DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1860 of 1987, by _Rob

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jre-8u351 is java 8, hence the error message as the newer DBGL version requires Java 11 as a minimum instead. The current LTS Java version is Java 17.

Reply 1861 of 1987, by krashd

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Rank Newbie

But the DBGL website says it requires the JRE and I can't find a JRE that goes past 8 - the latest version as of December is 8u351 so I assumed that had to be higher than 11 in reality if it's the newest release. The only things I can find with an 11 in it are JDK and JSE, but not JRE.

Reply 1862 of 1987, by _Rob

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Rank Member

You can use a JDK version, and it is probably the easiest solution.

I use Linux, so installing Java is very easy from the package manager.

I assume your on Windows, so Oracle will try to get you to pay for the 'JSE' edition, which you don't actually need to do as Java is OpenSource. But Oracle try there best to make it difficult to get a current Java 11 or 17 build for Windows without paying for it.

Reply 1863 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Yesterday I came across some problem with one of my installations of DBGL. I found that selecting a concrete profile on my gamelist froze DBGL, so I went to \CONFS and deleted it. However, the profile still appears on my gamelist and still freezes the program. How can I get rid of it?

Reply 1864 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody,

Thanks for all the comments and bug-reports! And apologies for my absence, these last few weeks. After a regularly busy December, I decided to spend some time on a side-project (rewriting Access 3.01 in TurboC for MiSTer FPGA PC/XT) which is mostly finished now. So I expect to return for DBGL maintenance shortly, and will then respond to your questions and remarks.

Also, I'll be doing some network maintenance for the dbgl.org webserver tomorrow, which will cause some downtime.


Reply 1865 of 1987, by RedTony

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Rank Newbie
krashd wrote on 2023-01-06, 19:46:

But the DBGL website says it requires the JRE and I can't find a JRE that goes past 8 - the latest version as of December is 8u351 so I assumed that had to be higher than 11 in reality if it's the newest release. The only things I can find with an 11 in it are JDK and JSE, but not JRE.

Hi @Krashd,

you can just use the portable JRE that Ronald prepared, downloadable from DBGL website.

You may use this minimal, portable Java Runtime Environment with DBGL (on Windows) so that you don't need to install a full Java SDK. This saves disk space and makes your DBGL installation fully portable.
Just download and extract the contents of this zip file into your DBGL folder.

I am using it on a fully-portable DBGL build installed in my pcloud drive and works flawlessly.

Reply 1866 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
dosdog wrote on 2022-11-28, 10:20:

... reporting a crash when attempting to Select All screenshots/media before the thumbnails have all loaded. Using 0.97b1
... another crash/hang when right-click game > Open Game Folder and game folder doesn't exist

Should both be fixed in this new build (beta 3). Note that multiple jars in the lib folder have been updated, not just dbgl.jar.

krashd wrote on 2023-01-06, 16:31:

"This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 11 (64-bit)"
I have the latest JRE (jre-8u351) both x86 and x64 but DBGL 0.96 always gives the above error. When I put 0.95 back everything works fine as it recognises the latest Java release as being 8-or-higher, but it seems like 0.96 doesn't recognise the latest Java release as being 11-or-higher.

I can imagine Java versioning being a bit confusing. Java 8uXXX is really Java 8, thus pretty old. You need at least Java 11 for DBGL 0.96. Oracle's Java comes in two flavours; one for end-users - The Java Runtime Environment or JRE, and one for Java programmers called the JDK. This JDK also contains the JRE. While the latest official JRE from Oracle is version 8, the latest JDK is already up to version 19 !

So you'll either need to install the full JDK, or use one of the specially crafted mini-JREs to run DBGL 0.96. I would recommend against installing Java version 18 or 19 because of the issue mentioned by Neville below regarding character encoding.

Neville wrote on 2023-01-16, 10:04:

Yesterday I came across some problem with one of my installations of DBGL. I found that selecting a concrete profile on my gamelist froze DBGL, so I went to \CONFS and deleted it. However, the profile still appears on my gamelist and still freezes the program. How can I get rid of it?

Please start DBGL with dbglcons.cmd in order to see the crash stacktrace, so I can analyze the issue.

Neville wrote on 2022-11-03, 19:36:

... I think there's been some kind of regression regarding the use of regional characters in folder names. I'm reviewing old profiles and they seem to work at first... but once they're updated said characters are modified and no longer work.

I'm still rather confused about this issue, actually, it might not be possible to fully resolve this problem. I'll come back on this, still have to investigate it a bit more.


Reply 1867 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I'm afraid I can't make a proper report on the crashing issue. It was on my secondary DBGL instalation and eventually I decided to delete it and replace it with a new version. At least I can tell you what I experienced seems to me a very rare occurence, because I've used DBGL for years and never saw it before.

Reply 1868 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

Unsurprisingly, MobyGames' new layout has broken DBGL scraping.


Reply 1869 of 1987, by psoma

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Rank Newbie
dosdog wrote on 2023-02-21, 21:34:
Unsurprisingly, MobyGames' new layout has broken DBGL scraping. […]
Show full quote

Unsurprisingly, MobyGames' new layout has broken DBGL scraping.


Yeah, a few days on and no change - still broken 🙁

Reply 1870 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah, wow, seems like a complete overhaul of the MobyGames website, it will take some time to adjust to this. But I'll see what can be done.

Reply 1871 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all, I've just uploaded beta4, fixing MobyGames queries. Note that I've switched from website crawling, to using the public MobyGames API. This (rather poorly documented) API seems a bit limited though, both in its features as in its speed. Also, it restricts the amount of requests per second, and per hour. DBGL should take care of this, but if you find you get error messages regarding HTTP429, you may want to create a personal MobyGames API key. If so, create a MobyGames account and then visit your profile page. Click the 'API' link under your user name to find your API key, and enter that value into DBGL preferences' screen.

All the latest files. Please note that a new json-20230227.jar was added, you should add it in the DBGL/lib folder.


Reply 1872 of 1987, by PerryRhodan

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Rank Newbie

Hello rcblanke, thanks for releasing the update so quickly. Works great!

Reply 1873 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

You're welcome, glad to hear that. Just let me know if you spot any irregularities.

Reply 1874 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

097b4 seems to be working well, though I got some 401 errors after performing several MobyGames API calls in quick succession. Am I being throttled? Would applying for my own API key help?


Reply 1875 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

More on the above - I generated my own API key and updated it in DBGL settings, but still getting the 401 error with the new key.

The MobyGames API page says error 401 is "Unauthorized - Sent if you attempt to access an endpoint without providing a valid API key".

Could be server-side I guess...

Reply 1876 of 1987, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

So I was thinking # isn't seen in URLs, so I did a human eyeball lookup and the URL is https://www.mobygames.com/game/97125/big-blue-disk-1/

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 1877 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

I think you're onto something there BitWrangler - with more testing I found I was only seeing the error for games with "#" in the name while lookups for other games still worked fine.

I ran a few lookups for punctuation and special characters. Seems that "&" should also be avoided, and Unicode as well:

~ - _=+ ` ' " ; : . , ( ) [ ] { } < > * $ % ^ ! ? @ \ | / - all worked fine
& ä • ½ - Error 400
# - Error 401

Reply 1878 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah, sorry about that, forgot to do proper URL encoding. Should be fixed in beta5, thanks for the heads up!

All the latest files

Reply 1879 of 1987, by dosdog

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Rank Newbie

Working fine now, thanks Ronald!