linedef-5 wrote on 2022-09-24, 04:43:This is a great piece of software, thanks for your efforts. I have a couple questions: […]
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This is a great piece of software, thanks for your efforts. I have a couple questions:
1. What is the criteria you use for labeling a midi file GM, GS, XG, etc.? I have some midi files that use GS percussion (keys > #81 or < #35) but still show up as GM in the playlist. Is it because there's no way to tell if it's GS or XG percussion? It would be great if I could catch those files.
2. When I was troubleshooting something else and monitoring the midi output, I noticed FSMP sends a set of reset CC# messages plus a SysEx reset if one is selected. But the set of messages is different for each reset type (No SysEx, GM, GS, etc.). For example, sometimes a bank msb/lsb is sent, but other times they're not. What is the reasoning for the different reset messages?
Thank you!
1. This is based solely on SysEx messages. More detailed info:
Re: Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
2. Not exactly, the always sent controller messages are the same for GM/GM2/GS/XG. The main difference is the sent SxsEx message (GM On, GM2 On, GS Reset, XG Reset respectively). To ensure that even synths that do not support the selected Sysex reset type get a reasonable starting default , default instrument set, All Notes Off etc. messages are always sent. (If you want to send only the selected SysEx messages you should use the Custom SysEx option and select GM_ON.syx, GS_ON.syx etc.)
The No SysEx option is somewhat different, it sends some more non-SysEx messages for synths that do not support SysEx resets at all.
It's mainly for Creative cards, FM Synths etc. E.g. SB Live! does not support GM/GS Resets but supports banks so default Bank controllers are sent.
It's true for all reset options that the overall sent Controller and Note off messages can vary depending on the current state of the synth.
If a previously played Midi modified e.g. controllers 64, 91,93 then default values for these controllers are also sent.
If a played Midi sent some Note On messages without corresponding Note Offs then missing Note Offs are also sent.