First post, by OpenRift
So I'm trying to run Dune II on my Pentium III PC, but I keep getting an error message that says "Insufficient Memory Error! Press any key to exit to DOS." I have 128 megabytes of RAM and I know Dune II is one of those games where you need to mess around with some memory settings to get it working. I know when using DOSBox on my modern PC I had to set the memsize to 4MB and there was this other post of someone trying to get it working, but that was in DOS mode. Is it even possible to get it working while running in Windows 98?
The closest I've gotten is having it running without sound, but I'd like to be able to use my SB16 for this, so does anyone have any pointers as to what to do?
For reference, here's my current mem stats in the DOS prompt: