As mentioned in some of the last few posts, I'm going to make some big changes to the project document, including:
- A list of devices covered and who's covering them
- A change, SC-55 mode compatibility is now being moved to the "SC-88+" side of the project, since the waveforms are different and it will confuse the issue if alongside actual SC-55's (for those who don't know, the SC-88 and beyond do NOT have the same SC-55 samples)
- A comprehensive update for the new devices, and most of their DAC's
- Files to record - there will be a section for GM and GS files for both categories (SC-55, SC-88+). I'll be using official Roland GM/GS files for this project, and when the GM project is introduced, GM gaming tracks will (hopefully) be recorded from the Roland devices for that project.
The changes will be tomorrow, and I'll post here.
Please note 1: If you have a device already represented by the project - we want your recording anyway! Since most people have different hardware/software setups, we want duplicate recordings to lessen the effect of such differences, and focus on how Sound Canvas variants sound different themselves (e.g., SC-55 vs SC-55mkII).
Please note 2: For the purposes of this project, a "Sound Canvas" is a Roland device (with the exception of the Boss branded Boss DR-330, and devices that specifically have GS compatibility such as the Korg NS5R/NX5R/N1R and Yamaha MU series) that:
- has the following sample sets:
SC-55: either a SC-55 GS sample set (128 GM tones, with 98 Roland GS tones and 128 MT-32 tones added on top); a SC-50 GS sample set (128 GM tones and 98 GS, no MT-32); and in some cases, a SC-7 GM sample set (128 GM tones only).
SC-88+: SC-88 or beyond sample set, including SC-55 compatibility modes - SC-88, SC-88Pro, SC-8820, SC-8850 and *any* equivalents. Also included are Roland devices with SC-55 compatibility modes (whether called as such or not) using a SC-55 sample set that are GM only (e.g. Roland INTEGRA-7).
- is not necessarily called a "Sound Canvas" - for example, a Roland JV-50 is a SC-50 in a keyboard with some upgraded audio hardware, and a Roland VA-7 keyboard is a more modern touchscreen arranger, using the SC-8820/50 sample set with some additional waveforms and most of the SC-8820/50 audio hardware.
So don't be put off about "what is included" or "what's been recorded". I'll let you know if something falls out of the purview, and if it does, chances are I'll want it for the later coming GM project anyway. 😀