue reading from that point on - not touching that with a 100ft pole 🤣

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 2783 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Figures. I spend a half hour carefully crafting a response to explain how and why I do things the way I do and the person it was intended for doesn't even read it. :P

Am I angry? Not really. Something I've learned from making videos for nearly seven years now and actually, just from using internet forums since the late 90s, is that sometimes people just don't like you. I mean geeze, that's life, we all have our ways of determining who we're going to get along with and who we aren't. :B

Generally speaking, when someone doesn't like my stuff, they simply don't watch it. That's fine. If someone doesn't like a particular thing I've said or done, they'll either thumbs-down a video and/or explain what it was which irked them and when appropriate I can provide a response as to if maybe I got the wrong idea across, or if it's something beyond my control, or if it's something I can work to improve upon. Interacting with one's fans is how you let everyone know that you appreciate the feedback. :)

BUT, every content creator also suffers from the occasional person who watches their videos in order to actively spout passive-aggressive comments, usually out of a need to feel smarter or more powerful/important than the person making the video.

Most content creators ignore such comments because defending oneself against idiocy is unnecessary, anyone with half a brain can tell what's going on. But, since I have such a small following, I try to do my best to explain my logic and my reasoning to those trolls. I'm under no obligation to do so, and if I do it wrong I can look like a bigger idiot than the person who commented on my stuff in the first place. Some content creators can end up digging themselves into a pretty deep pit this way if they're not careful, just because one little troll wasn't satisfied with their content. :P

My ultimate challenge has always been: "If you feel you can do better, go for it!" Because quite frankly, anyone who has that talent really should be exercising it, not just for themselves but to provide decent content to entertain others with! Beyond that, we all have our opinions, and ANYONE who thinks their opinions are more important than anyone else's deserves to have their mouth sewn shut.

...with steel wool...

...using a rusty needle. >~<

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2784 of 3355, by luckybob

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Gemini000 wrote:

Figures. I spend a half hour carefully crafting a response to explain how and why I do things the way I do and the person it was intended for doesn't even read it. 😜


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 2785 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Rank l33t
luckybob wrote:


Yeah, pretty much. ;D

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2786 of 3355, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

It must be a really sad situation thinking that anyone criticizing your public content is someone that "just doesn't like you" , I remember when you first came and asked suggestions/help with your show in the beginning - and even sharing your own personal story/issues - things were different back then eh?
It only took some time and a yt channel to change the tune, thinking now your own opinion is an axiom and that any kind of comment that you don't like is an attempt for someone to feel better than you or something. (huge 🤣 here)

Yes I stopped reading your "carefully crafted response" because it was just a really partial attempt to defend your nonsensical stance when it comes to the sound department of what you call a "game review" - without any serious arguments (basically it just boils down to you just using the easiest route since anything other than built-in sb support is "hard to setup" - your words) and ultimately I am glad I did just that because it all boiled down to "shut your mouth with still wool using my rusty needle"

I've been watching your show since the very beginning, didn't always agree (that's life) but your opinion/reviews seemed complete for the time being. I don't know where you are taking things, if you are aiming for an "angry gamer" review style or it's really what your true style is but ultimately all that negativity in your reviews from your "game developer view" (which makes me cringe every time you say it - you being someone that didn't even finish his own game: apparently monetizing videos is a better idea than investing time in a game with questionable results am I right?) while not covering all game aspects equally or even correctly is just getting tiresome.
At least you got one thing right , not gonna bother with your content anymore or even your posts here (not that they contribute anything other than being an ad) thanks to the forum's features. I've wasted enough time already.

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 2787 of 3355, by Gemini000

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I wasn't referring to you specifically, Keropi, I was talking about things which happen in general. HOWEVER, now that you've stooped to spouting outright lies about me, it's time to take you to the cleaners! >:|

keropi wrote:

It must be a really sad situation thinking that anyone criticizing your public content is someone that "just doesn't like you"

All you have to do is read through the thousands of comments I've left towards others who've left comments on my videos to see how wrong THAT statement is. :P

keropi wrote:

It only took some time and a yt channel to change the tune, thinking now your own opinion is an axiom and that any kind of comment that you don't like is an attempt for someone to feel better than you or something. (huge LOL here)

My very last response I said, "ANYONE who thinks their opinions are more important than anyone else's deserves to have their mouth sewn shut." I am not exempt from "ANYONE" and I do NOT feel my opinions are more important than those of others.

keropi wrote:

Yes I stopped reading your "carefully crafted response" because it was just a

You didn't read it so you DO NOT know what it was and therefor can only make assumptions.

keropi wrote:

partial attempt to defend your nonsensical stance when it comes to the sound department of what you call a "game review" - without any serious arguments

In the response you didn't read I stated, "people have vastly different opinions on whether I should go for nostalgia or for quality when it comes to choosing between FM synth and wavetable music options and it's not possible to satisfy everyone". Tell me that's nonsense; I freaking DARE you.

keropi wrote:

(basically it just boils down to you just using the easiest route since anything other than built-in sb support is "hard to setup" - your words)

Oh, I also cannot legally use the MT-32 ROM data and wavetable MIDI on my system's audio card isn't great. That's a pretty good reason too. :P

keropi wrote:

your opinion/reviews seemed complete for the time being. I don't know where you are taking things, if you are aiming for an "angry gamer" review style or it's really what your true style is but ultimately all that negativity in your reviews from your "game developer view" (which makes me cringe every time you say it - you being someone that didn't even finish his own game: apparently monetizing videos is a better idea than investing time in a game with questionable results am I right?)

Firstly, umm... you understand the notion of being a "critic", right? It involves having positive AND negative opinions about things to give an overall impression. :P

Secondly, just because a game is old doesn't mean it's all peaches and cream. Old games have issues; in fact, the vast majority have issues. Since I recognize issues in a technical way, I like to point them out and explain what the issue is. Finding issues in games does NOT make them bad, it just means some people may take issue with those issues.

Thirdly, I've finished SEVERAL games over the years. Clearly you've never gone to my website... nor understand just how freaking long and time consuming the process is. :P

And lastly, I barely make enough off of ad revenue to afford my internet access. Ad revenue is NOT a gold mine for a small channel like mine. :/

keropi wrote:

while not covering all game aspects equally or even correctly is just getting tiresome.

And this nearly-final statement puts you right square into the frame of the passive-aggressive type of person I was describing. You want my videos to be perfect from your perspective, but that's not possible, and since the way my videos have evolved have deviated even further from your perfect vision of my videos, you felt the need to try and drill your desires into my head. You could've just let me have my opinion about not nixing the nostalgia factor by going MIDI, but no, you weren't about to stand for that because you want my videos to have MIDI, not FM, and you didn't approve of my reasoning. You could've backed away and just be like, "I can't agree with that, and there's other things I don't agree with, so I'm not gonna watch anymore, sorry", but you didn't. You went passive-aggressive, and THEN you went ignorant by ignoring the things I was saying, and THEN you went into full-out lying, and lies are where I draw the line on tolerating ignorance!

keropi wrote:

At least you got one thing right , not gonna bother with your content anymore or even your posts here - thanks to the forum's features.

And you can certainly do that, but let it be known... I have NEVER blocked anyone on here. Despite your perceptions about me I DO care about everyone's opinions and you have not given me any reason to not care about yours... which is why I even care to respond to you at all given the massive number of lies you just spouted.

Consider that before you block me forever, because you're going to be blocking someone who took the time to listen and respond to you thoughtfully, even if in a negative way. There's not a lot of people in the world willing to do that anymore... :(

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2788 of 3355, by MMaximus

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Rank Oldbie
Gemini000 wrote:

Lands of Lore is one of my favorite DOS games and I have fond memories of playing it as a kid in the '90s, so I had to watch your review. I have to say I agree with what others have been pointing out to you - you seem to be leaving out major aspects of the game while focusing almost exclusively on the negatives, even nitpicking on some minor details (the lantern? the rotating tiles? etc.) There is no mention of the Midi soundtrack composed by Franck Klepacki, IMO one of the master video game composers of the era. If I'm not mistaken you don't really say much either of the graphics artwork (created by the late Rick Parks), again some of the best of the era IMO.

It's easy to point out perceived "faults" in a game if you compare it to games released 25 years later, with all the technological and gameplay advances and such. But if you open any game magazine of the time, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a negative review of Lands of Lore.

As per the respawn rate, I don't remember it being a problem when I played it at the time but I haven't attempted a playthrough in a long time so I can't say for sure. I had the floppy version, and I don't know if they tweaked the difficulty in the CD version.

I have been watching some of your episodes covering games that I like, and found out that you quite often rate them negatively or tear them apart. Which is a shame because I think you have really good production values, something that can't be said about many youtubers. You probably don't need to spend so much time exposing minor "faults" in your average review - why not ditch some of the negativity, and end up with videos that would be shorter and more enjoyable to watch? 😀

badmojo wrote:
clueless1 wrote:

Coming to light implies it's some secret that people are ashamed to admit. I have no qualms about playing on Easy skill levels and I've been vocal on these boards about it. Phil has mentioned that he does the same. Here's how I look at it: when I was a kid, I had nothing else to do but play games. I took it as a badge of honor to play on at least the "normal" setting. Now I'm an adult with a career and limited playing time. I want to enjoy what limited time I have with minimal frustration. If that means knocking it down to Easy, I'm all for it. So who is your target audience? Are they mostly kids and young adults with lots of time and youthful reflexes who barely remember these games? Or adults who played DOS games in their youth and now want to watch reviews of their favorite games as well as some that they never had a chance to play?

Another 'easy', 'can I play daddy?', 'tell me a story' player here for exactly the same reasons. I regret nothing!

Count me in also on this. I don't really play so many modern games, but if I do I will only look for the ones that are accessible, easy and short enough for me to enjoy.

Hard Disk Sounds

Reply 2789 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Rank l33t
MMaximus wrote:

Lands of Lore is one of my favorite DOS games and I have fond memories of playing it as a kid in the '90s, so I had to watch your review. I have to say I agree with what others have been pointing out to you - you seem to be leaving out major aspects of the game while focusing almost exclusively on the negatives, even nitpicking on some minor details (the lantern? the rotating tiles? etc.) There is no mention of the Midi soundtrack composed by Franck Klepacki, IMO one of the master video game composers of the era. If I'm not mistaken you don't really say much either of the graphics artwork (created by the late Rick Parks), again some of the best of the era IMO.

Graphics and music are things which I don't often have strong opinions of, which is why I don't often talk about them. I focus on gameplay because it's what I know best. :B

I also mention in the video description that I felt I was a little more negative with this one than I intended to be. It's not a BAD game by any stretch of the imagination, it has its pros, some cons, and some quirky bits.

MMaximus wrote:

It's easy to point out perceived "faults" in a game if you compare it to games released 25 years later, with all the technological and gameplay advances and such. But if you open any game magazine of the time, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a negative review of Lands of Lore

Yeah, magazines had glowing reviews of it for the most part, but I think after over 200 episodes we've established by now that I often have a different perspective on these old games. ;)

And yeah, if I was working for a magazine and was giving this game a numerical score I'd've either given it an 8 out of 10 had I not known about the other 3D dungeon crawls out at the time, or a 7 if I was well aware of the other ones out there. Eye of the Beholder I haven't personally played but have watched others play it and know that it's essentially the same game but with D&D rules and without massive amounts of respawns, while Dungeon Hack I would've ranked 8 out of 10 as well. :B

MMaximus wrote:

As per the respawn rate, I don't remember it being a problem when I played it at the time but I haven't attempted a playthrough in a long time so I can't say for sure. I had the floppy version, and I don't know if they tweaked the difficulty in the CD version.

Since releasing this review a couple people have mentioned the spawns being bad for them while some other people saying I'm wrong about the spawns also mentioned playing it on its easier setting while I was playing on the normal setting, so I'm fairly convinced that may have something to do with it. I did some further testing in case it was DOSBox cycles related and discovered that the cycles count did NOT make a difference. :P

MMaximus wrote:

I have been watching some of your episodes covering games that I like, and found out that you quite often rate them negatively or tear them apart. Which is a shame because I think you have really good production values, something that can't be said about many youtubers. You probably don't need to spend so much time exposing minor "faults" in your average review - why not ditch some of the negativity, and end up with videos that would be shorter and more enjoyable to watch? :happy:

I'm not usually trying to be negative, though I understand it comes across this way sometimes due to my low-pitched voice, I just try to be logical and point out technical things. I never give numerical scores to things because often times, even if I don't personally enjoy something I recognize that others might given how something plays, which is how I choose which groups of people to recommend the game towards.

I also refuse to become the kind of person who gives nothing but positive praise of retro games due to the love of retro gaming because almost every retro game has issues, even by comparison to what else was out at the time. Examples of games I love which are extremely good but which I still wouldn't be afraid to nitpick on a technical level include Metroid II, RoboTrek, Final Fantasy IV, as well as some upcoming DOS titles. Just because I tear into a game doesn't mean I think it's bad or that I don't enjoy it, I just don't give games a free pass simply because they're retro. ;)

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2790 of 3355, by konc

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Rank l33t
Gemini000 wrote:

I'm not usually trying to be negative, though I understand it comes across this way sometimes due to my low-pitched voice, I just try to be logical and point out technical things. I never give numerical scores to things because often times, even if I don't personally enjoy something I recognize that others might given how something plays, which is how I choose which groups of people to recommend the game towards.

As I also mentioned jokingly earlier in this thread, there is an impression that lately you're a bit harsh on everything. I don't think anyone believes you're trying to be negative, but apparently more people are noticing it too.

You said something very important here:

Gemini000 wrote:

I also refuse to become the kind of person who gives nothing but positive praise of retro games due to the love of retro gaming because almost every retro game has issues, even by comparison to what else was out at the time.

As much as I agree with the first part, the text in bold is what personally made me to comment. Maybe taking more into consideration the context of the game, what else was around at that time, what was seen as "perfect" and similar things would do more justice to it. Of course it's only my point of view and your show, if you prefer judging a game by different/today's standards I can't complain. I'm only pointing out what, in my opinion, triggered some messages in this thread and surfacing it as a possible point for consideration.

Reply 2791 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Rank l33t
konc wrote:

You said something very important here:

Gemini000 wrote:

I also refuse to become the kind of person who gives nothing but positive praise of retro games due to the love of retro gaming because almost every retro game has issues, even by comparison to what else was out at the time.

As much as I agree with the first part, the text in bold is what personally made me to comment. Maybe taking more into consideration the context of the game, what else was around at that time, what was seen as "perfect" and similar things would do more justice to it. Of course it's only my point of view and your show, if you prefer judging a game by different/today's standards I can't complain. I'm only pointing out what, in my opinion, triggered some messages in this thread and surfacing it as a possible point for consideration.

I thought I was...? *confused*

...the only thing which occurs to me from what you just said, taking into account the points of what I said, I think what might be happening here is a disconnect between me and the viewer due to compression. "Compression" in a speech sense is when you try to fit more meaning to what you're saying into fewer words. My brain does this automatically because my background in making games (even if not commercially successful ones up to now) dictates a certain logic behind compressing what I say, but maybe I'm OVER-compressing and missing important connections as a result? :o

...that might not make any sense, so let me exemplify my thinking here using two games: Mario 64 and Bubsy 3D

The Comparison
Mario 64: You're able to move in any direction freely. Mario automatically turns to face the direction you move in.
Bubsy 3D: You can only move forwards and backwards. To adjust your angle, you turn Bubsy left and right.

What I Would Typically Say
"Bubsy 3D doesn't have nearly the same level of control found in other 3D platformers of the time. For example, in Bubsy 3D, you're not able to move freely in any direction. You can move forwards and backwards but you're not able to strafe or otherwise move diagonally. Instead, you have turning controls to turn left and right. This severely limits the player's ability to go where they want to go."

What I'm Actually TRYING to Say
"Bubsy 3D doesn't have nearly the same level of control found in other 3D platformers of the time. For example, in contrast to a game like Mario 64 where you can move freely in any direction you want, in Bubsy 3D, you can move forwards and backwards but you're not able to strafe or otherwise move diagonally. Instead, you have turning controls to turn left and right. This severely limits the player's ability to go where they want to go."

...to me, mentally, these two statements I just wrote are identical, but... one actually comes across far more clearly than the other, doesn't it? Despite being only slightly different and slightly less compressed.

This may indeed be something I need to work on in terms of my own scripting is decompressing some of what I'm trying to say, particularly when nitpicking the various design aspects of games.

Anyone want to help confirm or negate my reasoning here? I'm really just guessing that this is a part of what's going on!

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2792 of 3355, by clueless1

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Rank l33t
Gemini000 wrote:

Anyone want to help confirm or negate my reasoning here? I'm really just guessing that this is a part of what's going on!

I don't think that's what's going on, at least from my perspective. I may not have explicitly said so, but I do agree with the others here about the increasingly negative tone in your reviews. It's off-putting from my perspective. It's actually as much your tone as it is your actual words, and I don't recall hearing that tone in your early reviews from years back. You come off (IMO) as jaded and annoyed, and criticisms seem to get much more airplay (even if they are only nitpicks) than positive statements. And when you do make positive statements, they seem to come off with an attitude/snarkiness that again is off-putting. You know how some people tend to be "bubble bursters", always cutting down any positive statement with a "Yeah, but..." negative counter-argument? That's how I imagine you'd be if I met you at a party. At least the you from recent reviews. Maybe not the you from early reviews.

Another thing I feel I need to mention, your basically calling keropi (a longtime respected member of this forum who's watched your videos from the beginning) a troll kind of illustrates my point about your negativity and "bubble bursting" attitude.

I apologize if my words are offensive to you, but you did ask for feedback on what we thought was going on. I'm just one viewer, and as such my words are my opinion alone.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
Let's benchmark our systems with cache disabled
DOS PCI Graphics Card Benchmarks

Reply 2793 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Rank l33t
clueless1 wrote:

I don't think that's what's going on, at least from my perspective. I may not have explicitly said so, but I do agree with the others here about the increasingly negative tone in your reviews. It's off-putting from my perspective. It's actually as much your tone as it is your actual words, and I don't recall hearing that tone in your early reviews from years back. You come off (IMO) as jaded and annoyed, and criticisms seem to get much more airplay (even if they are only nitpicks) than positive statements. And when you do make positive statements, they seem to come off with an attitude/snarkiness that again is off-putting. You know how some people tend to be "bubble bursters", always cutting down any positive statement with a "Yeah, but..." negative counter-argument? That's how I imagine you'd be if I met you at a party. At least the you from recent reviews. Maybe not the you from early reviews.

I'm trying to think how things may've changed since then because I personally don't see a change like that... If anything, I've gotten better at articulating the points I want to make as I kind of rambled a bit with my earlier reviews and didn't have much focus.

I will say though that I probably haven't been choosing my games well this year as I had higher expectations for both The Dig and Alien Breed. Starting off with The Dig probably set the wrong tone for the season because that game in particular was extraordinarily difficult to articulate my thoughts on and led to people telling me I "shouldn't even be playing those kinds of games because I don't enjoy them", when I've had positive reviews of SEVERAL inventory adventure titles in the past. As for Alien Breed, the DOS version was clearly inferior to the Amiga version, but it still led to a few shattered opinions and people trying to call me out on missing mechanics which were present in the Amiga version... but not present in the DOS version so... yeah. :/

Rebel Assault and Mega Man X I fully expected to be bad, though I wasn't sure how bad. ZZT and Mean 18 I already knew were decent and I did my best to reflect their strengths and weaknesses. Jill of the Jungle I had no idea as I had never played it before and had to spend a lot of research on that one in terms of the version differences and such.

...yeah, I really don't know what it is that's different now than in the past... Maybe my mic? I know with earlier mics my voice seemed very-slightly higher pitched than it actually is.

clueless1 wrote:

Another thing I feel I need to mention, your basically calling keropi (a longtime respected member of this forum who's watched your videos from the beginning) a troll kind of illustrates my point about your negativity and "bubble bursting" attitude.

You can be a longtime respected member of anything and still royally screw up. I mean geeze, he not only somehow managed to forget that I had already reviewed Doom, and Duke Nukem 3D, AND Rise of the Triad, while using my past comments as ammunition to fuel his arguments against me, but then also said I abandoned my game project for ad revenue when in fact I make PEANUTS on ad revenue and actually did complete two games in my most recent project and made them available for EVERYONE to download and play for free because I didn't have the time anymore to make the project as a whole work from a financial standpoint, not to mention past projects I HAVE completed... I mean geeze, if you're going to insult someone at least have your facts straight!

I could've just ignored him entirely. I made one comment about how I didn't want to nix the nostalgia factor of the FM synth music found in many games and he just EXPLODED at me! I could've ignored him from that point onward, but instead I tried to explain my logic better, calmly and collectedly... and instead of listening to me or even ignoring me he WENT OUT OF HIS WAY to tell me he wasn't going to read my response, as if to throw my logic in my face and claim superiority over me. If THAT'S not trolling behaviour I apparently dunno what is. :P

Actually, that's something that really bothers me too is when people criticise my game design skills simply on the grounds of my not making decent money off of them... That's kind of an insult to every dev who's ever focussed specifically on freeware; there's some SERIOUSLY talented coders out there who've never made a dime off their work. :/

clueless1 wrote:

I apologize if my words are offensive to you, but you did ask for feedback on what we thought was going on. I'm just one viewer, and as such my words are my opinion alone.

Not offensive, just confusing. I still can't figure out what it is I'm doing different from before.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2794 of 3355, by Gemini000

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Rank l33t

...I have an idea... *heads over to The Milliways to start a new thread*

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 2795 of 3355, by clueless1

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Gemini000 wrote:

I'm trying to think how things may've changed since then because I personally don't see a change like that... If anything, I've gotten better at articulating the points I want to make as I kind of rambled a bit with my earlier reviews and didn't have much focus.

It sounds like you're focusing exclusively on your technique. I think technically you're fine. The negativity I hear seems to come from a change in attitude. That's well beyond the scope of what we can talk about here, but maybe if you focus on life changes that might be affecting your attitude, you can make some headway.

...yeah, I really don't know what it is that's different now than in the past... Maybe my mic? I know with earlier mics my voice seemed very-slightly higher pitched than it actually is.

IMO it has nothing to do with your mic. See my comments above.

You can be a longtime respected member of anything and still royally screw up. I mean geeze, he not only somehow managed to forget that I had already reviewed Doom, and Duke Nukem 3D, AND Rise of the Triad, while using my past comments as ammunition to fuel his arguments against me, but then also said I abandoned my game project for ad revenue when in fact I make PEANUTS on ad revenue and actually did complete two games in my most recent project and made them available for EVERYONE to download and play for free because I didn't have the time anymore to make the project as a whole work from a financial standpoint, not to mention past projects I HAVE completed... I mean geeze, if you're going to insult someone at least have your facts straight!.

Regardless, rather than taking the high road, you responded vengefully:

HOWEVER, now that you've stooped to spouting outright lies about me, it's time to take you to the cleaners! >:|

I think all you'll manage to accomplish is escalate the argument and alienate at least some of the Vogons members who watch your channel.

You're getting feedback from your target audience (I'm assuming Vogons members are part of your target audience or this thread wouldn't exist). I would imagine that's pretty important to you. How you choose to respond to that feedback can say as much as your content itself.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 2797 of 3355, by konc

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clueless1 wrote:

You're getting feedback from your target audience (I'm assuming Vogons members are part of your target audience or this thread wouldn't exist). I would imagine that's pretty important to you. How you choose to respond to that feedback can say as much as your content itself.

That's the spirit exactly. A native English speaker phrased this way better that I could ever do (grateful that you did). Some people felt a change, it's posted, discussion is going on, everything properly done.

Gemini000 wrote:

...and actually did complete two games in my most recent project and made them available for EVERYONE to download and play for free because I didn't have the time anymore to make the project as a whole work from a financial standpoint, not to mention past projects I HAVE completed...

Just my point of view on this: Changing the oil of your car doesn't make you a car mechanic, cooking your own meals doesn't make you a chef, creating a game doesn't make you a game dev.

Reply 2799 of 3355, by konc

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luckybob wrote:
konc wrote:

creating a game doesn't make you a game dev.

wait... what?

🤣 Yeah, I get it. My bad. Let me counter-"attack" with "cooking a meal=chef"