First post, by nopefish

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Hi all.
I have bought a PC and also three SB boards. One of them is from another country. The seller told me it works.
I installed MS DOS 6 and tried all three boards one after another. Neither of them works. Then I installed Windows 98 and tried to install drivers there but after that it started to hang and to work with no sound at all.
So I guess something with my PC or with my boards.
This PC had Windows XP installed with drivers for the sound board on MB. It worked fine but DOS doesn't see it.

My question is just where I can order a Sound Blaster that will definitely work so I could play System Shock with SB2 music? Just wanted to experience the original gameplay. Not through the DosBox.
But it's not only for System Shock. I just wanted the working sound device on Windows 98 and MS DOS so I could play other games with sound.
I'm sorry if it's obvious question but I just have to ask someone because it will be easier and faster for me than to google everything myself. I already tried.

The game in one of the photos was launched on the other PC.

Reply 1 of 15, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++

Hi, I'm afraid there's not enough information to provide help. :(

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 2 of 15, by Shponglefan

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Please post the specific specs of your system including what sound cards you are trying to use.

It also looks like you only have PCI slots. PCI sound cards are generally more difficult to get working under DOS.

Depending on the sound card, some of them may not have native DOS support at all.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 3 of 15, by DundyTheCroc

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I have the same PC and it works fine with SB0060 in Win98SE and DOS. Disable COM and printer ports to free some IRQs, then set in BIOS IRQ 5 just for the sound card.

Reply 4 of 15, by nopefish

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Will post specs later. Thanks.

Reply 5 of 15, by danieljm

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It could also help to disable the built-in sound card in the BIOS if possible. That might free up some resources that could cause conflicts as well.

Reply 6 of 15, by nopefish

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Rank Newbie
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-01-23, 17:15:

Please post the specific specs of your system including what sound cards you are trying to use.

It also looks like you only have PCI slots. PCI sound cards are generally more difficult to get working under DOS.

Depending on the sound card, some of them may not have native DOS support at all.

I'm so sorry for the very late response.
I attached a report from microsoft system information on Windows XP and photos of my sound blaster boards.
Also I installed drivers from kxproject and WDM is working now on Windows XP but I want it to work in DOS in Windows 98. If I manage to install Windows 98SE then I will post an update.

Reply 7 of 15, by Rwolf

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Hmm...I don't think the Live board has DOS support, it would run under Windows though, if the game can use DOSBox in a Windows environment?
(It could be the same with the Audigy 2, but I've never used one myself.)

Reply 8 of 15, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++

Hi, I've found a bit of information about the card at Phil's website.


There seems to be a DOS driver, but I don't know how it exactly works. 🤷‍♂️

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 9 of 15, by megatron-uk

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You've bought the wrong PC and the wrong sound cards for a working DOS setup. Some PCI sound cards may work in DOS, but not for every combination of game, and not 100% reliably.

Some PCI sound cards and motherboards work better than others... but for a far better DOS experience you really do need an ISA based sound card (like a genuine Soundblaster, or something based on an ESS chip, or a modern card like the Orpheus).

With that setup you've got, you are going to have a difficult time and are far better sticking to Windows. There will be a decent range of DOS games which work okay via that route, and the windows drivers should give you sound in most cases, but not everything.

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Reply 10 of 15, by zuldan

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Both cards will work in Windows 98 and Windows DOS mode. The Audigy 2 ZS is a pain to install though. Follow Phil’s YouTube instructions for both cards and disable as many resources as possible in the BIOS (as suggested previously).

Reply 11 of 15, by nopefish

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Rank Newbie

Will it work with SBLive! SB0100 ? I saw it on a local market.
I found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pudybNVofBM
Probably it will be helpful for me as I'm going to get that SB0100.

Reply 12 of 15, by Martli

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You’ll probably need windows 98. Follow these guides:
Audigy: Guide: Installing Windows 9x and DOS drivers on Audigy cards (version 3.1)
Live!: Guide: Installing Windows 9x and DOS drivers on Sound Blaster Live! cards (version 3.1)

Fenrir Asus P5A | Pentium MMX 166 | YMF719 | AWE64 | SC-88ST pro
Neptune Asus P3B-F | PIII 600 | Voodoo3 | SB Live! | YMF719
Thor Intel D865GBF | P4 3.0ghz | 4200ti | Audigy 2ZS
Jupiter Intel DH77KC | i5 3470 | GTX 670 | X-Fi

Reply 13 of 15, by Ydee

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On Compaq Deskpro EN SFF with i440BX and onboard ESS 1869 it is essential to turn off the onboard sound card via "Device security" for Audio (BIOS option), if you want use PCI soundcard. I dont know, if it is same with your machine, but you can check this.

Reply 14 of 15, by megatron-uk

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Hold on, that machine has an ESS 1869 integrated in it? I would think that would be the easier option to get working in DOS than a PCI Soundblaster.

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Reply 15 of 15, by nopefish

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Rank Newbie

Thanks to all for the participation. I was able to install the drivers for Audigy ZS using the ones from philcomputerslab. The sound is working fine but not in System Shock and also the game crashes after clicking "START" on Win98. In dos mode it crashes after the Origin logo. But it's another issue not for this thread. Probably System Shock 2 will run fine on this PC.