Well well well, maybe doing 6x86 stuff jumped from 90 on the list to top 20 at least. I was thinking about what boards I've got, in particular what Via boards I've got because they are known to support the 6x86 burst mode which can give up to 5% performance gain vs Intel chipsets. There's some scribbles I've got in old notes about an MVP3 board and FIC boards, but the only one I know for sure I've got is a Lucky Star 5V-1A. Which does this... Lucky Star 5V-1A / 5V-1B review - scaling form XT levels to K6-II levels
It's not a "super" 7 really but got a couple of higher FSBs there that would be interesting to try my 366GP on if I can dig it out. My ALI V boards are reserved for the K6-2/3+ but maybe at some point in not so near future I'll try a 2x140 run on them for giggles. If the 366GP won't make an appearance, then an IBM MX266 will have to do until something better turns up. Though it's a 2.5 x 83 part, so since IBM is supposedly conservative on clocks, might do as well as 300/333 PRed Cyrix parts. Not sure if I've got some Cyrix hiding in "non-computer" areas though a few years back a bud was wanting a gold top CPU for a display piece and I gathered up Pentium 90s and Cyrixes to show him what I had, but he more had a P-Pro in mind I think, anyway, the P90s didn't make it back to the computer areas again and unsure what cyrix were with them. So I think I've got one or two stored somewhere really random, box or drawer in living areas somewhere. Don't think they would have been upper end speeds I was offering to give him... might have been a 233 though and you never know until you try them how well they will go, and it probably wasn't in my mind then to verify whether they were .35 or .25 or what.
All my decent PCI graphics cards are also spoken for, got so many TNT2 AGP though, wish I could magic wand them into PCIs.... or magic wand an AGP slot into more motherboards. Got "interesting" period correct stuff that nobody actually wants to use, like Permedia 2, Rendition Verite, and Rage Pro.... thought I had a Rage 128 PCI which would be passable, but IDK if I imagined it because there's no sign of the thing.... and I'm not up for blowing $1000 for the 6 places I can think of to install a V3 PCI.
I'll have to see what turns up, it's not like I'm trying to build this tomorrow.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.