TNT2 Ultra faster than Geforce 2MX on Slot A?

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Reply 20 of 25, by Gmlb256

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leileilol wrote on 2023-05-30, 04:32:

IIRC that was fixed around detonator 12.41. Quake3 tells OpenGL to load RGB textures in a S3TC format and nVidia's on-demand compression wasn't great. Note that Q3 lacks compressed textures to begin with so it's a quality loss to enable texture compression anyway (it's default on for Savages in mind with the hopes that no other vendor does it).

Yep, texture compression is worthless in Quake III on cards that has 64MB+ memory. The real use on that game was to avoid texture thrashing.

This, of course, has fed a few "3dFx Rulez!!!! VooDoo III > GForce 2!!! FUCK 32BIT SCAM" on the internet, where arguments for not supporting a feature equals better hardware.

Agreed, those arguments are a load of nonsense.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 22 of 25, by The Serpent Rider

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Already discussed on vogons. Chips with high-pin count have 32-bit access.

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 23 of 25, by rasz_pl

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ptr1ck wrote on 2023-05-29, 21:10:

I tried going from a Voodoo 3 3000 to a Geforce2MX back in the day and it was a downgrade for me at that time.

imi wrote on 2023-05-30, 02:26:

I upgraded from a TNT 2 ultra to a GF2 MX 200 MX 400 back in the day and it definitely was a considerable upgrade... I remember how happy I was that a cheap card like that gave me a boost.

Depends on CPU and games. I was deep into UT and UT based mods in 1999-2002 and overclocked V3 3000 was perfect for 1024x768@70fps gameplay.

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Reply 24 of 25, by havli

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SPBHM wrote on 2023-05-30, 20:25:

I have never seen a geforce 2 MX with 128bits SDR and only 4 chips.

They are very common actually. Take a look at these:


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Reply 25 of 25, by SPBHM

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havli wrote on 2023-05-31, 09:40:
They are very common actually. Take a look at these: […]
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SPBHM wrote on 2023-05-30, 20:25:

I have never seen a geforce 2 MX with 128bits SDR and only 4 chips.

They are very common actually. Take a look at these:


interesting, well, the card uses 4 32bit channels so it makes sense, it's just that from my past experience every time I had one in my hands with 4 chips it was a "mx200" 64bits SDR, or a 64 bits DDR model (actually good), and the 128bits had 8 chips, but if it can access a 32bits chip and it is a 32bits chip, yeah,
in any case, for the OP I highly suspect he has a 64bits card for it to be clearly slower than a tntn2u.
gf2mx with 64bits sdr is a tragedy compared to the normal model which is already a bit bandwidth starved.