Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

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Reply 280 of 348, by AvalonH

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crazii wrote on 2022-12-30, 03:10:
AvalonH wrote on 2022-12-29, 22:12:

After reading this thread I still couldn't find a definitive answer to this: - do 815E/EP motherboards (ICH/1/2) support DDMA if using a modified setupds with the correct PCI IDs. Or does the modified setupds only enable SB-Link / PC-PCI on the boards.

I have an 815EP (Tualatin) board with YMF724, and the DDMA mode was working before I turned it to PCPCI - the soundcard and board have PCPCI headers.

Working without using the DSDMA.exe tsr? Did you have to use a modified setupds.exe to get DDMA enabled (I added Intel ICH2 PCI-ID - 8086:2440 to my setupds but it still won't detect DDMA).

Reply 281 of 348, by crazii

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AvalonH wrote on 2022-12-30, 10:40:
crazii wrote on 2022-12-30, 03:10:
AvalonH wrote on 2022-12-29, 22:12:

After reading this thread I still couldn't find a definitive answer to this: - do 815E/EP motherboards (ICH/1/2) support DDMA if using a modified setupds with the correct PCI IDs. Or does the modified setupds only enable SB-Link / PC-PCI on the boards.

I have an 815EP (Tualatin) board with YMF724, and the DDMA mode was working before I turned it to PCPCI - the soundcard and board have PCPCI headers.

Working without using the DSDMA.exe tsr? Did you have to use a modified setupds.exe to get DDMA enabled (I added Intel ICH2 PCI-ID - 8086:2440 to my setupds but it still won't detect DDMA).

Oh, I didn't check how the batch file executed, whether it called DSDMA or not 🤣 I used the modified setupds. I can pull the sblink cable and check it again, maybe later.

Toshiba Satellite Pro 4300 - YMF744, Savage IX
Toshiba Satellite 2805-S501 - YMF754, GeForce 2Go
IBM Thinkpad A21p - CS4624, Mobility Radeon 128
main: Intel NUC11PHKi7C Phantom Canyon: i7-1165G7 RTX2060 64G 2T760PSDD

Reply 282 of 348, by Riikcakirds

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Just noticed something interesting with DSDMA that could improve compatibility on machines that can't use PC/PCI and DDMA. Normally it automatically loads high as a tsr and calls itself ETEKVM. This takes up about 2.1KB. If you force it to load low in conventional memory it calls itself DSDMA and uses 1.8k.
Now I could not get Tex Murphy-Under a killing Moon to work when using DSDMA, as others have reported. This was with DSDMA as it defaults to loading high. I then forced it to load low and Killing Moon now works, also Dune 2 has sound now.
Why it is more compatible lwhen loaded low I have no idea. Tried it on two other PCs and same result. There is no upper memory conflicts on any of the machines and they are all using fairly conservative dos memory configs.

Reply 283 of 348, by slartibardfast0

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Riikcakirds wrote on 2023-03-29, 13:54:

Just noticed something interesting with DSDMA that could improve compatibility on machines that can't use PC/PCI and DDMA. Normally it automatically loads high as a tsr and calls itself ETEKVM. This takes up about 2.1KB. If you force it to load low in conventional memory it calls itself DSDMA and uses 1.8k.
Now I could not get Tex Murphy-Under a killing Moon to work when using DSDMA, as others have reported. This was with DSDMA as it defaults to loading high. I then forced it to load low and Killing Moon now works, also Dune 2 has sound now.
Why it is more compatible lwhen loaded low I have no idea. Tried it on two other PCs and same result. There is no upper memory conflicts on any of the machines and they are all using fairly conservative dos memory configs.

that's really interesting, bet this would fix an interaction with strike commander 's JEMM also.

out of interest how do you force loading low?

Reply 284 of 348, by bloodem

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Riikcakirds wrote on 2023-03-29, 13:54:

Just noticed something interesting with DSDMA that could improve compatibility on machines that can't use PC/PCI and DDMA. Normally it automatically loads high as a tsr and calls itself ETEKVM. This takes up about 2.1KB. If you force it to load low in conventional memory it calls itself DSDMA and uses 1.8k.
Now I could not get Tex Murphy-Under a killing Moon to work when using DSDMA, as others have reported. This was with DSDMA as it defaults to loading high. I then forced it to load low and Killing Moon now works, also Dune 2 has sound now.
Why it is more compatible lwhen loaded low I have no idea. Tried it on two other PCs and same result. There is no upper memory conflicts on any of the machines and they are all using fairly conservative dos memory configs.

Interesting find! It actually gave me hope that I could finally get Jazz Jackrabbit to work with DSDMA... But, sadly, it still doesn't. 🙁
Also, at least on VIA chipsets like KT266A/KT400/KT600, Aladdin still runs a bit too fast whenever DSDMA is loaded in memory (unless I perform a very weird workaround that involves trying to run the game once before loading DSDMA, and then running it again after loading DSDMA - which, for some weird reason, results in the game running at the correct speed).

Anyway, in case someone else wants to try this workaround with other specific games, you can force DSDMA to load into conventional memory by adding this line into autoexec.bat (change the path to DSDMA accordingly):


2 x PLCC-68 / 4 x PGA132 / 5 x Skt 3 / 1 x Skt 4 / 9 x Skt 7 / 12 x SS7 / 1 x Skt 8 / 14 x Slot 1 / 6 x Slot A
5 x Skt 370 / 8 x Skt A / 2 x Skt 478 / 2 x Skt 754 / 3 x Skt 939 / 7 x LGA775 / 1 x LGA1155
Current PC: Ryzen 7 9800X3D
Backup: Ryzen 7 5800X3D

Reply 285 of 348, by tauro

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AsRock 775i65G Rev G/A 2.12 motherboard, C2D, 512MB ram, latest BIOS.
Running DOS 6.22, disabled everything in the BIOS (USB, LAN, SOUND, etc).
Doing some experiments with a YMF724F.

Using the SETUPDS for ICH5 taken from @cyclone3d's signature (here https://tinyurl.com/56n7w9ma)
The IRQ is properly found, it seems it's going to work... but I get a DMA error. I tried with channel 0, 1, 3, I always get:

 ------------- ERROR -------------
| Can not detect DMA at channel x |

16-bit sound and FM sound works, but 8-bit sound doesn't.

If I load DSDMA.EXE (loading EMM386 previously) it results in:

 ------------ ERROR --------------
| CODEC might not be connected |

And then the system hangs.

I tried changing the PCI slot, the IRQ number changes, but it's the same story.
I tried using FIRSTTRY=1.
I tried everything I could, other versions floating around (maybe not the best one yet!). The ICH5 from 3dcyclone is the best so far.

Any ideas? Could it work? Am I doing something wrong?

Reply 286 of 348, by ruthan

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Some additional info would help.
Full autoexec and config, info is card is working in Windows 98, could be just dead.. Try force both IRQ5 and IRQ7.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 287 of 348, by tauro

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The card works perfectly (tested in other systems), on this board it works too, but the 8-bit sound is not working.
It automatically gets the IRQ7 when installed in the first PCI slot. So I don't need to force it, but anyway I tried forcing it to IRQ7 with YMFIRQ but it doesn't help. I also tried other IRQs.

I'm not loading anything particular in the autoexec and config, it's a very basic DOS 6.22 install, as stated, only HIMEM, and I only loaded EMM386 to test DSDMA which hangs SETUPDS with the error "CODEC might not be connected".



It is my understanding that with the right modded SETUPDS I shouldn't be having any problems but it seems it's not fully compatible with my board. A different Revision?

Reply 288 of 348, by tauro

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On this post YMF744, DOS, no DMA? (PC/PCI, SB-link tests) (edit YES DMA, read further down) I could find a SETUPDS similarly patched for ICH5 by @stamasd. It indeed has the same md5sum 109f45e40d6c62b7ef1ea55711d879e1. I think he was the first to implement the patch for the ICH5 chipset, but it's not working for this motherboard+card =/

Reply 289 of 348, by vorob

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Guys I’ve got a laptop with Yamaha 754, and it feels that music and some sounds are clipping despite the volume level in windows. I definitely remember this was a discussed issue and there was a Japanese tool to correct the volume on low level. But I can’t find it now, maybe you can help me?

Reply 290 of 348, by vorob

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Crackling may be caused by too high maximum volume. Sometimes it's because driver allows to set the volume too high, when it was taken from another card. With VxD drivers you may fix it in registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\YAMAHA\Driver\YMF724\VolumeMax, or by YMF7x4Utilities.

What exactly should I change here? Thx.

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Reply 291 of 348, by brunobox99

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Good day dear members of VOGONS.

Please I need your help with a Yamaha WaveForce 192 (YMF724E). It is installed on my retro PC (Dell Optiplex GX1) and the BIOS assigns it the IRQ 10 automatically (verified with HWINFO for DOS).

When I try to setup the Waveforce 192 with SETUPDS, the only options that work (partially, with some problems) are these:


With IRQ 5, some games detect the card, some other reboots the PC, and some other does not detect ANYTHING on IRQ 5.


With IRQ 10, all the games that can use it works flawlessly, no reboots, but some games don't give IRQ 10 as an option, nor can detect it.

I tried moving the card between the 5 PCI slots, but it just uses IRQ 10 (IRQ 5 is free, BTW):

PCI Slot 1: Assigns IRQ 10
PCI Slot 2: Assigns IRQ 10
PCI Slot 3: Does not assign any IRQ
PCI Slot 4: Does not assign any IRQ
PCI Slot 5: Does not assign any IRQ

So, my question is:

Is there any way to "force" the BIOS/PC to assign IRQ 5 to this Yamaha PCI Card?

Thank you very much for your time in helping me resolve this issue.


Reply 292 of 348, by tauro

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It seems that your system has a 440BX chipset, and according to this thread Motherboard chipsets that support D-DMA it should be compatible.
Check out what's going on with your LPT IRQ. It usually is assigned to IRQ5 or IRQ7. Disable that and every other peripheral/function that you don't use.

Get YMFIRQ, there's a copy in ymf724_dos-sis63x-73x-745-or-later.zip from cyclone3d's signature:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx6yU … nGwuWfR23xqpqyg

Before running SETUPDS, run YMFIRQ 5, or YMFIRQ 7. That should assign IRQ 5 or 7 to your card. And then run SEUPDS and see what happens.

Reply 293 of 348, by brunobox99

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tauro wrote on 2023-11-24, 23:24:

Before running SETUPDS, run YMFIRQ 5, or YMFIRQ 7. That should assign IRQ 5 or 7 to your card. And then run SEUPDS and see what happens.

Hello tauro, thanks for the suggestion. I have tried the following:

Disabling LPT1 frees IRQ 7: still the card insists on using IRQ 10. (IRQ 5 is already free, but the PCI card does not want to use it.)

I also tried running YMFIRQ 5 and YMFIRQ 7, before or after SETUPDS.EXE, but still the card seems to be locked on IRQ 10.

I will try some things more and will report here, maybe someone will find my results interesting or useful.


Reply 294 of 348, by wbahnassi

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IIRC you change the IRQ _after_ SetupDS.

Turbo XT 12MHz, 8-bit VGA, Dual 360K drives
Intel 386 DX-33, TSeng ET3000, SB 2.0, 1x CD
Intel 486 DX2-66, CL5428 VLB, SBPro 2, 2x CD
Intel Pentium 90, Matrox Millenium 2, SB16, 4x CD
HP Z400, Xeon 3.46GHz, YMF-744, Voodoo3, RTX2080Ti

Reply 295 of 348, by GunKneeNeon

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brunobox99 wrote on 2023-11-24, 19:30:
I tried moving the card between the 5 PCI slots, but it just uses IRQ 10 (IRQ 5 is free, BTW): […]
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I tried moving the card between the 5 PCI slots, but it just uses IRQ 10 (IRQ 5 is free, BTW):

PCI Slot 1: Assigns IRQ 10
PCI Slot 2: Assigns IRQ 10
PCI Slot 3: Does not assign any IRQ
PCI Slot 4: Does not assign any IRQ
PCI Slot 5: Does not assign any IRQ

So, my question is:

Is there any way to "force" the BIOS/PC to assign IRQ 5 to this Yamaha PCI Card?

I'm not an expert, just want to share some of my experiences.
I have a Cyrix 586 GX LITE V2 motherboard, which has 2 PCI slots. The board forces IRQ10/11 for them, no other IRQ channel can be assigned to them. There is no way of assigning an IRQ# to a PCI slot but to disable one or two by reserving certain channel for ISA.
I have another motherboard, which is ASUS CUSL2-C. It has a powerful BIOS, which I can use to assign whatever IRQ# to a specific PCI slot.

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What I want to say is that this is more of a BIOS thing. It MAY be done by software (e.g. YMFIRQ), but it won't success if the hardware doesn't allow it.

Constantly looking for the driver for Acer Magic v1 MPEG decoding card.

Reply 296 of 348, by brunobox99

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wbahnassi wrote on 2023-11-25, 05:01:


Yes, I tried using it after SETUPDS.EXE, and the result was the same. Curiously, HWINFO reports that the card is now on IRQ 5, but still some games reboots or can't find the card on IRQ 5, some games think that is still on IRQ 10.

GunKneeNeon wrote on 2023-11-25, 07:42:


Thanks for the suggestion, I have 5 PCI Slots and tried to fill the other 4 slots with other cards in order to "bump" the Yamaha card to IRQ 5, but still it does not want to use it.

With regards to BIOS, this Dell PC has a very simple and limited BIOS, there are no options to assign specific IRQ to specific PCI slots, sadly.

Still, I continue experimenting, and will report back to help those that use this Yamaha card.

Reply 297 of 348, by brunobox99

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OK, here are my findings, I hope these can help anyone with a Yamaha PCI card:

YMF724 works mostly well with a 440BX chipset and the D-DMA option. But, the problem lies when you select a INTA# IRQ different to the IRQ that the hardware is using:

If the PCI card is in IRQ 10, you must select INTA# IRQ 10, not 5 nor 7, because that will make some games reboot the PC!

After setup and saving the changes in SETUPDS.EXE, yo must run SETUPDS.EXE /S to initialise the card.

After that, you should set your blaster variable to A220 I10 D1 T4 (or the parameters that you choose in SETUPDS). Again, don't use I5, use I10 in your variable instead.

After doing that, most of your games should work well, if the game gives you the option of autodetecting the card, don't use it, configure it manually.

If the game does not support IRQ 10, temporarily change the IRQ in the blaster variable to I5 (don't change anything in SETUPDS.)

With that, the games that don't support I10 will work (like Wolfenstein 3D). Remember setting your blaster variable back to I10 again after you finish playing your game. This could be done easy with a batch file just for those problematic games.

I sincerely hope this helps those who own this card, I like it very much because its Sound Blaster Pro mode sounds very clean, and the OPL3 is, to my ears, the original one.

Regards from Peru,


BTW, YMFIRQ has no effect in SETUPDS, does not matter if you load before of after SETUPDS, even if YMFIRQ manages to move the card to IRQ 5 or 7. You should use the IRQ that the BIOS assigns to the card, as I said.

Reply 298 of 348, by GunKneeNeon

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Tertz wrote on 2016-05-15, 18:02:

YMF7x4 chips have no regulators of timbre or equalizer. But some codecs support this and card's vendor drivers may allow this. For example, Genius Sound Maker 128XG has it on its 1040 drivers.

Hi, where can I find this specific driver? I got a Genius Sound Maker 128XG recently. I googled around and cannot find this driver. There is generic yamaha ds-xg 1040 driver, but it doesn't have the equalizer thing(or am I missing something?). All vendor drivers coming from Genius for this card that I can find are WDM ones(version 22xx).

Constantly looking for the driver for Acer Magic v1 MPEG decoding card.

Reply 299 of 348, by foil_fresh

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I finally picked up a YMF744 with optical digital output AND sb-link. It's fantastic. Best decision I ever made. Works flawlessly with Win98se in a lucky star 440bx board and pentium 3 550.

I tried using RayeR's ymf7xx.exe tool to enable the digital audio output in DOS (i am using Phil's restart in DOS pif menu) but it doesn't work. It's working fine with analogue out -loud, clea and really good compatibility thanks to the SB-link cable. Optical digital 48khz works absolutely fine in Windows 98se. I have it set to the digital out + analogue muted.

The card itsself is getting IRQ5 from bios
DMA 1 via pc-pci sblink
Address 220

16 bit, 8 bit, FM all working when using Setupds

I tried all combinations - running ymf7xx.exe before and after setupds, and also trying setupds /s

just no sound at all. the output when using ymf7xx.exe /e shows that the volume levels are 0 - is this normal? do I still need a mixer to unmute the sources?

I'm at work right now but happy to show some screenshots of the ymf7xx.exe text output if thats going to help.

I also don't know what model it is. I'll attach a photo to help identify.


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