Official website

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First post, by FingerSoup

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Rank Newbie

I've been trying to direct people to the official VDMSound website, but it seens the VDMSound.sf.net and the ntvdm.cjb.net sites are down. Any idea what's going on, or if it's coming back?

Reply 1 of 2, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

The site won't be back unless Vlad wants it back.

This is the latest ver of VDMSound: VDMSound 2.1.0 PUBLIC BETA

Here's the sourceforge project page:

and of course these forums for support.

I really don't see what the big deal is. The site wasn't really that important. I'm sure it probably had a few nuggets of info but nothing that important.

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Reply 2 of 2, by FingerSoup

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Rank Newbie

It was just a quick site which pointed people in the right direction, without having to sift through a message board... Granted there's not much sifting, but it was at least some official place to look that was more than a generic project page. As a techie kind of guy I can find my way around a SF Project page quite well, but there are many people out there who could use VDMSound and would be lost there.

I guess I'll keep pointing people to this forum, and the thread posted above. It's about the easiest place to get it.