digital hoading

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First post, by twiz11

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I think I have a problem collecting and hoarding keyboards,mice, monitors even though i think i will use them someday. I have 7 big tvs, 8 monitors, 24 keyboards, 24 mice, 10 desktops, 4 switches, 1 speakers. My life is computers. I like to experiment and collect stuff hoping I can fix it and reuse it from the stuff is from the early 2000s. The issue is if I get rid of it I will need it later down the road.

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Reply 1 of 5, by gerry

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do you have a problem though?

for it to be problem there is a definition that helps differentiate hoarding disorder from a kind of casual 'hoarding'

its something like persistently obtaining stuff until it gets in the way of normal life and proves mentally difficult/stressful to part with

many of us have 'too much stuff' but are actually fine, still function ok and have (some) space left over

" if I get rid of it I will need it later down the road."

strictly speaking its not true, not one of us actually "needs" old computer parts - but having said that, if we have lots then when thing break they are readily replaced at least!

Reply 2 of 5, by wiretap

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If you don't plan on fixing/using them, sell them to someone who will I guess. Collect when you're ready, or buy one thing at a time and fix it before you buy the next. With my collection, I mostly find/buy things that are broken and fix them. If certain components or pieces are badly damaged beyond repair, I'll reuse the parts I can in other things, or sell off what I'm not going to use. Of course, I'll also buy things that are tested and proved working if the price is fair too.

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Reply 3 of 5, by twiz11

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wiretap wrote on 2023-11-28, 00:03:

If you don't plan on fixing/using them, sell them to someone who will I guess. Collect when you're ready, or buy one thing at a time and fix it before you buy the next. With my collection, I mostly find/buy things that are broken and fix them. If certain components or pieces are badly damaged beyond repair, I'll reuse the parts I can in other things, or sell off what I'm not going to use. Of course, I'll also buy things that are tested and proved working if the price is fair too.

I get them from family to see if i can fix them, oftentimes I cannibalize them for parts like screws and cables. I tried to fix up that 1999 gateway astro but it just sucked. So I gutted it for parts like screws and cables, oh the cdrom and floppy were good and I put it in another machine that I can fix

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Reply 4 of 5, by ThinkpadIL

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As long as it doesn't affect your everyday life I see no problem at all.

Cause come on, there are millions of people who see no problem at all with kicking a ball for hours or jumping like crazy every weekend on a dancefloor. 😀

What is really important is if you personally are happy with your hoarding.

Reply 5 of 5, by Bruno128

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twiz11 wrote on 2023-11-27, 21:06:

The issue is if I get rid of it I will need it later down the road.

There is still a lot of stuff around and more surfacing every day, enough for our lifetimes, and I don’t mean unrealistically priced eBay listings. If at some point it becomes too hard to find certain brand video card, you will explore other domains, an adventure of its own.
If you are worried that you start many projects at once and put them on hold, try journaling practices and start inventory spreadsheet.
If room is your concern, try selling your stuff only to realize how little demand and market value most of it has. But keep the small quirky parts like proprietary interposers and extensions, they are useful in finalizing builds, don’t take a lot of space and are a pain to find.

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