dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

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Reply 1140 of 3949, by galneon

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Regarding broken scaling, an Nvidia employee confirmed there's a fix which will appear in a driver to be released in October.

In other news, Return to Krondor FMVs are still broken. There's sound, but no video in 2.44 and 2.45 regardless of in-game stretch setting and driver scaling setting and FMV is a pretty big part of the story-telling I'm afraid. Expack3 said the FMV was misplaced mostly off-screen, though I was personally unable to find a pixel of it. This is one of countless old games I get flickering in (only in 3D mode, not in menus) on my GTX 970, so dgVoodoo's the only way I'll play this one anytime soon.

Reply 1141 of 3949, by ZellSF

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Just force it windowed with dgVoodoo2. It messes a bit with frame pacing, but until Dege wants to work on ddraw/gdi interaction it's a nice workaround for those sort of games.

Reply 1142 of 3949, by galneon

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Thanks. I just re-read page 52, so it seems it's in the pipeline for the future. I've waited ~15 years to play this game, so I can wait a bit longer 😉

Reply 1143 of 3949, by ZellSF

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Someone earlier said Metal Gear Solid worked, but I wonder if he tried hardware mode because something seems... wrong:

The attachment mgsi_2015_09_27_22_18_32_334.jpg is no longer available

The black bar is probably a side effect of this being a PSX port (Final Fantasy VII does the same annoying thing), but the water is weird.

Works natively. Works with DXGL (DXGL has other issues though).

Reply 1144 of 3949, by leileilol

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MGS is one of the very very few handful pre-DX8 games to do pixel buffer effects so the incompatibility is not too surprising.

long live PCem

Reply 1145 of 3949, by NTxC

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I just logged in to thank you for this absolutely amazing piece of software.
Now I can play the first Mortyr game on my Radeon HD6970 + Intel i5-2500K. AMAZING.

Again, THANK YOU. You're legendary.

Reply 1146 of 3949, by Tafferwocky

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Sorry for the late reply! Yeah, I'm on Windows 10 so maybe that has something to do with it. Vsync is not forced on anywhere, so no idea what's going on with Simcopter.

Reply 1147 of 3949, by ZellSF

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Nvidia scaling for D3D11 apps is fixed in the latest drivers.

G-Sync is broken though.

Nvidia... I want everything working at the same time 🙁

Reply 1148 of 3949, by EAH_XxHeReTiKxX

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UPDATE 11:50 AM EST: RadeonPro with VSYNC off only crashes Jedi Knight when you launch the game in windowed menu mode with the -windowgui switch.

UPDATE 12:23 PM EST: Framerate increases dramatically as I lower resolution. I.E 150-200FPS @ 1280x720. Why does framerate suffer so much at high resolution with dgVoodoo? On such an old game shouldnt we be able to achieve much higher framerates?

Response to Dege

Hmm... I never try games in multiplayer mode because configuring them for MP always looks complicated (to me). I guess this game […]
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Hmm... I never try games in multiplayer mode because configuring them for MP always looks complicated (to me).
I guess this game does not work for you with native DX, but somehow it should be seen if fps drop has something to do with dgVoodoo.
One general thing that can be checked: if fps drops less with lower resolutions than higher ones then it has a good chance that it's rendering related.
I'm not sure, but if multiplayer mode uses network communication then even a "bad" network handling with high implicit time-delaying can cause fps drop.

(When using dgVoodoo)
1) Framerate on Jedi Knight suffers SEVERELY as more players join.
2) Players who cannot use native DX are the ones who use dgVoodoo.
3) FPS improves as you lower the resolution.
4) Other players who do not have to use dgVoodoo do not have this FPS problem even in large games.
5) VSYNC OFF helps, but framerate apperas to remain severely impaired, especially in large MP games.

I can say definitively that low framerate is a widespread problem that most Jedi Knight players experience with dgVoodoo. Those who are fortunate enough to have NVIDIA GPU's generally do not require dgVoodoo to play this game and have no framerate issues.

Dege thank you for your help. I noticed earlier in this thread you mentioned old DX SDK's. I have many of them going back to the mid 90's. Let me know if you want them.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.150202-1526)
BIOS: BIOS Date: 02/05/10 19:13:52 Ver: 08.00.10
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6739)

Please help! I am willing to try anything.

Links for Testing:
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 64-Bit Installer
Mysteries of the Sith 64-Bit Installer
Dralloc CTF (Map Pictured)

dgVoodoo 2.45 Settings Page (VSYNC OFF)

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 with dgVoodoo 2.45 - Low Framerate, 10-61FPS

Shot 2

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 with dgVoodoo 2.45, VSYNC FORCED OFF WITH RADEONPRO - High Framerate, 80-120FPS

Reply 1149 of 3949, by Dege

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EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:


UPDATE 11:50 AM EST: RadeonPro with VSYNC off only crashes Jedi Knight when you launch the game in windowed menu mode with the -windowgui switch.

UPDATE 12:23 PM EST: Framerate increases dramatically as I lower resolution. I.E 150-200FPS @ 1280x720. Why does framerate suffer so much at high resolution with dgVoodoo? On such an old game shouldnt we be able to achieve much higher framerates?

This symptom implies that the game applies direct access to some of its rendering buffers, through the CPU (some hud element, subtitle, cockpit, anything that is not rendered by the GPU in a 3D-way).

Unfortunately this type of access is slower than natively. While the (old style, out-of date) native way allows applications to reach video memory directly, the modern way (like DX11) doesn't.
This means that dgVoodoo has to do a readback from video memory to system memory to emulate this. Altough readback from video memory is done by the GPU and improved a lot compared to, say, hardware architectures of 10 years ago, it's still slow if done very frequently during rendering a frame. Say, the game renders something and wants CPU-access n-times if n gamers are present then the wrapper has to do n readback in the worst case. The higher resolution the more data to move. The more cumulates the slower rendering a frame will be.

The only solution would be porting the 'partial-access' method present in the Glide wrapper to the DX wrapper. It's on my todo list but still not implemented. 🙁
What if 'Fast videomemory access' is enabled? It won't solve the readback problem but can 'defer' it resulting in minimizing it's number.

(Edit: in some games it's also common to lock and access the depth buffer by the CPU to check if something is in occlusion, like the sun for a lensflare effect. The best practical example for this is game Pyl (Glide) which locks the depth buffer multiple times during a single frame to see if the environmental light sources are occluded and decide to render or not their aura. Without partial readback that game is unplayably slow.)

EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:
(When using dgVoodoo) 1) Framerate on Jedi Knight suffers SEVERELY as more players join. 2) Players who cannot use native DX are […]
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(When using dgVoodoo)
1) Framerate on Jedi Knight suffers SEVERELY as more players join.
2) Players who cannot use native DX are the ones who use dgVoodoo.
3) FPS improves as you lower the resolution.
4) Other players who do not have to use dgVoodoo do not have this FPS problem even in large games.
5) VSYNC OFF helps, but framerate apperas to remain severely impaired, especially in large MP games.

vSync off in dgVoodoo setup doesn't mean vSync off for the game. If it's unchecked then just the forcing of vSync is disabled. There is no option for forced-off vSync in dgVoodoo.

EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:

Dege thank you for your help. I noticed earlier in this thread you mentioned old DX SDK's. I have many of them going back to the mid 90's. Let me know if you want them.

Thanks, now I have them all. At least, what is needed.

Of course, I would like to check the exact reason of the slowdown myself to see if my theory is true.
I haven't really cared the readback-problem so far because only in a few game it appeared, but it seems more and more urging to improve it.

Reply 1150 of 3949, by EAH_XxHeReTiKxX

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Thank you for your fascinating answer Dege. We in the community have been looking for insight into why this happens for some time now.

The only solution would be porting the 'partial-access' method present in the Glide wrapper to the DX wrapper. It's on my todo list but still not implemented. 🙁
What if 'Fast videomemory access' is enabled? It won't solve the readback problem but can 'defer' it resulting in minimizing it's number.

When the last couple of versions of dgvoodoo were released and I noticed this feature - I tried it out and I noticed a small improvement in FPS under certain circumstances.

Of course, I would like to check the exact reason of the slowdown myself to see if my theory is true.
I haven't really cared the readback-problem so far because only in a few game it appeared, but it seems more and more urging to improve it.

Please let me know what I can do to assist with this. This issue affects many players and I would love to get this resolved!

Reply 1151 of 3949, by Dege

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EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:

Please let me know what I can do to assist with this. This issue affects many players and I would love to get this resolved!

I'm going to implement the needed things in the next version. I can test it with other games that suffer from this readback thing. When it's ready, I will upload a new WIP version for testing and see if it helps Jedi Knight.

I'm not sure when a new version will be available. Unfortunately there are still internal things I would like to change before, but in spite of that, I may release an "intermediate" WIP for testing fixes made for other things.

Reply 1152 of 3949, by EAH_XxHeReTiKxX

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Very exciting news Dege. We are eagerly anticipating the next version of dgVoodoo.

One thing I wanted to mention quickly is that when using dgVoodoo, toggling the in-game score screen ON (with multiple players in-game) in Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith drops the framerate severely.

This is not caused by MP netcode because non-dgVoodoo/NVIDIA players do not have this issue.

This would be a good symptom to explore to see if it is due to the readback problem because it reliably causes low framerate.

I also just read the discussion on page 57 about games getting capped at 60FPS with dgVoodoo. Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith seems to be one of those games.

Reply 1153 of 3949, by ZellSF

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Any chance you figured out refresh enumeration crashing at 128+ resolutions?

Reply 1154 of 3949, by duduba

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Returning to thanks dgvoodoo one more time, i recently started using dgvoodo 2.44 and 2.45 and fixed a lot of oldies games, follow the list of some games that are fixed for me:

-Take no Prisioners - was unable to play in d3d mode, fixed with dgvoodoo 2.44 by adding its dlls to game game folder (ddraw.dll and 3dimm.dll)
-Mage Slayer - same engine from the game above fixed on the same way
-Captian Claw - Very pop 2d plataformer was messed up colors issue, added dgvoodoo dlls and fixed it, no more need to kill explorer or use more complex workaround
-Baldies - A win 95 game that was unplayble on modern hardware due to messed up color and ultra high speed, fixed with dgvoodoo ddraw.dll on game folder, plus some workaround on video card profiles, due to in game the speed was stabilized by ddraw.dll but in game menus the frame rate was greater than 1000fps, than your should force vsync on video card
-Grouch -A funny 3d action fantasy based game that was fixed by dgvoodoo, the game was unable to render black areas making parts of objects transparenty
-Dark Reign -Fixed messed up color, no need to kill explorer anymore
-Overboard -Pirate themed game that have various graphics problems solved with dgvoodoo

There many other that i dont remenber right now, but when i got and oldie that is with problems, first thing to try is dgvoodoo. Please share this info, there are many people trying to runs those games too.

There two games that i would like to get fixed with dgvoodoo

-g-police - has the same problem groch was, dgvoodoo fix it but the game crash on transition from ingame to menu
-stratosphere - conquest of the skyes - unique themed game where you build and fly on a fortifyed rock, acctually playable but with very creepy graphics, tryed dgvoodoo on it and graphics was improved much, but there are some glitches and flickering.

Thanks again

Reply 1155 of 3949, by Dege

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ZellSF wrote:

Any chance you figured out refresh enumeration crashing at 128+ resolutions?

Not yet, unfortunately. I'll try to emulate that case by enumerating a lot of dummy resolutions for debugging. 🙁

duduba wrote:
Returning to thanks dgvoodoo one more time, i recently started using dgvoodo 2.44 and 2.45 and fixed a lot of oldies games, foll […]
Show full quote

Returning to thanks dgvoodoo one more time, i recently started using dgvoodo 2.44 and 2.45 and fixed a lot of oldies games, follow the list of some games that are fixed for me:

-Take no Prisioners - was unable to play in d3d mode, fixed with dgvoodoo 2.44 by adding its dlls to game game folder (ddraw.dll and 3dimm.dll)
-Mage Slayer - same engine from the game above fixed on the same way
-Captian Claw - Very pop 2d plataformer was messed up colors issue, added dgvoodoo dlls and fixed it, no more need to kill explorer or use more complex workaround
-Baldies - A win 95 game that was unplayble on modern hardware due to messed up color and ultra high speed, fixed with dgvoodoo ddraw.dll on game folder, plus some workaround on video card profiles, due to in game the speed was stabilized by ddraw.dll but in game menus the frame rate was greater than 1000fps, than your should force vsync on video card
-Grouch -A funny 3d action fantasy based game that was fixed by dgvoodoo, the game was unable to render black areas making parts of objects transparenty
-Dark Reign -Fixed messed up color, no need to kill explorer anymore
-Overboard -Pirate themed game that have various graphics problems solved with dgvoodoo

There many other that i dont remenber right now, but when i got and oldie that is with problems, first thing to try is dgvoodoo. Please share this info, there are many people trying to runs those games too.

There two games that i would like to get fixed with dgvoodoo

-g-police - has the same problem groch was, dgvoodoo fix it but the game crash on transition from ingame to menu
-stratosphere - conquest of the skyes - unique themed game where you build and fly on a fortifyed rock, acctually playable but with very creepy graphics, tryed dgvoodoo on it and graphics was improved much, but there are some glitches and flickering.

Thanks again

Thanks for the report! 😎
Now I'm in a hurry coding of dgVoodoo internals. Unfortunately it's not a bugfixing coding period because very basic things are under refactoring/development (which means a huge risk factor for breaking working things), so only when it's done I can test particular games again.

The things now is that I secretly planned DX8 support long ago and recently I realised that it's worth better to do the needed internal improvements before any other additional development to avoid 'double bugfixing' later (even if DX8 won't be part of the next version).
Of course I keep testing the wrapper continuously to avoid breaking things but the current state is still not a final one.

Reply 1156 of 3949, by Tarvis

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EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:


Jedi Knight has very strange rendering. It seems the actual FPS is half of what is actually indicated if 60FPS or above. For whatever reason, frames of the game world are not updated as often as the FPS counter suggests.

For example, at 60 FPS, the game seems closer to 30FPS despite showing 60.

I have documented the phenomenon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMEAl11701M

My only guess is that this crude framerate limit was intended for the first person weapon model layer but was applied to the game world layer instead, as they seem to animate at their own intervals, and the weapon models notoriously animate too fast at higher framerates. Perhaps machines back during development time didn't run the game fast enough for the mistake to be apparent.

Perhaps this strange behavior is a cause of the poor performance?

Reply 1157 of 3949, by Sprite

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(This has nothing to do with the excellent dgVoodoo2.)

Tarvis wrote:
EAH_XxHeReTiKxX wrote:

Perhaps this strange behavior is a cause of the poor performance?

I recently decided to get JK running and immediately noticed the jerky camera / hyperspeed weapons at 60 fps. It seems to be a trait of the engine (I'd be curious to see how the game looked at 60 fps when it came out).

Anyway, you can improve things a bit by locking the framerate to 47 (48 in my testing) or below. Explanation Do this and you'll at least get that many FPS plus weapon animations playing at proper speed (a godsend for the lightsaber). Personally I lock it at 40 because I run my monitor at 120Hz and the even divisor prevents the stutter I see at 47. I'm satisfied with that.

Reply 1158 of 3949, by VEG

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I've tried to utilize 32bpp rendering of the Napalm build of the glide3x.dll in the NFS3 Modern Patch. But it seems that it doesn't work correctly 🙁
How to reproduce:
1. Download: http://veg.by/files/nfs3/outbin.zip
2. Extract to the NFS3 directory.
3. Replace drivers/dgvoodoo/glide3x.dll to the Napalm build.
4. Run the game, choose any 32bpp resolution in the settings, start race.

In my case all 3D objects aren't displayed when 32bpp rendering is used. For enabling 32bpp rendering I'm using grSstWinOpenExt(hWnd, resolution, refresh, color_format, origin, pixel_format, nColBuffers, nAuxBuffers) with pixel_format = GR_PIXFMT_ARGB_8888 (0x0005). Address of the grSstWinOpenExt is got by grGetProcAddress("grSstWinOpenExt"). Support of 32bpp rendering is checked by executing grGetString(GR_EXTENSION) and searching substring PIXEXT.

nGlide works without problems with this code. What do you think about this? What is the cause of the problem: something in the NFS3, or something in the dgVoodoo? It would be very nice to test it on the real 3dfx Voodoo 5, but I don't have any 3dfx Voodoo 🙁

Best regards, Evgeny

Reply 1159 of 3949, by Dege

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Rank l33t
VEG wrote:

I've tried to utilize 32bpp rendering of the Napalm build of the glide3x.dll in the NFS3 Modern Patch. But it seems that it doesn't work correctly 🙁

Indeed, no any 3D objects can be seen. I've just debugged a little to see what's going on, and I can say the following:

- The game uses Z-buffering (instead of W-buffering), I'm not sure if it's normal
- In 32 bit display mode, the voodoo's depth buffer is 32 bit wide too, using only 24 bits for depth values (8 bits unused)
- Because of this, the type of 'depth' parameter of grBufferClear is changed from FxU16 to FxU32 in the Glide3 API
- If a 16 bit z-buffer is used then the depth range for grBufferClear is 0x000000 - 0x00FFFF; if a 32 bit one is used then the range is 0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF
- W-buffering uses 3Dfx's 16 bit float format (which is extended to 24 bit in the W-buffer by the Voodoo hardware during rasterization and buffer clearing), but grBufferClear still expects it in the 16 bit format specified in the SDK

So, if one ports an old Glide app from 16 bit to 32 bit rendering then the Z-values for grBufferClear must be scaled to 24bit too. In case of w-buffering, the code can be left unchanged.
NFS3 calls grBufferClear with depth = 0xFFFF. If I change it to 0xFFFFFF then the frames are rendered correctly.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I studied the Glide3 Napalm source carefully to put these things clear back when I was coding the Napalm version.