Hi everyone! Been a long time lurker here, but I wanted to share a system I recently picked up. I took a chance on this "U.S. Logic" branded system with no indication of what was in it. I'm not even sure if there is much reference to this particular era of this brand on the internet.
Turns out, it's a Socket 3 system with a AMD 5x86 133MHz CPU, AWE64 CT4520, and a S3 Virge DX card (Phantom 3D/DX) all in a board with ISA, VL Bus, and PCI slots (https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/mitac-trigon-ph4500am).
I had to swap in different cache chips since the ones in there were causing major issues. However, since then, I've been able to overclock to 40MHz x 4 for 160MHz on the CPU with tight timings, and it's been running stable for days. Got 17.0 FPS in the Quake time demo, so it seems to me to be running as expected for this configuration. Very happy to have this system and components I have been wanting to work with! 😀