First post, by bofh.fromhell
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- Oldbie
Two of them of course!
Presenting Acer's awesome Ferrari 3000 and 3200 laptops.
I'll start this of with some pictures and add the usual tech stuff later on.
One in good condition, the other is as new!:
The 3000 is as new, even the stickers are flawless:
Pristine Ferrari logo on the 3000.
The 3200 (in the background) is a bit more used and missing one sticker:
The 3000 was the first Acer Ferrari variant, logo still has the peel off plastic on.
No keys or the touch pad shows any signs of wear whatsoever, only a few specks of dust!:
With the 3200 Acer added some real carbon fiber, its glued to plastic tho so purely decorative:
3200 in the foreground looking all shiny.
3200 on the left has a warped Acer metal badge and cleary more scratches then the as-new 3200:
More goodies to come!