Doom 'MBF' for DOS, Maintenance release 2.04

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Reply 80 of 370, by Danfun64

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Can this port play the Community Chest maps that can't be played on Boom due to going over SEG limits?

Reply 81 of 370, by gerwin

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Danfun64 wrote:

Can this port play the Community Chest maps that can't be played on Boom due to going over SEG limits?

Someone has to try...

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 82 of 370, by Danfun64

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I did. It doesn't.

Reply 83 of 370, by gerwin

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cchest.wad, cchest2.wad, cchest3.wad are all Boom/MBF compatible, as they state in the readme.
AFAIK all that left is cchest4.wad, which states: requires a Boom-compatible source port with increased SEGS limits to play"...
MBF runs it as far as I can see. In which map on which location does MBF crash?, and what is the error message?

Edit: found this "although cchest2 MAP32: Sodding Death will not run in Boom itself due to passing the 32,768 seg limit"

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 84 of 370, by Scandy

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Gerwin, thank you so much for all your efforts on MBF: they reveal not only a sincere passion, but also a great technical knowledge and a positive pragmatism that are really a godsend. 😀
Can't wait to try MBF on my new rig.

Two questions (sorry if yet answered)
- are Heretic and Hexen supported?
- is some kind of good classic Internet multiplayer feasible (e.g. on FreeDOS)?


THE NIGHTLAND is my board + video game for Commodore 64.

Reply 85 of 370, by gerwin

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Thanks for your compliments! Glad there is still an audience for this.

Scandy wrote:

- are Heretic and Hexen supported?
- is some kind of good classic Internet multiplayer feasible (e.g. on FreeDOS)?

Heretic+Hexen is not supported. Doom Legacy v1.41 DOS is a good port to play Heretic in DOS. As for Hexen, I haven't found a good port yet.
I haven't really looked into multiplayer. MBF should support LAN games. Then maybe DOSBOX can channel that through TCP/IP.

Upload no. 014:

  • Backported Allegro 3.12 ESS Audiodrive Sound Driver. Tested OK.
  • Backported Allegro 3.12 Ensoniq Soundscape Sound Driver. Unable to test, do not own one.
  • Added Gravis Ultrasound PnP (InterWave) Sound driver. Tested OK. Actually already worked with WSS driver.
    Note that the GUS PnP Music interface is not included.
  • Changed WSS environment variable. Example: SET WSS=A530 I7 D1
    GUS PnP now uses the ULTRA16 environment variable. Example (6=dma/5=irq): SET ULTRA16=34C,6,5

Pending: There is a memory issue in the WSS/GUS PnP Driver, giving minor problems when running MBF with these drivers in Windows 98.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 86 of 370, by Scandy

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Wait a moment... just visited your website... Are you the author of that WONDERFUL "port" of Hero Quest? Can't believe it!!! I loved your game when I was a kid, and still I remember it as the best port of the boardgame! That's unbelievable! So many years passed! 😁

About MBF: please keep it going! What about a github page (or an official project page) easier to consult?
I really hope you'll take a look to multiplayer and Heretic+Hexen in the future!

THE NIGHTLAND is my board + video game for Commodore 64.

Reply 87 of 370, by Danfun64

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I highly doubt he is going to tackle Heretic and Hexen in this port. As for multiplayer, all you need is ipxboom with the -exe command and DosBox's ipxnet.

Reply 88 of 370, by gerwin

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gerwin wrote:

Pending: There is a memory issue in the WSS/GUS PnP Driver, giving minor problems when running MBF with these drivers in Windows 98.

I worked on this, Improved the drivers again. Noticed it is not even driver specific. All that really got rid of the problems was to revert back to 1997 Compiler software. Game Performance stays nearly the same. So that is what was used for the new upload (14C). Source archive is up to date as well.

Scandy wrote:

Are you the author of that WONDERFUL "port" of Hero Quest? Can't believe it!!! I loved your game when I was a kid, and still I remember it as the best port of the boardgame! That's unbelievable! So many years passed! 😁

It is a small world. Yeah I worked on HeroQuest back then, 2000 to 2005 or something 😀 I don't change much.

Scandy wrote:

About MBF: please keep it going! What about a github page (or an official project page) easier to consult?
I really hope you'll take a look to multiplayer and Heretic+Hexen in the future!

Actually I am content with the way it is now. More exposure is more expectations, and this is just a maintenance release with better sound and video hardware support. If I add in to much it will start to lag on slower systems. Not to mention Heretic+Hexen support would be a huge effort.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 89 of 370, by Danfun64

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Are you at least willing to raise the SEGS limit and whatever other limits are necessary to be raised in order to play Community Chest 2 MAP32 and Community Chest 4? I doubt doing such a thing would be that problematic.

Reply 90 of 370, by Scandy

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gerwin wrote:

It is a small world. Yeah I worked on HeroQuest back then, 2000 to 2005 or something 😀 I don't change much.

It is a small world indeed! Well, thank you very much also for HQ! 😉

Scandy wrote:

Actually I am content with the way it is now. More exposure is more expectations, and this is just a maintenance release with better sound and video hardware support. If I add in to much it will start to lag on slower systems. Not to mention Heretic+Hexen support would be a huge effort.

I understand, MBF it's great yet as it is.
About multiplayer in DOOM, it was originally based on IPX... so, to play via Internet (TCP/IP) a software like Doomwire (http://russell.mancubus.net/doomwire/) but DOS-based is needed, am I right? (excuse me for the off-topic).

THE NIGHTLAND is my board + video game for Commodore 64.

Reply 92 of 370, by Scandy

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Danfun64 wrote:

To play MBF online, you need to use these instructions: http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Connectivity

Thank you for the link, but I'd like to play on a real DOS (FreeDOS). So I suppose will I need some kind of IPX tunnelling software.

THE NIGHTLAND is my board + video game for Commodore 64.

Reply 93 of 370, by gerwin

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Danfun64 wrote:

Are you at least willing to raise the SEGS limit and whatever other limits are necessary to be raised in order to play Community Chest 2 MAP32 and Community Chest 4? I doubt doing such a thing would be that problematic.

Sure I will look at it, though this week's schedule is rather full.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 94 of 370, by Danfun64

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Thank you.

Reply 95 of 370, by Danfun64

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Sorry for the bump, but it's almost been 2 months since the last post, and I am curious as to what is going on here.

Reply 96 of 370, by gerwin

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As soon as there is something to share, it will be shared.
My previous post gave the impression that I had the intention to look at it earlier on, but there were serious distractions. Pleasant and unpleasant ones.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 97 of 370, by Malik

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Very nice! I just tested it today. Played it in Dosbox and everything is great!

Lots of options to tinker with and unadulterated look.

I'm sorry I didn't go through all the posts here yet, but is jumping being implemented? I know it will break the gameplay since the original design was not designed with jumping in mind, but still i wonder...

5476332566_7480a12517_t.jpgSB Dos Drivers

Reply 98 of 370, by Danfun64

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I have a bug to report. Demos recorded in MBF 2.04 do not play back in prboom-plus. If you attempt to do so, you get a segmentation fault.

More info on this issue can be found here.

Reply 99 of 370, by gerwin

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That is an unwanted regression, thanks for reporting it.

Malik wrote:

I'm sorry I didn't go through all the posts here yet, but is jumping being implemented? I know it will break the gameplay since the original design was not designed with jumping in mind, but still i wonder...

AFAIK it is not.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul