Heath 150-307-3 Chips EGA/VGA

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First post, by Predator99

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Quick presentation of my Heath P/N 150-307-3 Rev 1.33 and P/N 150-307-2 Rev 1.32 8-bit Video cards before going back to storage...

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After Anonymous Coward made me aware its EGA not VGA I took a closer look at them. I think its quite unusual as other cards with EGA/VGA connectors are VGA but support EGA monitors, like the ET3000 cards. So these ones are different.

Jumper setting for VGA display:
1 open
2 close
3 close
4 open
5 open
6 close

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BIOS dumps:

The attachment HEATH EGA.rar is no longer available

(C)Copyright Sigma Designs, Inc 1985,1986

Some interesting text inside:


WARNING:Emulation HW was ON but may have been blocked.
WARNING:Emulation HW ON & SW installed but NMIs are not happening.
WARNING:Emulation HW ON but SW NOT installed
NMIs may be turned off.
WARNING:Emulation HW & SW are not consistent.

Emulation Hardware is not responding.

Color Graphics
Hercules Graphics
Screen Timeout is
Board incompatible with software.
In memory version is different than this version. ON.
is not active.
set for 5 minutes.
Color Graphics Mode not allowed with Color Adapter.
Monochrome Mode not allowed with Monochrome Adapter.
Single plane graphics allowed (HALF).

Double plane graphics allowed (FULL).

Monochrome Graphics not allowed on Color Display.

Color Graphics not allowed on Monochrome Display.

Coprocessor switch set but coprocessor not responding.
Check coprocessor switch on system board.

Auto Mode Hard Mode
Usage is: action

Where action can be:
CGA ON - Enable Color Graphics Mode
CGA OFF - Disable Color Graphics Mode
HGC ON - Enable Monochrome Graphics Mode
HGC OFF - Disable Monochrome Graphics Mode
HGC HALF - Enable Single Plane Monochrome Graphics Mode
HGC FULL - Enable Double Plane Monochrome Graphics Mode
HGC DIAG - Disable Monochrome Graphics Mode
MONO ON - Enable Monochrome mode
MONO OFF - Disable Monochrome mode
AUTO ON - Enable Color or Monochrome Graphics AutoMode
AUTO OFF - Disable Color or Monochrome Graphics AutoMode
SCRNSAV ON - Enable Screen Save feature (5 Min default)
SCRNSAV OFF - Disable Screen Save feature
SCRNSAV ## - Enable Screen Save feature (## Min default)

They do not support 256 colors, but the 640x480x16 VGA mode, so its possible to run Windows in VGA resolution. Same as for other C&T EGA cards.

Xenon 320x200x16

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Last edited by Predator99 on 2019-01-06, 18:11. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 20, by Predator99

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Rank l33t

640x480x16 VGA

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640x350x16 EGA - same image

The attachment IMG_0753.JPG is no longer available

Z-449 (150-0307)
SwitchType: EGA/ZDS 480 Line Mode
Output Port(s): 15-pin analog
9-pin TTL
Compatibility: MDA, HGC, CGA, EGA, VGA
Video Memory: 256K only
Max. Video Mode Resolution: 640 x 480 x 16 - ZDS Mode
132-Column Support: No
Switches: See Below

1 2 3 4 Monitor Type
OFF ON ON OFF VGA (Mode 12 only through BIOS calls)
ON ON OFF OFF VGA Monochrome (limitation as above)

Switch 5 activates automode feature. This automatically switches between EGA & CGA or MDA & Hercules under software control. As this uses NMI, it is recommended to be turned off unless specifically required.

Switch 6 switches between 9 pin TTL video connector (OFF) and 15 pin Analogue connector (ON).

Device Drivers were available for Microsoft Windows (2.0), Lotus 1-2-3, Autocad, Gem and Pagemaker to utilise ZDS 480 line mode.

Reply 2 of 20, by Predator99

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Installed the card in my main 286 and can confirm its 100% EGA with a EGA-to-VGA converter at the end 😀

Some results:

EGA Game (320x200x16): Output 720x400 @ 71Hz (seems to make some upscaling here)

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VGA Mode 12h (set with debug.exe): 640x480 @ 60 Hz

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Boot and DOS Display: 640x350 @ 71 Hz

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Compared to a standard 16-bit VGA card in another 286 PC:
Boot and DOS Display: 720x400 @ 70 Hz

The attachment IMG_0774vgastart.jpg is no longer available

...I agree its a very special card and its unlikely many other people own it... 😉

Reply 3 of 20, by root42

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Love the card! The spare IC pads are funny. What spares would have gone there?

YouTube and Bonus
80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC

Reply 5 of 20, by Anonymous Coward

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I also remember that there were a number of laptops from the late 80s or early 90s that could hook up to a VGA monitor but only supported EGA.

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 6 of 20, by Andreycpu

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The archive HEATH EGA.rar contains two BIOS dumps 1.32 and 1.33.
But they are identical up to the byte, this is an error, or they are the same?
I am trying to use this BIOS for card version 1.31, but it doesn't work. Do you have a BIOS for version 1.31?


Reply 7 of 20, by Predator99

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I dont remember. Think I didnt compare the files, just copied both of them to have them archived. So yes, they might be identical for both card revisions.

What does your card do? Does the PC boot without picture? Or doesnt it post at all?

What size of EPROM do you use?

Reply 8 of 20, by Cyberdyne

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It is so against logic... even PS/2 MCGA had 320x200x256, that is so strange, but well they just cheaped out on a proper DAC then.

I am aroused about any X86 motherboard that has full functional ISA slot. I think i have problem. Not really into that original (Turbo) XT,286,386 and CGA/EGA stuff. So just a DOS nut.
PS. If I upload RAR, it is a 16-bit DOS RAR Version 2.50.

Reply 9 of 20, by Andreycpu

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Attached photo card

What does your card do? Does the PC boot without picture? Or doesnt it post at all?

I receive a beep signal for no graphics card
I have a 1.33 card, I tested the BIOS chip on it and it works fine.

What size of EPROM do you use?


There are several differences in the board layout.
But I think problem in PAL logic, they differ in firmware versions 1.31 and 1.33. Therefore, the bios is not suitable.

Reply 10 of 20, by Predator99

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I dont think the reason for the malfunction is the ROM. Its the same chipset, there should be no difference in programming. There are many scratches on the backside, is any trace broken?

Reply 11 of 20, by radiounix

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I wonder if they did this so they could consolidate their monitor line-up and avoid releasing models with expensive multi-sync and dual TTL/analog input capability. May have saved more money then on the monitor then the extra circuitry on the video card cost. And, VGA was right around the corner -- this let them start shipping with real VGA adapters once they had them ready.

Reply 12 of 20, by rmay635703

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radiounix wrote on 2020-09-03, 13:10:

I wonder if they did this so they could consolidate their monitor line-up and avoid releasing models with expensive multi-sync and dual TTL/analog input capability. May have saved more money then on the monitor then the extra circuitry on the video card cost. And, VGA was right around the corner -- this let them start shipping with real VGA adapters once they had them ready.

The cost of running a video card at different frequencies is quite minimal , back in the day you lived with whatever you had and maybe upgraded one part at a time, using the same monitor you bought years ago for a decade or more with your current pc was common.
So being able to reuse your expensive screen with a new graphics card was handy.

Also note that CGA analog monitors were a thing back then as well.

My guess is like an antique VGA card I once owned they likely could skimp on memory having only 128kb if they wanted just ega and 256k for “vga 16 color”

Has the op tested any of the multitude of 16 color 320x200 VGA games?

I never could understand the 16 color vga marketing back in the day but it was very much a thing in games at least so maybe the card was a marketing gimmick for value conscious customers.

Reply 13 of 20, by kdr

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Predator99 wrote on 2019-01-06, 18:10:
Z-449 Z-449 (150-0307) SwitchType: EGA/ZDS 480 Line Mode Controller: Output Port(s): 15-pin analog 9-pin TTL Compatibility: MDA, […]
Show full quote

Z-449 (150-0307)
SwitchType: EGA/ZDS 480 Line Mode
Output Port(s): 15-pin analog
9-pin TTL
Compatibility: MDA, HGC, CGA, EGA, VGA
Video Memory: 256K only
Max. Video Mode Resolution: 640 x 480 x 16 - ZDS Mode
132-Column Support: No
Switches: See Below

1 2 3 4 Monitor Type
OFF ON ON OFF VGA (Mode 12 only through BIOS calls)
ON ON OFF OFF VGA Monochrome (limitation as above)

Switch 5 activates automode feature. This automatically switches between EGA & CGA or MDA & Hercules under software control. As this uses NMI, it is recommended to be turned off unless specifically required.

Where did you get these switch settings? I have a similar SIGMA DESIGNS card [but without the VGA connector], it's labelled "ERGO480", with a mystery 5-switch block that I can't figure out. My card uses the same custom L1A2334 chip (and the same set of CHIPS 82C43x EGA controller chips).

This is a strange card, it seems to want to output a video signal with a ~31.80khz hsync and it doesn't even have a 16.257Mhz crystal on board. But none of my other EGA cards are able to handle the 10Mhz clock in my Turbo XT. This card appears mostly fine, probably because it has 100ns RAM on board.

Interestingly, it has a 32K video BIOS but it's only mapped from C000-C3FF. One of the PAL16L8 chips (which is hiding underneath the BIOS chip!) implements a bank switching scheme. (Output 0x00 or 0x01 to port 3CBh to do the bank-switching magic. ) The copyright string in the BIOS looks familiar:

00000000  55 aa 20 e9 1d 09 e8 c9  0f cf e8 49 08 cf e8 6a  |U. ........I...j|
00000010 08 cf e8 0b 0d cf e8 20 0d cf 00 00 00 0d 49 42 |....... ......IB|
00000020 4d 20 45 47 41 20 43 4f 4d 50 41 54 49 42 4c 45 |M EGA COMPATIBLE|
00000030 2e 2a 55 4e 49 53 59 53 20 45 56 43 20 56 20 31 |.*UNISYS EVC V 1|
00000040 2e 36 30 20 20 0d 0a 00 20 20 28 43 29 43 6f 70 |.60 ... (C)Cop|
00000050 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 53 69 67 6d 61 20 44 65 73 |yright Sigma Des|
00000060 69 67 6e 73 2c 20 49 6e 63 20 31 39 38 35 2c 31 |igns, Inc 1985,1|
00000070 39 38 36 0d 0a 00 00 1a 50 b0 01 ba cb 03 ee c3 |986.....P.......|

Investigations are still ongoing...

Reply 14 of 20, by mkarcher

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kdr wrote on 2020-10-07, 01:38:

This is a strange card, it seems to want to output a video signal with a ~31.80khz hsync and it doesn't even have a 16.257Mhz crystal on board. But none of my other EGA cards are able to handle the 10Mhz clock in my Turbo XT. This card appears mostly fine, probably because it has 100ns RAM on board.

Well, it still has a 32.000MHz crystal, and if you divide that by two, you get close enough to 16.257. So the hardware might be able to generate timings an EGA monitor can sync to. But 31.8kHz sounds like a 480 line mode, which is not that surprising on a card called "Ergo 480".

Reply 16 of 20, by mkarcher

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kdr wrote on 2020-10-07, 01:38:

But none of my other EGA cards are able to handle the 10Mhz clock in my Turbo XT. This card appears mostly fine, probably because it has 100ns RAM on board.

Im my Turbo XT, a DTK PIM TB10 clone, a Genoa-based Super EGA ("EXPERT TOP SEGA 800" according to the silkscreen, "EXPERT SEGA V3.11-5C" on the BIOS sticker, FCC ID DXL91ILLH6392. It supports up to 800 lines) works perfectly in turbo mode. That board adds a wait-state for memory access in 10MHz mode, though. Memory access (all addresses) in 4.77MHz mode uses four clock cycles, which is the 8088/V20 minimum, whereas in 10MHz mode, non-onbard-RAM memory access takes five clock cycles, resulting in a theretical maximum rate of 2MB/s on the XT bus and 2.5MB/s on the onboard RAM. You can get close to those rates using REP STOSW on a V20 processor, that's how I measured it.

Reply 17 of 20, by kdr

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Predator99 wrote on 2020-10-07, 06:42:

Nice find! Yes that is quite similar to my card, including the fact that it has five switches.

I will upload the BIOS for this card and also one other Sigma card, the SPEGASYNC [EDIT: seems that card has already been posted, but my BIOS chip is different!]. Both of these cards were produced by Sigma for UNISYS and appear to be slight variants of whatever Sigma was selling in the retail channel.

Last edited by kdr on 2020-10-07, 10:52. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 18 of 20, by mkarcher

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kdr wrote on 2020-10-07, 01:38:

Where did you get these switch settings? I have a similar SIGMA DESIGNS card [but without the VGA connector], it's labelled "ERGO480", with a mystery 5-switch block that I can't figure out. My card uses the same custom L1A2334 chip (and the same set of CHIPS 82C43x EGA controller chips).

Four of the five switches seem to be plain EGA switches with their well-known meaning, but the card adds two new combinations in addition to the standard EGA configurations:

OFF OFF  ON  ON - EGA in MDA compatibility mode with 480 line monitor, possibly CGA with 80 columns as secondary card
OFF OFF ON OFF - EGA with 480 line color monitor, possibly MDA as secondary card

Reply 19 of 20, by douglar

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keropi wrote on 2019-01-07, 21:22:

Oh! Now I have to find one of these cards! 🤣

Looks like a number of these boards went up for sale on a major auction site recently.