First post, by Malik
- Rank
- l33t
Thought of continuing this matter here from the other (last third of the) thread "Could this be the ultimate fastest system with pure dos sound support?".
Interesting infos are also provided by Great Hierophant over here.
I have faced similar no-sound problem when using in a Socket 370 based DFI 6AC1 motherboard which has 3 ISA slots and running on a PIII 1GHz.
I have also used the card on a DFI P2BXL Slot-1 motherboard, which worked without problems. This has a PIII 450Mhz Slot-1 Processor in it.
After testing on the 6AC1, I tried back on the P2XBL, but this time there's no sound output coming out. And I don't know what happened.
Could it be that the P2XBL ran it before out of mere luck? Or did I fry my LAPC-I in that 6AC1? I doubt any static electricty would have caused it.
And no -5v means no go for the LA synthesis?
And what of this 4.77MHz thingy? What if the bios doesn't have the option to change this setting? And how does the clock setting ( 2clk,3clk etc) affect this?
And finally does it really matter when it comes to an 8-bit or 16-bit ISA slot for LAPC-I to work?
Any comments are extremely valued since this is quite a new piece of information to me.