First post, by mguiddy
This is an attempt at a MacOS X guide to DosBox. I think everything is correct in it but I didn't double check my typing before posting so there may be errors. If you find an error or know of a better/easier way to do something, please let me know.
What this guide covers
Downloading and Installing DosBox
Running DosBox
Mounting a C: drive
Mounting a CD-Rom drive
Creating a .conf file
Adding commands to .conf file to automount C: drive
Running DosBox using a secondary .conf file
A small MacOS X based DosBox FAQ
What this guide doesn't cover (and why)
Compiling DosBox from source (I haven't done this)
Installing a game (This is mainly a guide for MacOS X specific issues)
Running a game (This is mainly a guide for MacOS X specific issues)
Heavy .conf file editing (This is mainly a guide for MacOS X specific issues)
Any mention of the MacOS X front ends (I don't like them)
A bunch of other stuff
If you have any questions feel free to ask, though I won't promise I'll be able to answer them.
Part 1: Installing DosBox
First you must download the DosBox binaries from here.
If you are using Safari and haven't changed any setting it should automatically unstuff everything for you, if not double click on the DOSBox-0.63.sit icon.
Now you should have a DosBox folder on your desktop.
Go to your Applications folder by double clicking on your hard drive icon and then clicking on Applications in the sidebar.
Drag the DOSBox folder from the desktop to the Applications folder.
You can drag DOSBox-0.63.sit from the desktop to the Trash as it is not needed.
You now have DosBox installed.
Part 2: Running DosBox
To run DosBox double click on the DOSBox folder and then double click on the icon that says DosBox.
DosBox is now running but before you can do anything fun with it you need to mount a C: drive.
Before you can mount a C: drive you need to create a folder to mount it to.
Open your hard drive again but this time open on your home folder by clicking on your user name in the sidebar.
Now create a new folder and name it "dos".
Go back to the DosBox window and type
mount c /Users/matthewguiddy/dos/
but substitute your username instead of matthewguiddy.
Now type
to change to your C: drive.
Now you have a C: drive but there is nothing in it.
In order to install your old dos games on CD you must first mount a cd drive in DosBox. To do this first insert the cd into your computer.
Now look on your desktop for your cd and take note of it's name.
Switch back to the DosBox window and type
mount d /Volumes/PQ4CDSO/ -t cdrom
substituting PQ4CDSO with the name of your CD as shown on the desktop.
Now you can change to your cd drive by typing
Part 3: Using .conf Files
In order to save time lets create a DosBox.conf file that will automatically mount your C: drive when you start DosBox.
Switch to your DosBox window and type
config -writeconf DosBox.conf
exactly as is, no substituting this time.
Go back to your DOSBox folder and look for the new file DosBox.conf and double click on it. If asked to choose an application to open the file, choose TextEdit.
Once the file is open scroll down to the very end of the file where you'll see
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
and add
mount c /Users/matthewguiddy/dos/
substituting matthewguiddy with your user name.
Save the file and restart DosBox.
If you did everything right your C: drive should be mounted and ready to go.
If you want to have extra .conf files (for different games, to emulate different types of machines, etc) simply ctrl-click on DosBox.conf and choose Duplicate.
Rename the new file.
Open the new file and make any changes.
In order to run DosBox with the new config you must start it from the terminal.
To start the terminal open the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder and scroll down until you see Terminal.
Double click the icon to start the terminal.
Now you have two options. You can type
cd /Applications/DOSBox/
/Applications/DOSBox/ -conf bak.conf
/Applications/DOSBox/ -conf /Applicactions/DOSBox/bak.conf
(The above should be on one line and only have one space between ".../DosBox" and "-conf")
changing bak.conf to whatever you named your .conf file.
If all went well DosBox should open using the config from your secondary .conf file.
When you run DosBox this way DosBox gets attatched to the terminal, meaning you cannot close the terminal window without closing DosBox.
Part 4: FAQ
Q: Is there an easier way to mount the a CD drive.
A: Not that I know of.
Q: Can I run more than one DosBox at a time.
A: You can run multiple instances of DosBox by starting them with the terminal or by running DosBox from inside the package.
Q: I'm running on a iBook/Powerbook and cannot use the keyboard shortcuts to take screenshots, increase cpu cycles, etc.
A: You must hold down the fn key as well as the other keys. For instace, to increase cpu cycles you press fn-ctrl-F12.
Q: How can I mount a floppy disk.
A: Follow the directions for mounting a CD-ROM but change "-t cdrom" to "-t floppy". (I'm guessing at this since I don't have a floppy drive for my Mac)