Do you prefer "Objectively fast" over "Properly dated"?

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Reply 100 of 109, by j^aws

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^^ I suggest you get some reading comprehension glasses and actually try to understand what someone is trying to say before making up stuff. Builds have pros and cons. You are highlighting cons in my build, and I'm highlighting cons in your build. We have different goals. Look up counter-argument, instead of accusatory 'moving goal posts' comments and move on.

Reply 101 of 109, by Scali

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j^aws wrote:

^^ I suggest you get some reading comprehension glasses and actually try to understand what someone is trying to say before making up stuff. Builds have pros and cons. You are highlighting cons in my build, and I'm highlighting cons in your build. We have different goals. Look up counter-argument, instead of accusatory 'moving goal posts' comments and move on.

Before you start accusing people, take your own advice:
You are 'inventing' cons which aren't actually cons, because I have specifically stated that I would ideally want a 'period correct' machine for every piece of software I want to run.
Now, your example of an XT running Duke Nukem 3D is ridiculous for the simple fact that the XT is from a different period than Duke Nukem 3D is. Based on my earlier definition, I would never even try to run Duke Nuken 3D on an XT in the first place.
This sort of thing annoys me, you understand? You are being argumentative, and putting words in my mouth, which you expect I respond to. It's not a counter-argument, it's a strawman. Which is poor form in a debate.

In my case, I am pointing out that some of the things you push as 'pros' may not actually work out as you claim in practice. Those are proper counter-arguments, which I have explained with actual examples and data.

Now, if you would say: "But your goals may require many machines", I would say: I've already answered that. End of discussion. Stop dwelling on it.

Last edited by Scali on 2016-12-09, 11:57. Edited 1 time in total.

http://scalibq.wordpress.com/just-keeping-it- … ro-programming/

Reply 102 of 109, by feipoa

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The conversation between Scali and j^aws reminds me a lot of this,

The attachment Chewbacca_defense.jpg is no longer available

It does not make sense!

Last edited by feipoa on 2016-12-10, 04:09. Edited 2 times in total.

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 103 of 109, by y2k se

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I prefer to play old DOS/Win95/Win98 games on my current systems (through updated source ports and/or DOSBox) but the old racing sims don't work well with my current controllers. So, I went "objectively fast" as my retro system is built for those old racing sims. Racing sims will take all the CPU they can get and the other titles I might play on it aren't adversely affected by the extra speed. The only real requirement was an ISA sound card for maximum compatibility with DOS sound and a game-port for the controller. I chose the motherboard and sound card then tried to maximize the other parts around them.

Tualatin Celeron 1.4 + Powerleap PL-IP3/T, ASUS P2B, 256 MB RAM, GeForce 4 Ti 4200, Voodoo2 SLI, AWE64, 32GB IDE SSD, Dell 2001FP

Reply 104 of 109, by j^aws

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Scali wrote:
Before you start accusing people, take your own advice: You are 'inventing' cons which aren't actually cons, because I have spec […]
Show full quote
j^aws wrote:

^^ I suggest you get some reading comprehension glasses and actually try to understand what someone is trying to say before making up stuff. Builds have pros and cons. You are highlighting cons in my build, and I'm highlighting cons in your build. We have different goals. Look up counter-argument, instead of accusatory 'moving goal posts' comments and move on.

Before you start accusing people, take your own advice:
You are 'inventing' cons which aren't actually cons, because I have specifically stated that I would ideally want a 'period correct' machine for every piece of software I want to run.
Now, your example of an XT running Duke Nukem 3D is ridiculous for the simple fact that the XT is from a different period than Duke Nukem 3D is. Based on my earlier definition, I would never even try to run Duke Nuken 3D on an XT in the first place.
This sort of thing annoys me, you understand? You are being argumentative, and putting words in my mouth, which you expect I respond to. It's not a counter-argument, it's a strawman. Which is poor form in a debate.

In my case, I am pointing out that some of the things you push as 'pros' may not actually work out as you claim in practice. Those are proper counter-arguments, which I have explained with actual examples and data.

Now, if you would say: "But your goals may require many machines", I would say: I've already answered that. End of discussion. Stop dwelling on it.

If something isn't clear then just ask. But don't accuse someone before this. And actually think that the person you are replying to might be aware of what you are posting and you are annoying them by not reading their previous response.

But let me explain the Duke Nukem 3D example, so you know what I meant by posting it (it was meant to be ridiculous to get the point accoss):

- I'm more than aware that you want to make multiple builds. I entered this thread knowing this for your 'museum'.
- You should be aware that I don't want to make multiple builds and have fewer, as I mentioned wayback that there should be a 3rd option in this thread: "Widest scope".

- I've acknowledged that builds aren't perfect, backwards compatibility isn't perfect and builds have pros and cons.
- You were trying to explain my De-Turbo'ed XT won't run all XT software. I'm more than aware of this, and my prior post acknowledged this.

- My De-Turbo'd PC won't run all XT software, therefore to fix this, I need new XT build (extra build = Con to me).
- I already know you will have multiple builds to run something like Duke 3D. Asking you to try this on your XT was highlighting the absurdity of this. But at the same time, this is a PRO for me because my build can do this.

A Pro to you can be a Con to me because we have DIFFERENT goals. Move on.

Reply 105 of 109, by Scali

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j^aws wrote:

If something isn't clear then just ask. But don't accuse someone before this.

Everything is crystal-clear to me. The fact that you started throwing accusations around, and that you refuse to move on by just posting again and again, with more personal digs and accusations. Your posts have nothing of value, everything you say has been said before many times already. Leaving only the personal digs and accusations. Stop doing that (and again, I have said this many times before already, but you keep going anyway).

http://scalibq.wordpress.com/just-keeping-it- … ro-programming/

Reply 106 of 109, by j^aws

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Rank Oldbie

^^Sure, it all makes sense now.

Reply 107 of 109, by tayyare

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chinny22 wrote:

I prefer sentimental!

I do that, too. My 386SX-16 is almost complete replica of my first PC, and my 386DX-40 is built like the one I always wanted but never had during the times. They were both extremely fun projects, but after a few attempts for "playing around", now they are just collecting dust. All the games I played on them in the past (and much more) are also playable in my Pentium MMX build.

Geforce4 Ti 4200 64MB
Diamond Monster 3D 12MB SLI
120GB IDE Samsung/80GB IDE Seagate/146GB SCSI Compaq/73GB SCSI IBM
Adaptec AHA29160
3com 3C905B-TX
Gotek+CF Reader
MSDOS 6.22+Win 3.11/95 OSR2.1/98SE/ME/2000

Reply 108 of 109, by tayyare

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Rank Oldbie
j^aws wrote:

...I suggest you get some reading comprehension glasses ...

Are those new? My simple old school glasses only makes letters a bit bigger. If there are new ones that help me comprehend better, too, I want one! 🤣

Sorry, couldn't resist 😊

Last edited by tayyare on 2016-12-20, 08:48. Edited 1 time in total.

Geforce4 Ti 4200 64MB
Diamond Monster 3D 12MB SLI
120GB IDE Samsung/80GB IDE Seagate/146GB SCSI Compaq/73GB SCSI IBM
Adaptec AHA29160
3com 3C905B-TX
Gotek+CF Reader
MSDOS 6.22+Win 3.11/95 OSR2.1/98SE/ME/2000

Reply 109 of 109, by Tetrium

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386SX wrote:
Tetrium wrote:
PeterLI wrote:

I prefer games to work smoothly. 😀

True, but if a game doesn't work smoothly on any particular rig, I'd just build an additional faster one anyway 😁

Also the nice thing is really when they don't run smoothly so you have a reason to upgrade again and again.. it's boring when a game run fast at highest levels at the first build. 🤣

I actually like trying out games on systems that are having a bit of a hard time running it.
I think this is also a funnest way to test stability 😁

386SX wrote:

The "proprietary" thing back then was something bad for the final customer that need a replace part but one thing I like back then is the number of alternatives with hundreds of pc builders with many different combination of parts even if/when proprietary. You'd never know if you'd find another pc like yours around.
Nowdays it seem that the whole integration-apu-smartphone-like-services concept is step by step making the pc platform a bit boring and plug&pay.

There's lots of different sockets these days, but not really that much difference between them (yes I'm looking mostly at you, Intel, 🤣).

And it seems like maybe this objectively proper thread got dated fast.

But I really liked it otherwise though, but oh well.

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