Reply 20 of 31, by Fr0ns
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dr_st wrote on 2024-12-28, 09:48:Fr0ns wrote on 2024-12-27, 15:15:However, when something happens with an online transaction / you get phished / "hacked" and your bank or the store in question notices you run an OS that no longer is supported they might have the right to deny paying you any damages (even when your outdated OS isn't to blame).
No, they don't. Quit making stuff up.
We can go into debate whether this is fearmongering and real life cases have not happened but I have also carefully worded my earlier statements not as hard facts but something to take into account. I'm no lawyer though and the debate is on if I can even walk around without a helmet.
First, my bank does not see Windows 7 as a supported operating system: … men-en-browsers
The Dutch civil book of law says the following:
Artikel 529
2. De betaler draagt alle verliezen die uit niet-toegestane betalingstransacties voortvloeien, indien deze zich hebben voorgedaan doordat hij frauduleus heeft gehandeld of opzettelijk of met grove nalatigheid een of meer verplichtingen uit hoofde van artikel 524 niet is nagekomen. In dergelijke gevallen is het in het eerste lid bedoelde maximumbedrag niet van toepassing.
Freely translated as: "The payer" carries all loss resulting from unwanted transactions when they are the result from fraudulent actions, intent, gross negligence or not complying with one or more terms from article 524.
Arcticle 524
1.De betaaldienstgebruiker die gemachtigd is om een betaalinstrument te gebruiken,
a. gebruikt het betaalinstrument overeenkomstig de voorwaarden die op de uitgifte en het gebruik van het betaalinstrument van toepassing zijn
Freely translates to: The user who is lawfully auhtorized to use the payment method, used the payment method in according to the TOS that applies to it. … ensten-2022.pdf
61. Welke regels gelden voor apparaten, software en verbinding?
1. Wij stellen eisen aan de apparaten, software en verbinding. U betaalt zelf de
kosten van deze apparaten, software en verbinding.
Now this again is very open to interpretation in my book but it translates to: We have requirements regarding devices, software and the used connection.
So the wording is pretty fuzzy in my opinion and not to come of as a Covcit freely quoting passages from law books I can see the framework on a lot of banking sites is also there. At least here in the Netherlands. They don't say strongly what they won't do but word it like: "we will always pay out in x days when you fully comply with our TOS ( … vergoed-krijgen)" and examples like that. With internet fraud running rampant, I do not suspect these rules will become less restrictive over the years.
Seeing as I can easily order anything from our Amazon equivalent, transfer all of my money, change my mortgage, do my taxes, shitpost on Vogons and my Steam account is old enough to legally drink I would personally not take this risk, especially because the alternatives are not that expensive.
Written from my probably very unsupported Linux shitbox..
Dell Dimension 4100
Intel P3 1GHz 133MHz
512MB SDRam 133MHz
Geforce 3 Ti 200 64MB
Soundblaster 16 PCI