dgVodooo 2.7.x and related WIP versions (2)

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Reply 80 of 237, by lowenz

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🤣, found a workaround: just force the UHD 750 as the GPU for the ut2004 exe in Windows.

Wonder why this is NOT needed for Unreal 2, Unreal 2 XMP and Pariah. Somehow UT 2004 sees the GeForce and want to run on that GPU through dgVoodoo2 too (and dgVoodoo2 *correctly* does't even list the GeForce) and of course is not possible in FL12 mode being a FL 11 GPU.
Hence the start up crash.

The OS-level forcing just solves the issue.

Reply 81 of 237, by Dege

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I had some cumulated minor fixings, now I've released them:

dgVoodoo 2.77:

- D3D8/9 fixings:
* Fixing an incompatibility of creating additional swapchains (Overlord 2)
* Implementing missing MSAA subpixel masking
* Implementing missing centroid modifier for ps2/3 input registers
* Fixing a bug in user ptr Draw-calls (Halo 2)
* Some new debug layer messages
- Adding virtual card Geforce 9800 GT to have one that is still D3D9.0c compatible but more practical because does not support all features like the default internal one (Overlord2, Raiden 3, ...)
- Fixing Glide3+ bugs (SurRender3D engine with Glide3)
- Fixing a DDraw blitter bug (Esk Emotion)


Halo2 works but the menu screen is full of ants on nVidia. 😁 I don't know why, it shouldn't be. The reference rasterizer and Intel is working. 🤔

Reply 82 of 237, by lowenz

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Oh, finally a "real-virtual d3d9" GPU 😁 (why not the 7900 but a dx10-class GPU?)

Reply 83 of 237, by lowenz

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About the *old* 2.76.1 I get this strange behaviour in Pariah with DX11, *NOT* present in DX12

DX11 (no action, just looking)

DX11 (after the execution of the blur effect/shader, activated by the sprint button, things go normal but just take a 360° turn and here come again)

The problem is of course the framerate (looking at the tower just @the starting point, near the vehicle, not even sprinting)

Last edited by lowenz on 2021-12-07, 20:32. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 84 of 237, by lowenz

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Addendum: issue is present in 2.77 release too!

D3D11 affected, D3D12 FL 11 not!

Reply 85 of 237, by lowenz

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Parhelia Reef Demo bug in 2.77: sometimes it crashes at start.

EDIT: cleared the shaders cache, no more crashes.

Reply 86 of 237, by KainXVIII

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Thanks for new release!
PS - i have a question about integer scaler in dgv, for example when i tried it in Quest for Glory 5 mouse cursor become unusable/misaligned, any way to fix this??

Reply 87 of 237, by lowenz

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Another example of D3D11 "frametime impulse train"

Original D3D8


DGV D3D12 (no issue)

Reply 88 of 237, by lowenz

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Stupid bug in the lastest WIP about the dgv watermark.

If you create a NEW conf file or modify and OLD conf file ticking the watermark option.....there's no way to remove it in-game, it lasts forever!

Please dege, double-check the configurator (how it creates the conf files) AND the libraries (how they interpret them).

Reply 89 of 237, by Dege

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For the DX11 thing, I don't have idea. If you could share a savegame for the locations I could check it out.

For the config, is it really a WIP version? WIP's configuration and versioning is not necessarily compatible with released versions, in fact, usually you can only use a WIP with its own configurator.

Reply 90 of 237, by Dege

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KainXVIII wrote on 2021-12-08, 08:04:

Thanks for new release!
PS - i have a question about integer scaler in dgv, for example when i tried it in Quest for Glory 5 mouse cursor become unusable/misaligned, any way to fix this??

And this is only an issue with integer scaling? Isn't it with, say, a plain resolution forcing?

Reply 91 of 237, by lowenz

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Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:31:

For the config, is it really a WIP version? WIP's configuration and versioning is not necessarily compatible with released versions, in fact, usually you can only use a WIP with its own configurator.

The problem is in the 2.77 version (delete the conf and recreate it through the configurator), and NOT in the configurator or the file itself (file is correctly written as a text and you can read it and see "false") so it's how the DLL reads the file and shows the watermark (being "false" the entry in the conf).

Reply 92 of 237, by lowenz

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Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:31:

For the DX11 thing, I don't have idea. If you could share a savegame for the locations I could check it out.

It's just the starting point of the Communication Tower.

Reply 93 of 237, by KainXVIII

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Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:32:
KainXVIII wrote on 2021-12-08, 08:04:

Thanks for new release!
PS - i have a question about integer scaler in dgv, for example when i tried it in Quest for Glory 5 mouse cursor become unusable/misaligned, any way to fix this??

And this is only an issue with integer scaling? Isn't it with, say, a plain resolution forcing?

I only tested integer scaling in QFG5 without resolution scaling (unforced in settings), i don't know what i changed but now cursor is acting like normal but its smaller copy is still showing sometimes 🤣
PS - don't mind the resolution of the attachment (its actually in 2x integer scale), its just how i capture it with shadowplay..

The attachment qfg5.jpg is no longer available

Reply 94 of 237, by Dege

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lowenz wrote on 2021-12-12, 18:18:
Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:31:

For the config, is it really a WIP version? WIP's configuration and versioning is not necessarily compatible with released versions, in fact, usually you can only use a WIP with its own configurator.

The problem is in the 2.77 version (delete the conf and recreate it through the configurator), and NOT in the configurator or the file itself (file is correctly written as a text and you can read it and see "false") so it's how the DLL reads the file and shows the watermark (being "false" the entry in the conf).

Are you sure you aren't having another dgVoodoo dll with a previous version there? Or sg like that?
The dlls and the Cpl use the same lib for reading/writing the config file, so, if the Cpl can read back the written config, then the dlls should do too.
I did a quick try with 2.77 and the watermark was gone when I disabled it.
Btw, the dbg versions of the dll's and the Cpl reports where they read the config from, the version, etc.

Reply 95 of 237, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie

Damn, it's a leftover of the 2.76! Thanks!

Reply 96 of 237, by Dege

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Rank l33t

I release my newest fixes for testing:


Changes compared to v2.77

- Implementing D3D9 API extensions for alpha-to-coverage and supersampling (nvidia/ATI)
* supersampling needs at least FL10.1
- Fixing a DDraw blitter bug (Des Blood 4)
- Removing support for colorkey blending with GF virtual cards (Interact Play)
- Fixing a D3D alpha transparency bug (Interact Play)


Reply 97 of 237, by Dege

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Rank l33t
KainXVIII wrote on 2021-12-12, 18:20:
I only tested integer scaling in QFG5 without resolution scaling (unforced in settings), i don't know what i changed but now cur […]
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Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:32:
KainXVIII wrote on 2021-12-08, 08:04:

Thanks for new release!
PS - i have a question about integer scaler in dgv, for example when i tried it in Quest for Glory 5 mouse cursor become unusable/misaligned, any way to fix this??

And this is only an issue with integer scaling? Isn't it with, say, a plain resolution forcing?

I only tested integer scaling in QFG5 without resolution scaling (unforced in settings), i don't know what i changed but now cursor is acting like normal but its smaller copy is still showing sometimes 🤣
PS - don't mind the resolution of the attachment (its actually in 2x integer scale), its just how i capture it with shadowplay..

Actually, the cursor indeed does not appear at the expected location with integer scaling...
I've just run into it, and fixed.

Reply 98 of 237, by KainXVIII

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Dege wrote on 2021-12-20, 15:37:
KainXVIII wrote on 2021-12-12, 18:20:
I only tested integer scaling in QFG5 without resolution scaling (unforced in settings), i don't know what i changed but now cur […]
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Dege wrote on 2021-12-12, 16:32:

And this is only an issue with integer scaling? Isn't it with, say, a plain resolution forcing?

I only tested integer scaling in QFG5 without resolution scaling (unforced in settings), i don't know what i changed but now cursor is acting like normal but its smaller copy is still showing sometimes 🤣
PS - don't mind the resolution of the attachment (its actually in 2x integer scale), its just how i capture it with shadowplay..

Actually, the cursor indeed does not appear at the expected location with integer scaling...
I've just run into it, and fixed.

Excellent! 😤

Reply 99 of 237, by Dege

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Rank l33t


- Some internal refactoring
- A DX Draw bug fixed in the D3D12 backend
- A bug in sw buffer usage is fixed for D3D8/9 software vertex processing (Everquest 1999)
- Emulated cursor appeared at wrong place with integer scaling, fixed
- Improving GDI hooking (MCI video player) (Age Of Empires 2)
- A workaround-fix for clearing integer format RTV's through AMD D3D11 drivers (issue introduced with dgv 2.74)


see AMD issues with dgVoodoo why I'm basically releasing this