what, Pong? 😉
I agree, Douglas Adams was the man. I've got every one of his books except the last one he was writing before he died (he didn't finish it, don't fucking release it, greedy bastards!) including the (ugh) nonfictional Last Chance to See. That said, I've only read the H2G2 series and the two Dirk Gently novels -- I haven't touched Last Chance. Oh, and of course, Starship Titanic -- both book and game. (Despite the book not being written by Douglas, it was still really well done.)
Anyway, yeah. I think I will change the forum to VOGONS, despite the fact that they don't like hitchhikers and have the third worst poetry in the world. (I'll have OGONS redirect to it, I think. Yeah. This should work. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Ugh.) I'll also get those new forums up.