Reply 1240 of 2122, by RetroGamer4Ever
MIDI files play perfectly with no errors, but no audio is rendered by VMS/Bass MIDI. Output is WASAPI (to HD Digital Audio Device) through the Bass MIDI config in the player and nothing special in the VMS Settings for output. Rate is 48khz. I get the same problem using VMS in the Output selection and CoolSoft MIDI Mapper doesn't give anything either when selected. Only the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth provides working audio. Even when I quit the player and start a new instance, there's still no sound. Soundfont is pre-loaded in both VMS and the player Bass MIDI settings. I tested Windows Media Player and had no audio with the VMS, until I quit the player and started a new instance after changing the VMS to the GS Wavetable Synth and back to VMS. I just got the player to work with the MIDI mapper by quitting and restarting VMS, so the issue seems to be caused by something there. I'm using the latest version of both the player and VMS on a 6-core Windows 10 system, with the latest regular updates and 64GB of dual-channel RAM.