VOGONS Driver Library

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Reply 1420 of 1516, by douglar

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Rank Oldbie
aaron158 wrote on 2023-10-25, 20:51:

Can someone put this dell utility up

https://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fil … &menustate=61,0

SVCTAG diskette version A28
Release date: 22-November-2005

What does this utility do?
This utility is used to re-program the system service tag on certain
Dell Portable systems. The utility may only work on systems which
already have a service tag programmed. If no service tag currently
exists, the utility may return an error message and fail.

Reply 1421 of 1516, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Added the ari-service bios files for older AST machines from archive, hope it works ok. http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … 6&menustate=0,0

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 1422 of 1516, by mtest001

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Hi all,
I noticed that there is no link to the Windows 98 USB storage driver (or maybe I missed it), maybe worth to add it to the library ?

The nusb driver does not handle properly non-US-english Windows, and the result is a bit ackward with a mix of english and non-english. I found this one that works well in this case: http://www.megalab.it/3256/megalab-it-generic … -storage-driver .

/me love my P200MMX@225 Mhz + Voodoo Banshee + SB Live! + Sound Canvas SC-55ST = unlimited joy !

Reply 1424 of 1516, by DersEvvak

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Rank Newbie

Here's a collection of drivers for the Fujitsu Stylistic LT-C500 tablet PC. Full driver sets are included for Windows 98 and Windows 2000.


Reply 1425 of 1516, by Dodobird

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Hi, here is the DOS ESS 1887 driver v1.9 for the DELL XPi CD laptop.
This particular version detects the hardwired IRQ channel 5


Reply 1426 of 1516, by schmatzler

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Rank Oldbie

I dumped the driver CD that came with my Diamond FireGL 4000. It's like the Diamond SuperCD we already have on vogonsdrivers, but specific only to this model and comes with drivers for NT3/NT4, some AutoCAD tools and "Heidi" (don't know yet what that is, maybe some demo tool?)


"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 1427 of 1516, by Grzyb

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Rank Oldbie
schmatzler wrote on 2024-01-08, 15:24:

"Heidi" (don't know yet what that is, maybe some demo tool?)

Drivers for 3D Studio Max.

Nie tylko, jak widzicie, w tym trudność, że nie zdołacie wejść na moją górę, lecz i w tym, że ja do was cały zejść nie mogę, gdyż schodząc, gubię po drodze to, co miałem donieść.

Reply 1429 of 1516, by douglar

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Rank Oldbie
mtest001 wrote on 2023-11-23, 16:11:

Hi all,
I noticed that there is no link to the Windows 98 USB storage driver (or maybe I missed it), maybe worth to add it to the library ?

The nusb driver does not handle properly non-US-english Windows, and the result is a bit ackward with a mix of english and non-english. I found this one that works well in this case: http://www.megalab.it/3256/megalab-it-generic … -storage-driver .

It was there, it was just under "Motherboard drivers", which seems a little off I guess.

I moved it to Removable storage and put in a note about how to correct the language issue.


Reply 1430 of 1516, by douglar

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Rank Oldbie
mtest001 wrote on 2023-11-23, 16:11:

Hi all,
I noticed that there is no link to the Windows 98 USB storage driver (or maybe I missed it), maybe worth to add it to the library ?

The nusb driver does not handle properly non-US-english Windows, and the result is a bit ackward with a mix of english and non-english. I found this one that works well in this case: http://www.megalab.it/3256/megalab-it-generic … -storage-driver .

Anyone know the history on this driver?

I uploaded it here:


Reply 1431 of 1516, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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Rank l33t
douglar wrote on 2024-01-09, 13:52:
Anyone know the history on this driver? […]
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mtest001 wrote on 2023-11-23, 16:11:

Hi all,
I noticed that there is no link to the Windows 98 USB storage driver (or maybe I missed it), maybe worth to add it to the library ?

The nusb driver does not handle properly non-US-english Windows, and the result is a bit ackward with a mix of english and non-english. I found this one that works well in this case: http://www.megalab.it/3256/megalab-it-generic … -storage-driver .

Anyone know the history on this driver?

I uploaded it here:


Seems to have started life as a driver for the Lexar JumpDrive USB family

Reply 1432 of 1516, by przemek

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Rank Newbie
ruthan wrote on 2020-02-18, 12:56:
I know its not whole package, but it thing that is still valid for this topic. […]
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I know its not whole package, but it thing that is still valid for this topic.

Diderius6 made ATI MOBILITY FireGL V3200 (on IBM T43 notebook) working with Win98!

You need Vista 32 bit driver 10-2-mobile_legacy_vista32-64_dd_ccc_mod.exe

magic line to add to inf file:
"ATI MOBILITY FireGL V3200" = ati2mtag_M24, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_3154


Funny its faster that Win10 on same machine:


https://www.win-raid.com/t4035f45-Windows-XP- … .html#msg104444 // Name of thread is misleading if mainly about XP but, there is also some stuff about Win98 and Quantum computers 😀

I know it is old post, but how did you install the inf file on windows 98? I have also T43p. The links above are dead, so I cannot read the whole information about that. I have found the modded vista drivers and added the line to the inf file, but Windows 98 cannot recognize any devices in this inf file. Thanks.

Reply 1433 of 1516, by wierd_w

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Rank Oldbie

There is a trick to it.

In the add hardware wizard/change driver wizard, choose 'all devices' as the device category, before selecting 'from location'.

You can force the driver that way.

Reply 1434 of 1516, by przemek

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Rank Newbie
wierd_w wrote on 2024-01-19, 17:44:

There is a trick to it.

In the add hardware wizard/change driver wizard, choose 'all devices' as the device category, before selecting 'from location'.

You can force the driver that way.

These are Windows NT infs, so I presume, adding only one line with device ID is not sufficient for Windows 98. I have tried with add and show all devices as you wrote, but unfortunately there are no devices in the inf file.

Reply 1435 of 1516, by wierd_w

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Rank Oldbie

OK, in this case, it must be a WDM driver model based driver...

You need to redecorate the inf for win9x.
Despite being a bit... condescending... this is a very informative page on the subject.


Basically, the platform signature string needs to be ... ... massaged ... ... so that it says $Chicago$ instead of $Windows NT$

Some other decorations may need to be removed; Do the opposite of what they are doing here with this via chipset .inf

http://www.pronetworks.org/forums/driver-deco … ion-t51480.html

Then cross your fingers, hope, and pray.

Reply 1436 of 1516, by przemek

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Rank Newbie
wierd_w wrote on 2024-01-20, 05:49:
OK, in this case, it must be a WDM driver model based driver... […]
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OK, in this case, it must be a WDM driver model based driver...

You need to redecorate the inf for win9x.
Despite being a bit... condescending... this is a very informative page on the subject.


Basically, the platform signature string needs to be ... ... massaged ... ... so that it says $Chicago$ instead of $Windows NT$

Some other decorations may need to be removed; Do the opposite of what they are doing here with this via chipset .inf

http://www.pronetworks.org/forums/driver-deco … ion-t51480.html

Then cross your fingers, hope, and pray.

this make sense now, I will read this and try to change the inf file. I will also compare it to the catalyst 6.2 inf files. Thanks.

Reply 1437 of 1516, by eddman

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I managed to find more Cirrus Logic 5480 Win9x drivers. I don't have an account, so if anyone can please upload them if they're ok.

Reply 1438 of 1516, by eddman

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There's a limit of 5 attachments.

Reply 1439 of 1516, by theamtrakvirus

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Dell's SuperFREQ utility for setting cpu speed on the slot 2 Precision 620 workstations. 1 is for 733/800 according to what I've read and 2 is for anything over that. Seem to be mandatory after doing a bios update on these things.