First post, by damocles

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Rank Newbie

first, hi to all.
i like this forum, it is very interesting for people (like me) have passion for old computers and hardware.
After several searches, I managed to have a sound canvas (SCB-55 doughter-board).
I tested using a sb16, it works well (there is the problem of hanging notes due to sb16).
But if i look the card, i see one track cut (open) in the PCB in the rear, and in the front another track open and two wires.
i don't know why this customization of the board.
does anyone know why?
it is very strange.

Reply 1 of 5, by cdoublejj

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Rank Oldbie

that interesting, reminds me of modern day sound card mods for better sounds quality. how ever i think this was modded for different purpose maybe repair or compatibility of course that is just a wild guess. found this interesting, figured i'd toss my 2 cents in.

Reply 2 of 5, by CHiLL72

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Judging by the number on the PCB (the '2' behind the 'M'), this is an early revision of the SCB-55. I have read somewhere that early revisions of this board had the left and right channels reversed, so this cut and these patches might have a way to correct that.

Edit: yes, a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Wave_Blaster confirms that pins 20 and 24 are the ones for the right and left output channels.

Reply 3 of 5, by Cloudschatze

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Rank Oldbie

P/N 70348878 00 - L/R channels reversed
P/N 70348878 01 - L/R channels correct

Your board repair looks professional, and was likely performed by Roland.

Reply 4 of 5, by damocles

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Rank Newbie

thank you gentlemen.
I did not understand the reason for that.
I am now comfortable

Reply 5 of 5, by valnar

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Rank Oldbie

Necrothread revival.

It turns out my SCD-15 has the channels reversed. I never noticed until now. Can anyone recommend someone who can reliably perform this surgery?