First post, by liqmat

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Rank l33t

Is Muz some kind of moderator sick joke here at Vogons? Seriously asking this.

Just inane comment after inane comment and yes, many of the posts get locked, but why is this still going on?

Last edited by liqmat on 2019-04-03, 23:02. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 1 of 17, by root42

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Rank l33t

Disclaimer: I am not sure about this and am no medical doctor. But I have met quite a bit of people who struggled with mental illnesses. And my gut says that we have someone like that here. I might be wrong and he might be a troll, but gut feeling says no.

Cutting off those people, because they are inconvenient, does not help but rather hurt. My advice: you don’t have to read the posts. You don’t have to help. The mods will moderate. I don’t think you need to be bothered by the posts. Just ignore the posts and read the other stuff.

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Reply 2 of 17, by badmojo

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Rank l33t

He’s not hurting anyone, and 1 in 20 posts he gets an interesting discussion going. My only concern is that it’s JadeFalcon playing the long game 😵

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 3 of 17, by Errius

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Rank l33t

Aren't most people on this forum nuts? Maybe Muz should collect a hundred different variants of a particular graphics card, because that's clearly the height of sanity.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 4 of 17, by liqmat

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Rank l33t
badmojo wrote:

He’s not hurting anyone, and 1 in 20 posts he gets an interesting discussion going. My only concern is that it’s JadeFalcon playing the long game 😵

This is exactly my thought. Jade Falcon is back at it again.

Errius wrote:

...collect a hundred different variants of a particular graphics card, because that's clearly the height of sanity.

That comment right there is damn funny, but true. Touché.

Last edited by liqmat on 2019-04-03, 20:53. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 17, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
Errius wrote:

Aren't most people on this forum nuts? Maybe Muz should collect a hundred different variants of a particular graphics card, because that's clearly the height of sanity.

You leave me out of this! Only mine is more sound card related. But I do have multiple large storage bins of video cards as well. 🤣

Still.. MUZ generally only asks questions that are completely irrelevant to anything that this forum is about.

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Reply 7 of 17, by liqmat

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Rank l33t
Dominus wrote:

Please don't gang up on a user. Bring it to the mods attention and trust them to look into it.

I am not ganging up on anyone, but it's ridiculous posts from this "user" that baffles me as to why it's allowed to continue? Especially after mods have locked multiple threads started by said user.

Reply 8 of 17, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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Rank l33t

Think of Muz as our collective piece of flaky retro - you know its broken but you dont't know why / every time you try to figure it out it does something else weird but in a kinda different way / you tell yourself that next time its going in the bin, but you never do 'cause secretly you think that one day you'll beat it at its own game and be able to fix it.

The attachment MUZ.jpg is no longer available

Reply 9 of 17, by retardware

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Rank Oldbie

What I like about this forum is that (almost) all members are friendly nuts, at least to some degree (including myself!).
For me, this makes for a big portion of its "charme".

It is a common contemporary era sickness that people get offended easily.
Especially if somebody talks about things about which many people stay quiet because they feel uncomfortable being confronted with. And this is what I like about Muz.
Nobody is forced to read what triggers him/herself.

So my suggestion:
Isn't there some "ignore" function in phpBB that can assist people who get triggered or offended easily by one or the other forum member?
Maybe it should be enabled to allow for easy filtering for people who want/need this?

Reply 10 of 17, by rmay635703

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Rank Oldbie

I’ve honestly never noticed his posts until now

What is up besides being confusing is harmless

Reply 11 of 17, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
rmay635703 wrote:

I’ve honestly never noticed his posts until now

What is up besides being confusing is harmless

Generally there are somewhat firm rules about staying on-topic on forums.. whether written or just understood.

What MUZ is doing is pretty much just really, really bad etiquette and can be considered rude in this respect.

People come here to talk about computer stuff. MUZ just posts trash posts for the most part that have nothing to do with anything that goes on here.

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Reply 12 of 17, by retardware

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Rank Oldbie

Yes, this is the problem.
Muz' posts are often not strictly technical, but a bit wider, touching psychological aspects too (which is unconfortable to many people).

I really miss an "offtopic" area on Vogons, like many technical forums have, which would allow talking about non-strictly-technical stuff.

Reply 13 of 17, by BinaryDemon

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Rank Oldbie

I think sometimes you guys overreact to Muz. Occasionally I have found him posting about something that interests me, only to see the thread locked before any real discussion can begin. Is it really that difficult ignore his posts?

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Reply 14 of 17, by doaks80

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root42 wrote:

Cutting off those people, because they are inconvenient, does not help but rather hurt.

It would help us.

root42 wrote:

My advice: you don’t have to read the posts.

You could say the same about every piece of spam.

My problem is not that people who know he is a troll is annoyed by him, but new users might take him seriously (as at a glance his inane posts might seems reasonable), and end up falling into the spiders trap and wasting their own time. This leaves a negative impression of the forum on naive users.

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Reply 15 of 17, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t
BinaryDemon wrote:

I think sometimes you guys overreact to Muz. Occasionally I have found him posting about something that interests me, only to see the thread locked before any real discussion can begin. Is it really that difficult ignore his posts?


He isn't harmful.

Reply 16 of 17, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

Yes and his weird questions are more often on topic than not, even if weird.
The whole retro stuff used to be off topic here 😉

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Reply 17 of 17, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

And really, I feel uncomfortable discussing a user in this way. Yes, comment on his threads if you don't like it, but a thread about any user is taking it too far.
Bring up your grievance with a moderator or Qbix directly in private messages not this.
I've asked Qbix to step in here because I don't want to be the one closing it

Edit: decided to close it. The more I think about it the more uncomfortable I am with this.
If any other moderator or Qbix decides to reopen it, no problem with me.

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