"low-cost" PCI gaming videocard

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First post, by Blitz_25

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I'm searching a good "low-cost" PCI videocard alternative to V2/V3 for up to DX6 gaming on win98 platform.
Videocard will be ussed on socket7 motherboard (no AGP support) paird with cyrix MII 300 (have MMX 233 as well) and 128mb of RAM .
Right now all 3D acceloratin is done by ATI rage XL which is basically ussels so i was initially planing to pair it with Voodoo2 but the prices are darn mad.
I even started to look for Voodoo 1 as they are bit less expesive but got turned off by max 640x480 video res and the pricess are going up as well.

Doas any of you have a suggestion what to look for? I gave my self a bugget of aroud 60€+shipping


Reply 1 of 46, by Anders-

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Blitz_25 wrote on 2021-10-04, 12:04:
Greets, […]
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I'm searching a good "low-cost" PCI videocard alternative to V2/V3 for up to DX6 gaming on win98 platform.
Videocard will be ussed on socket7 motherboard (no AGP support) paird with cyrix MII 300 (have MMX 233 as well) and 128mb of RAM .
Right now all 3D acceloratin is done by ATI rage XL which is basically ussels so i was initially planing to pair it with Voodoo2 but the prices are darn mad.
I even started to look for Voodoo 1 as they are bit less expesive but got turned off by max 640x480 video res and the pricess are going up as well.

Doas any of you have a suggestion what to look for? I gave my self a bugget of aroud 60€+shipping


Have you looked into the banshee?

Edit: also, are you trying to put together something period-correct?

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Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 2 of 46, by dionb

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Low cost? TNT2-M64 PCI should fit the bill, or a Gf2MX PCI.

Good DirectX and OpenGL support, and dirt cheap (at least when compared to any 3dfx)

Reply 3 of 46, by Blitz_25

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Rank Newbie

For info, i'm EU based and am looking for videocards on ebay. If any of you know any other places to search for simmilar would appritiate this info as well. Now on to sugestions
I've looked at Banshee but they are scarse especially on PCI and pricevise at least as much as good V2 if not more so they are outside of my budget as well as they cant be found for less then 140€ (direct buy or biding).
nVida TNT/2 on PCI also while there are bit more listings than Banshee, go roughlly for the same as V2 or even V3 agin talking about 120+€
Same goes for any GF MX/2/3/4 version on PCI, if you can find any they are still close if not more than 100€
Than again anything halfdecent running on PCI and with win98 support is at least 5x as much as its AGP counterpart

Reply 4 of 46, by Blitz_25

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What i found so far that might rock my boat is ATI's Radeon 7000SE that can be found for around 40€+shipping however i'm bit wary about it since i don't have any experiance with it and there are reported driver problems on win98. Doas any of you have experiance with it how do you fair with it?

Reply 5 of 46, by imi

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before you spend so much on a mediocore PCI 3D card keep your socket 7 for older games and get a cheap Slot 1 board instead or try to find a socket 7 with AGP

Reply 6 of 46, by cyclone3d

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What about an ATI 9250 256MB?

There is also a Quadro FX 600 that came in PCI.. Basically a Geforce FX 5200/5500.

There are still new Geforce FX 5500 (most likely just a clocked up Geforce FX 5200 which is what a 5500 is anyway) available from China. They usually go for pretty cheap.
Looks like AliExpress has them for $35 and eBay is around $45-50 (US dollars).

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 7 of 46, by Jasin Natael

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Your main concern with that build will be less performance than driver overhead. With that said there are still some good options that others have recommended. Just don't expect the moon as far as framerates go.
A good Voodoo card is hard to beat in a Socket 7 rig for good reason.

Reply 8 of 46, by BitWrangler

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I would specifically advise against getting a DX7 up card, as the MII300 is too weak. Even Rage II class upwards have a min-spec of a PII 233 which while a MII 300 just about gets there on integer, it's a third slower on FPU. Swap the MMX and it's still 15% slow. If you are turned off by a max of 640x480 you need a whole different system. This one will only be barely happy there whatever graphics you put in it. You could spend $400 putting a voodoo3 and an Evergreen or Powerleap into it for K6-II/III 400+ oomph and do 800x600 in glide. dx games are clunky though and you still might go back to 640x480 to smooth things out with that setup if no glide available, actually openGL is usually better than DX on voodoos also. MII is kinda "fast for 1997" but things moved on quick.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 9 of 46, by Blitz_25

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Right now my W98 install is sharing dual boot with XP rig and is "over"powered by socket 478 P4 2.6ghz with 512mb SDRAM and Gf4200Ti and while all the games i throw at it run flawleslly i would like my W98 rig run on something more era correct hence why i would like to upgrade socket 7 with bit more 3D power and while voodoo2 would be my primary choise of weapon it's to expensive right now.
Thanks for all advices. I will try to get either Radeon 7000 PCI or if luck will be on my side find a cheap GF4 MX.

Just checked aliexpress and there are no video cards on on PCI available there at all.

Reply 10 of 46, by cyclone3d

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Blitz_25 wrote on 2021-10-04, 16:03:
Right now my W98 install is sharing dual boot with XP rig and is "over"powered by socket 478 P4 2.6ghz with 512mb SDRAM and G […]
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Right now my W98 install is sharing dual boot with XP rig and is "over"powered by socket 478 P4 2.6ghz with 512mb SDRAM and Gf4200Ti and while all the games i throw at it run flawleslly i would like my W98 rig run on something more era correct hence why i would like to upgrade socket 7 with bit more 3D power and while voodoo2 would be my primary choise of weapon it's to expensive right now.
Thanks for all advices. I will try to get either Radeon 7000 PCI or if luck will be on my side find a cheap GF4 MX.

Just checked aliexpress and there are no video cards on on PCI available there at all.

Yes there are:
Geforce FX 5500:

Searching directly on AliExpress doesn't show any results but using google does.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 11 of 46, by Jasin Natael

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Whatever card you get in that class is going to be a strain on that MII. Might be worth your time at looking into a k6-2 chip, they are cheap and mostly period correct, weaker FPU than a MMX but at 400mhz or higher will run circles around either one of those chips.

A K6-III or 2+/3+ would be even better but might not be compatible with your board. But that Cyrix is going to be a bottleneck no matter what and if you end up with a Radeon 7000 the driver overhead is going to murder that CPU.

Reply 12 of 46, by Blitz_25

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Rank Newbie

Cyclon3d, thnx for links will look in to it.
Jasin, motherboard supports K6-2/3 up to 550mhz so if either MMX 233 or MII300 will show severe botleneck i still have some headroom for future CPU upgrade.

Reply 13 of 46, by dionb

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Blitz_25 wrote on 2021-10-04, 13:16:
For info, i'm EU based and am looking for videocards on ebay. If any of you know any other places to search for simmilar would a […]
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For info, i'm EU based and am looking for videocards on ebay. If any of you know any other places to search for simmilar would appritiate this info as well. Now on to sugestions
I've looked at Banshee but they are scarse especially on PCI and pricevise at least as much as good V2 if not more so they are outside of my budget as well as they cant be found for less then 140€ (direct buy or biding).
nVida TNT/2 on PCI also while there are bit more listings than Banshee, go roughlly for the same as V2 or even V3 agin talking about 120+€
Same goes for any GF MX/2/3/4 version on PCI, if you can find any they are still close if not more than 100€
Than again anything halfdecent running on PCI and with win98 support is at least 5x as much as its AGP counterpart

I'm also based in EU and see EUR 30 Gf2MX400 PCI on eBay for EUR 39 at the moment, search for "VERTO GeForce2 MX400"

But eBay is generally overpriced compared to local alternatives. What's available depends on exactly where in EU you are. I regularly see them pop up on local classified ad sites for < EUR 15 (although not at this exact moment, as usual), As with all these things, the good deals get snapped up quickly while the more expensive (and sometimes ludicrously priced) ones stay for sale for a long time, so if you just take a single look, prices look high. But keep looking regularly and you'll find good deals, even on eBay.

Reply 14 of 46, by dormcat

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60€ budget? I'd suggest getting an entire system of 2003-2005 vintage with GF3/4/FX or R8K/9K, unless you want some very specific time period and/or native Glide support from Voodoo.

Reply 15 of 46, by cyclone3d

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dormcat wrote on 2021-10-05, 03:00:

60€ budget? I'd suggest getting an entire system of 2003-2005 vintage with GF3/4/FX or R8K/9K, unless you want some very specific time period and/or native Glide support from Voodoo.

IF, and that is a huge IF, you live somewhere where something like that is actually available for that cheap.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 16 of 46, by dormcat

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cyclone3d wrote on 2021-10-05, 05:23:
dormcat wrote on 2021-10-05, 03:00:

60€ budget? I'd suggest getting an entire system of 2003-2005 vintage with GF3/4/FX or R8K/9K, unless you want some very specific time period and/or native Glide support from Voodoo.

IF, and that is a huge IF, you live somewhere where something like that is actually available for that cheap.

Well let's see......

I've purchased

Those two were sold by a professional, "for-profit" used computer components seller i.e. the price is often much higher than individual sellers or e-waste recyclers, but they've tested their items and have return policies. Together with my existing RAM, HDD, ODD, PSU, and case, it is my current main Win98SE build.

Also bought a TESTED Asus V9560XT (GeForce FX 5600 XT) for NT$350 (10.89€) from another professional seller recently.

Bought an entire system (Asus P5G41T-M LX + Q8300 + 4GB DDR3 + 500GB HDD + DVD±RW + PSU + case + Win7 SP1 64-bit) for my Dad three years ago for NT$1600 (49.78€) from yet another professional seller (mostly selling used photographic gears, including two extremely rare and expensive Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 "Double Aspherical" more expensive than most used cars, but also sell used computers).

For the record, those two were among the few sellers (less than five in the city) with physical storefronts one can walk in and browse.

I've also purchased

from an e-waste recycler. No testing and no return, but the price is much cheaper.

I know that government regulations and market prices differ from country to country, or even regions within the same country, and I'm lucky enough being in the largest city in Taiwan. However, one can always find good deals by investing sufficient efforts and patience.

Reply 17 of 46, by imi

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you missed the "Europe" part didn't you? ^^

also at least where I live electronics recyclers are off limits, can't get anything there.

Reply 19 of 46, by BitWrangler

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Tradera seems to have some okay stuff on it from time to time, better for Europeans I'd think, https://www.tradera.com/en/category/340854

I've bought a lot of vid cards this year, even though I shouldn't be buying anything really, most I've paid is $20 each for 3 NIB 6200 PCI off eBay, down to a buck each for a HD6450 and 8400GT locally, with 9600AIW, Banshee, 128Pro, 128AIW, RageProAIW, Radeon 9250, GF2 MX400 all somewhere in between. Crap that's about $100, then I guess another $100 on 2 systems, 30 sticks of RAM, 4 CPU, 3 i/o, 2 NIC, 6 HDD, 3 ODD, 2 floppy, 2 speaker sets, 2 soundcards ... think I overcompensated for being cooped up for a year.

Edit: Okay I just turned around and there's a CT4810 calling me a liar, 3 soundcards. Yup, definitely time to stop for the year when you're forgetting stuff you bought.

Last edited by BitWrangler on 2021-10-05, 13:41. Edited 1 time in total.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.