Slot A: Aiming for the stars

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Reply 40 of 78, by STX

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My Slot A Ironbridge system currently has a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP. I will be able to submit some 3DMark scores with it, but they won't be competitive.

Fish story - The one that got away
Yesterday, on the bay, I saw a Radeon 9800 Pro with both 3.3V and 1.5V keys for less than $50 USD, and I impulsively tempted the AGP gods of compatibility by bidding $47, but someone else bid $51 at the last minute. Oh well. Some forum poster 2 decades ago said that it wouldn't work in an Ironbridge system anyways.

Reply 41 of 78, by supercordo

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STX wrote on 2023-10-06, 14:11:

My Slot A Ironbridge system currently has a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP. I will be able to submit some 3DMark scores with it, but they won't be competitive.

Fish story - The one that got away
Yesterday, on the bay, I saw a Radeon 9800 Pro with both 3.3V and 1.5V keys for less than $50 USD, and I impulsively tempted the AGP gods of compatibility by bidding $47, but someone else bid $51 at the last minute. Oh well. Some forum poster 2 decades ago said that it wouldn't work in an Ironbridge system anyways.

I dont think the ATI cards like to run at AGP 1x or 2x.

Reply 42 of 78, by supercordo

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paradigital wrote on 2023-10-06, 09:30:

GA-7IXE and K7V are here, K7V needs a re-cap at a bare minimum. As it's likely to be the better 'clocker I'm going to focus my time on getting it running before looking at the Gigabyte board.

Hopefully get a run in this afternoon/evening. With it having Universal AGP I might be able to run a 6800 rather than the FX 3000.

Mine should arrive tomorrow. It needs caps and a new AGP slot tho.

Reply 43 of 78, by STX

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I got a little bit ambitious and tried an FX 5600 and an FX 5700 Ultra with my Slot A Ironbridge system. Nope, that was a bad idea. Neither even POSTed successfully. (My TNT2 M64 works fine though.)

paradigital wrote on 2023-09-25, 11:29:

Couple of runs with the Quadro FX 3000....

Do you have any idea why your FX GPU runs on your Ironbridge motherboard but my FX GPUs aren't compatible with mine?

Reply 44 of 78, by supercordo

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STX wrote on 2023-10-13, 02:51:

I got a little bit ambitious and tried an FX 5600 and an FX 5700 Ultra with my Slot A Ironbridge system. Nope, that was a bad idea. Neither even POSTed successfully. (My TNT2 M64 works fine though.)

paradigital wrote on 2023-09-25, 11:29:

Couple of runs with the Quadro FX 3000....

Do you have any idea why your FX GPU runs on your Ironbridge motherboard but my FX GPUs aren't compatible with mine?

Is there a setting in bios for the AGP speed?

Reply 45 of 78, by paradigital

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Absolutely no idea why I can get an FX series card to work, yet no go for me with 6 or 7 series cards.

I’ve just built up my goldfinger device (the FreeSpeed Pro as cloned by Vogon’s member wiretap), so I might be able to push further yet.

Not dug out the hot-air soldering station for a while!

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Reply 46 of 78, by STX

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supercordo wrote on 2023-10-13, 22:32:

Is there a setting in bios for the AGP speed?

No, I'm using an HP OEM motherboard with limited BIOS configuration options. I have read that I could flash it with an Asus K7M BIOS to get more options, but I haven't dared to try that yet.

Finally, I collected scores using my TNT2 M64, the weakest discrete video card that I own! (I thought that my Ironbridge system had a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP in it, but that card must be in my 440BX system right now.)

The attachment CPU-Z output.jpg is no longer available
The attachment 3dMark2000 with default drivers and DirectX 7.1.jpg is no longer available
The attachment 3dMark2001 with Detonator v30.82 and DirectX 8.1b.jpg is no longer available

I don't know why 3dMark2001 reports that I didn't use the default benchmark settings. I didn't change any settings; I simply started the program and clicked the first button that I saw with the word "benchmark" on it, so nobody accuse me of cheating, please!

Reply 47 of 78, by paradigital

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The 3DM2001SE “not run using default settings” message can be caused by the benchmark being forced into a lower resolution.

What resolution is Windows running in, and what did the benchmark launch at?

Reply 48 of 78, by STX

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1024×768 is my desktop resolution, but I worked around the issue. I installed a GeForce FX 5500 PCI; then, the 3dMark 2001 benchmark ran completely. (Those swimming fish are pretty cool.) It seems that the ol' TNT2 M64 just couldn't do enough of 3dMark2001's newfangled DirectX 8 tricks.

Reply 49 of 78, by paradigital

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Well, the K7V boots, but I can't get it into Windows (98 SE) with video drivers installed for my Quadro FX3000 or my Geforce 6800. The newest GPU I could get to work was a Geforce 2 Ti, so I've shelved the K7V for now.

The K7M on the other hand, it seems fine with the Quadro (can't try the 6800 as it's not got universal AGP and the 6800 is a 4x/8x part only). Not really pushed the K7M yet, but I'm sure combined with my GFD I can get higher than this slight improvement over my MS-6169.

The attachment K7M-6784-FX3000.png is no longer available

Tomorrow's job is get the casing off the 900MHz Athlon and try booting it at 10x rather than 9x. If 10x works, then 10.5x will be attempted 😀

Reply 50 of 78, by STX

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I hope that you'll have better luck than I did when I tried removing a slot Athlon's case. I destroyed a CPU and have not dared to try to remove a slot Athlon's case since. My GFD remains unused. My GFD:
Anyone know where to get a goldfinger device?

Reply 51 of 78, by paradigital

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Oh the case is already off both. I re-pasted them both before starting this endeavour!

Reply 52 of 78, by STX

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Here are my final scores. (The 900 MHz Slot A Thunderbird CPU, HP-branded Asus K7M mainboard and 512 MB of PC100 memory are the same as they were on October 14, 2003.)

The attachment 3dMark2000 with GeForce 2 Ultra.gif is no longer available
The attachment 3dMark2001 with Radeon 9000.gif is no longer available

I was surprised by CPU-Z Legacy's lack of detail about these GPUs.

Reply 53 of 78, by paradigital

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STX wrote on 2023-10-21, 03:53:
Here are my final scores. (The 900 MHz Slot A Thunderbird CPU, HP-branded Asus K7M mainboard and 512 MB of PC100 memory are the […]
Show full quote

Here are my final scores. (The 900 MHz Slot A Thunderbird CPU, HP-branded Asus K7M mainboard and 512 MB of PC100 memory are the same as they were on October 14, 2003.)
3dMark2000 with GeForce 2 Ultra.gif
3dMark2001 with Radeon 9000.gif
I was surprised by CPU-Z Legacy's lack of detail about these GPUs.

Could have done with screenshots of the details of the benchmark results and the CPU tab of CPU-Z.

What Nvidia driver version did you use?

Reply 54 of 78, by supercordo

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STX wrote on 2023-10-21, 03:53:
Here are my final scores. (The 900 MHz Slot A Thunderbird CPU, HP-branded Asus K7M mainboard and 512 MB of PC100 memory are the […]
Show full quote

Here are my final scores. (The 900 MHz Slot A Thunderbird CPU, HP-branded Asus K7M mainboard and 512 MB of PC100 memory are the same as they were on October 14, 2003.)
3dMark2000 with GeForce 2 Ultra.gif
3dMark2001 with Radeon 9000.gif
I was surprised by CPU-Z Legacy's lack of detail about these GPUs.

Can you please add screenshots using the print screen button?

Reply 55 of 78, by paradigital

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Well my K7V tops out at 105MHz FSB. 106 crashes out of 3DMark unfortunately. My 900MHz Thunderbird won’t boot with a 10.5x multiplier, so 1050MHz is my limit.

All that’s left to try now is a different GPU.

Scores with the FX3000 below. Both run using 56.64 and DX7a for 3DMark2000 and DX8.1b for 3DMark2001SE.

The attachment K7M-7467-56-64-FX3000.png is no longer available
The attachment K7M-7478-56-64-FX3000-2001.png is no longer available

Reply 56 of 78, by paradigital

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Seems that I was too quick to judge 106FSB. 3DMark2000 crashes on 106, but 3DMark2001SE doesn't. Squeezed another few points out of it. Apologies for the CPUz layout, I didn't expect the run to complete so hadn't arranged the 3DMark window to somewhere useful before it was too late.

The attachment K7M-7545-56-64-FX3000-2001.png is no longer available

Reply 57 of 78, by paradigital

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Got a few hundred extra points in 3DMark2000 by switching out to a slightly older GPU in a Geforce 4 Ti4800SE. I wanted to try my GF3 but it's apparently died in storage and needs a RAM transplant.

This allowed me to drop to 45.23 driver version which appears to have a bit less of an overhead. I did have to back off to 104FSB though 🙁

The attachment K7M-7702-45-23-TI4800SE.png is no longer available

Reply 58 of 78, by STX

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paradigital wrote on 2023-10-21, 06:24:

...What Nvidia driver version did you use?


supercordo wrote on 2023-10-21, 10:41:

Can you please add screenshots using the print screen button?

I ran the benchmarks again to create full-screen screenshots and got slightly higher scores.

The attachment 3dMark2000 6849 with GF2U 3082.png is no longer available
The attachment 3dMark2001 4936 with R9000.png is no longer available
paradigital wrote on 2023-10-22, 18:16:

...I wanted to try my GF3 but it's apparently died in storage and needs a RAM transplant....

That's a real bummer.

Reply 59 of 78, by paradigital

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No idea why, but on a whim I downgraded the BIOS on my K7M from 1013.002 to 1009 (from The Retro Web). This appears to have made the board much more accomodating to FSB increases, getting into Windows at up to 116FSB, but not quite stably.

115 x 9 works, managed to get 8039 points in 3DMark2000.

115 x 9.5 didn't run 3DMark stably.

114 x 9.5 did, which has resulted in my highest 3DMark2000 score so far:

The attachment K7M-8166-45.23.TI4800SE.png is no longer available

I'm pretty sure that's the limit with this Motherboard/CPU/GPU combination. Higher Vcore doesn't make any difference, and V I/O is as high as it can go at 3.56v.