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First post, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

Rename General to BabelFish? 😉
(To go along with Very Old Games on New Systems....come on Douglas Adams was THE MAN!)

Dos (Getting DOS games to work on old/modern computers)

Windows (Getting Windows games to work on old/modern computers)


Under Emulation

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Make your games work offline

Reply 1 of 6, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Pre-PC...like what, Pong? 😉

I agree, Douglas Adams was the man. I've got every one of his books except the last one he was writing before he died (he didn't finish it, don't fucking release it, greedy bastards!) including the (ugh) nonfictional Last Chance to See. That said, I've only read the H2G2 series and the two Dirk Gently novels -- I haven't touched Last Chance. Oh, and of course, Starship Titanic -- both book and game. (Despite the book not being written by Douglas, it was still really well done.)

Anyway, yeah. I think I will change the forum to VOGONS, despite the fact that they don't like hitchhikers and have the third worst poetry in the world. (I'll have OGONS redirect to it, I think. Yeah. This should work. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Ugh.) I'll also get those new forums up.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 4 of 6, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=La … t+Chance+to+See

Snover wrote:

I agree, Douglas Adams was the man. I've got every one of his books except the last one he was writing before he died (he didn't finish it, don't fucking release it, greedy bastards!) including the (ugh) nonfictional Last Chance to See. That said, I've only read the H2G2 series and the two Dirk Gently novels -- I haven't touched Last Chance. Oh, and of course, Starship Titanic -- both book and game. (Despite the book not being written by Douglas, it was still really well done.)

Anyway, yeah. I think I will change the forum to VOGONS, despite the fact that they don't like hitchhikers and have the third worst poetry in the world. (I'll have OGONS redirect to it, I think. Yeah. This should work. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Ugh.) I'll also get those new forums up.

Reply 5 of 6, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++

I recently read the posthumously published "The Salmon of Doubt" (available at book stores everywhere). Nothing but rave reviews from me. 😀

That's cool, Vlad, I never knew there was a software version of "Last Chance to See". This requires further investigation.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 6 of 6, by Snover

User metadata
Rank l33t++

Actually, I've been watching it. I love when Douglas talks about the antivenom guy in Australia. funny, funny, funny! I'm only through the first two chapters, though. (And I haaate the 640x480x8 images -- I hate the paletting especially, and I have this pain all down the diodes on my left side.)

Yes, it’s my fault.