First post, by OtakuN3rd
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- Newbie
Hi Vogons,
I have been a lurker here for a couple years, but finally decided to register an account. I am working on a Socket 7 Pentium retro build and having trouble with the sound card drivers in Windows for Workgroups 3.11.
My sound card is a Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum 16 LMSI, which I also see referred to as a "DOUBLE FUSION LX LSMI (650-0082-03)" over at
I can initialize the card correctly in DOS and use the mod player that is included with the drivers I downloaded from Vogons Drivers, but Windows hasn't been so cooperative. I also attempted to use the drivers at DOS Days (WIN144.ZIP) but get the same errors.
(Drivers I attempted to use: … menustate=51,38 and … mediavision.php)
When starting Windows, I get the errors pictured below. I can't find much about the LMSI version of this card online, and the only place I find any specific drivers referenced for it is at, but of course its a click bait place and doesn't actually offer the drivers for download. That being said, I do see a filename - referenced. Unfortunately, I am unable to find that file for download.
I am not worried about using the CD-ROM interface, I don't have an LMSI drive to use with it anyway. I am just looking to use it inside WFW 3.11 (in addition to DOS, which is already working).
Other information: I noticed the DOS installer wanted to put it at IRQ 7 and DMA 3. IRQ 7 is already used by LPT1, so I switched it to IRQ 5, and to DMA 1 while I was at it. These settings were both updated in Config.sys and System.ini.
Am I using the wrong drivers, or did I overlook something?
Thanks in advance.