feipoa wrote:red-ray, does SIV32L also work on a 386, SXL2-66, or IBM BL3-75? Attached is the report for Windows 95c.
Thank you and I suspect the reason you need to run IDON.COM is down to what SHLWAPI.dll does. I am unsure about how to address this and will have a ponder.
SIV made a valiant attempt, but W95 reported the CPU as a 386 which confused SIV. I have made some adjustments and the attached should do rather better, does it?
It's possible the reported speed may be incorrect as I am unsure how many cycles AAM takes so I guessed @ 15, what does Menu->Help->Conversions->CPU MHz report? Once I see this I will be able to fix things.
If you run on NT 3.51 then SIV should report rather more such as your G200 GPU clocks and may even report the disk SMART information.
As for the other systems then with a bit of luck SIV should work and if it doesn't I will try and fix things, please use the 5.41 Beta. How much memory do the other systems have? I suspect SIV needs >= 32MB, but if you delete PCIDEVS.txt it may be OK with 16MB.