Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!

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Reply 500 of 764, by Falcosoft

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slayerheart wrote:

But sometimes, the instruments keeps on getting somewhat "water splash" effects when I play a note or a MIDI song and I have to restart the MIDI Player to get rid of the effect 😒

Instead of restarting anything you should try to reset SC-VA by using Options->System->Reset button or by setting your Midi Player to send GS Reset SysEx messages between songs. It should work.
SC-VA does not know that a midi file finished playing and the effects set by a file remain active without explicit resets.

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Reply 502 of 764, by Danfun64

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Is Version 1.11 still the latest version of this plugin?

Reply 503 of 764, by MAN-biker

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Danfun64 wrote:

Is Version 1.11 still the latest version of this plugin?

I think 1.13(S) (Build 1130) x64

Games' collection 1983-2017. Nickname MAN-biker is registered!
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Reply 504 of 764, by Mr_Blastman

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Is this only available as payware or is there a freeware or trialware version?

I lost my midi ports and likely my auxiliary audio inputs several months ago due to a new power supply smoking them along with all five of my hard drives. 😐 And with my wife's ridiculous ongoing medical bills from her chronic illness, I'm broke, but would like to enjoy some SC-55 goodness. I can look at mine, sitting atop my MT-32, but neither can communicate with my PC at the moment.

Reply 505 of 764, by SpeedySPCFan

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Mr_Blastman wrote:

Is this only available as payware or is there a freeware or trialware version?

I lost my midi ports and likely my auxiliary audio inputs several months ago due to a new power supply smoking them along with all five of my hard drives. 😐 And with my wife's ridiculous ongoing medical bills from her chronic illness, I'm broke, but would like to enjoy some SC-55 goodness. I can look at mine, sitting atop my MT-32, but neither can communicate with my PC at the moment.

There's a trial version but it only works for 15 minutes at a time. If you want it for longer than that, you gotta pay.

Musician & music gear/game reviewer.

MIDI hardware: JD-990, SC-55, SC-880, SD-90, VL70-m, Motif ES, Trinity, TS-10, Proteus 2000, XK-6, E6400U

Reply 506 of 764, by MAN-biker

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SpeedySPCFan wrote:

There's a trial version but it only works for 15 minutes at a time. If you want it for longer than that, you gotta pay.

...or search GOOGLE for "portable" one.
Version number is not a point for old games music, SCVA 1.0.3 is a perfect choice.
By the way, try to listen Yamaha-Tyrus soft synth based on YmF-New. It sounds great! Even better SCVA (or real Roland SC).
But it's size is about 900 mb.

Games' collection 1983-2017. Nickname MAN-biker is registered!
Black Sect Remake (AGS) - Russian version
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos [CD] - Russian version
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans - Full walkthrough

Reply 507 of 764, by The Sandman

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wtf creative

Last edited by The Sandman on 2021-10-28, 07:44. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 508 of 764, by citrixscu

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Is this Yamaha soft synth available via legal means? I’m not familiar with it.

Reply 509 of 764, by The Sandman

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Last edited by The Sandman on 2021-10-28, 07:44. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 510 of 764, by Synthoridity

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Tyrus sounds pretty cool, especially the guitars, although I noticed at least one issue: The ocarina is out-of-tune. Noticeable in DOOM E2M2, with both SAVIHost and VST MIDI Driver. To be specific, it is note C7 that sounds just slightly off in that particular MIDI track. I hope that they are able to fix that, because overall this synth is very, very good.

Reply 511 of 764, by kode54

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Are you using the latest? There are now three different revisions of the Tyrus sampler released. The third, which was the latest at the time I last checked, was reduced to a size of about 500MB, and even in its current unfinished state, it doesn’t use all of that data for samples, the plugin just has a padded bank size to allow for future growth, or so I assume. The latest comes in a 1GB+ bundle of other stuff, that also includes a copy of Cakewalk 9, so I think they’re really pushing the bounds of legality here. Also an EULA breaking redistribution of Coolsoft’s MIDI Mapper, which mysteriously doesn’t open and work unless you grab the official installer and install that.

Reply 512 of 764, by The Sandman

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Last edited by The Sandman on 2021-10-28, 07:44. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 513 of 764, by Synthoridity

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Legal issues aside...Tyrus has some of the best-sounding General MIDI instruments I've ever head. Raptor's synthy/orchestral/metal soundtrack and the harpsichord themes from Nitemare 3D's soundtrack (the GM-optimized version) sound full and powerful. The only complaint would be the instrument balance; sometimes instruments can overpower or fight with others (like the bass and timpani in DOOM II's Map 20). However, that issue is a given with more realistic, heavier GM banks. In short, Roland's Sound Canvas is good for the best balance but has "weaker" instruments, while Tyrus is good for high-quality, realistic, beefy instruments at the cost of certain tracks sounding unbalanced.

Reply 515 of 764, by ChAoS Overlord

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kode54 wrote:

Are you using the latest? There are now three different revisions of the Tyrus sampler released. The third, which was the latest at the time I last checked, was reduced to a size of about 500MB, and even in its current unfinished state, it doesn’t use all of that data for samples, the plugin just has a padded bank size to allow for future growth, or so I assume. The latest comes in a 1GB+ bundle of other stuff, that also includes a copy of Cakewalk 9, so I think they’re really pushing the bounds of legality here. Also an EULA breaking redistribution of Coolsoft’s MIDI Mapper, which mysteriously doesn’t open and work unless you grab the official installer and install that.

I'm at a loss as to where to find these...

Reply 516 of 764, by kode54

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There is a Yamaha-Tyrus link in a post above, which directs to a Google search, which leads to a post, which links to a VKontakte forum dedicated to these instrument hacks. I cannot link it directly, and I surmise that merely directing you to that Google search will get that link deleted.

The forum is entirely in Russian, and server-side translator pages don’t work on it because it’s entirely AJAX based. Google Chrome in browser translation works, though.

Reply 517 of 764, by The Sandman

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Last edited by The Sandman on 2021-10-28, 07:43. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 518 of 764, by gerwin

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I made midi files that automate the switching to the SC-55 map on the SCVA. They are attached below together with text file versions.

SC55Maps.mid uses the Bank Select midi commands to achieve this, in accordance with the SCVA manual.

SC55Mode.mid uses SysEx commands, that were discovered by kode54 earlier in this discussion.

The selection in Options->System->Map-Mode will not change by playing these files, but the sounds and the display for each channel are properly changed.

For a little while I tried some undocumented values to see whether one could trigger CM-64 mapping, but without success. The only undocumented command I stumbled upon is this one:
"F0 41 10 42 12 40 40 01 05 7A F7"
Which illustrates that the value of 05 selects the SC-8820 mode for a channel. As an addition to what kode54 wrote earlier.

Also the manual says "With a Bank Select LSB of 00H, the map selected by the front panel INST MAP button will be selected". But seemingly they should have written "...Options->System->Map-Mode will be selected"

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Reply 519 of 764, by Falcosoft

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gerwin wrote:

For a little while I tried some undocumented values to see whether one could trigger CM-64 mapping, but without success. The only undocumented command I stumbled upon is this one:
"F0 41 10 42 12 40 40 01 05 7A F7"
Which illustrates that the value of 05 selects the SC-8820 mode for a channel. As an addition to what kode54 wrote earlier.

CM-64 mapping can be set in a similar way to SC-55 mapping. CM-64 is basically an CM-32L + CM-32P.
For CM-32L mapping you have to:
1. Set channels 2-9 Bank MSB to 127
2. Set the default MT-32/CM-32L programs on channels 2-9 (68, 48, 95, 78, 41, 3, 110, 122)
3. Set channel 10 (drums) program to 127.
4. Set channels 2-9 Pitch Bend range to 12 semitones.

For CM-32P mapping you have to:
1. Set channels 11-16 Bank MSB to 126.

Here's a SysEx file that does just the above:

The attachment GS_CM64_Mode.zip is no longer available

@Edit: For proper CM-64 instrument display on SC-VA you have to set SC-55 mode before sending the CM-64 mode SysEx. In other modes the mapping is set correctly but you will get '-----' as instrument name on all channels.

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