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Vogons users, how do you deal with anxiety?

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First post, by BEEN_Nath_58

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I will be having severe anxiety for the next half of the month, as I have been feeling it today itself. Could be good if you share some ways to eliminate them!

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 1 of 93, by RandomStranger

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Well, this is not a psychology forum. Maybe watch some Dr. K videos in the topic?
You'll find his youtube channel under "HealthyGamerGG" he may be touching on your specific problems and probably better than anything coming from complete laymen.

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Reply 2 of 93, by Garrett W

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Mental health is no joke, stay as far away as possible from "self-help" hacks and "mentors" and get an appointment with a therapist (this is not a dunk on above post, I don't know that particular YouTube channel) . Finding someone compatible with you can be tough, but ask around in your area, close friends with related experience or even Facebook or Reddit. Therapy can be a very liberating thing, getting things off your chest to a professional that can help guide your inner anxieties, thoughts and trauma and allow you to express it in a way that will allow you to give deeper meaning and hopefully closure.

Reply 4 of 93, by BEEN_Nath_58

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RandomStranger wrote on 2022-03-13, 17:45:

You'll find his youtube channel under "HealthyGamerGG"

I will look that channel up, thanks

Garrett W wrote on 2022-03-13, 17:54:

Mental health is no joke, stay as far away as possible from "self-help" hacks and "mentors" and get an appointment with a therapist (this is not a dunk on above post, I don't know that particular YouTube channel) . Finding someone compatible with you can be tough, but ask around in your area, close friends with related experience or even Facebook or Reddit. Therapy can be a very liberating thing, getting things off your chest to a professional that can help guide your inner anxieties, thoughts and trauma and allow you to express it in a way that will allow you to give deeper meaning and hopefully closure.

I wished the society was such. With a Google search, there's no result for any "Therapist" in my area. And even if I ask the elderly people of the society, they are like "ItS jUsT yOu bEiNg oVeRaCtInG, nObOdY hAs ThIs". They didn't live this life, my area was developed much later and it had entered the mainstream world very recently.

Everything is challenging in this nation, whether you enter a store to buy stuffs, workplace, interviews, relatives, society, friends, there's this constant competition goes on unreasonably... I have never been able to find peace and solace in years thus.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 5 of 93, by Shreddoc

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BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2022-03-13, 17:30:

Could be good if you share some ways to eliminate them!

You are doing one of the best ways right now. "Talking to people".

What people refer to as Therapy, is a formal, trained version of that. A nice luxury, if available, but most people in the world do not have access to it, as you have rightly noted.

But life is about connections. People and items have limited meaning, when alone. It's the connections between people and people, or even people and things (e.g. your connection with your hobbies), that give deeper meaning.

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Reply 6 of 93, by The Serpent Rider

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Here on vogons we don't have anxiety, instead we have obsessive-compulsive desire to collect old hardware. Unfortunately, it's terminal and can't be cured.

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 7 of 93, by weedeewee

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The Serpent Rider wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:14:

Here on vogons we don't have anxiety, instead we have obsessive-compulsive desire to collect old hardware. Unfortunately, it's terminal and can't be cured.

What kind of terminal do you have? I've always wanted a vt100 or vt220 one. No problem if it's cured, pickled or steamed. 😁

Right to repair is fundamental. You own it, you're allowed to fix it.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
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Reply 8 of 93, by Garrett W

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BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2022-03-13, 18:49:

I wished the society was such. With a Google search, there's no result for any "Therapist" in my area.

That is unfortunate. Perhaps conducting online sessions is an option?

Reply 9 of 93, by SpectriaForce

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I can't look inside the OP's head, but personally I like to be distracted. That can be anything like going for a walk outside and talking with real people.

The Serpent Rider wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:14:

Here on vogons we don't have anxiety, instead we have obsessive-compulsive desire to collect old hardware. Unfortunately, it's terminal and can't be cured.

The cure is very simple: stop looking at online market places and also skip the 'Bought these (retro) hardware today' topic on this forum. You just have to be disciplined if you want to cure it. 😉

Reply 10 of 93, by gaffa2002

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Not sure if you want to share but, are you getting through some work related issue? Or is it something related to personal life?
You mentioned something about your area being new, were you talking about something technology related?


My DOS/ Win98 PC specs

EP-7KXA Motherboard
Athlon Thunderbird 750mhz
256Mb PC100 RAM
Geforce 4 MX440 64MB AGP (128 bit)
Sound Blaster AWE 64 CT4500 (ISA)

Reply 11 of 93, by BEEN_Nath_58

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SpectriaForce wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:35:

I can't look inside the OP's head, but personally I like to be distracted. That can be anything like going for a walk outside and talking with real people.

I am doing that, but it's also brings in the fear "Am I getting too distracted?". There's a constant fear between every activity, which I am not sure how to handle...

Garrett W wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:31:
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2022-03-13, 18:49:

I wished the society was such. With a Google search, there's no result for any "Therapist" in my area.

That is unfortunate. Perhaps conducting online sessions is an option?

Not that 1 I know of...

gaffa2002 wrote on 2022-03-13, 23:44:

Not sure if you want to share but, are you getting through some work related issue? Or is it something related to personal life?

No that isn't specifically a work related issue, but how that affects my personal life. And it will keep happening continuously, the way it was designed to be.

gaffa2002 wrote on 2022-03-13, 23:44:

You mentioned something about your area being new, were you talking about something technology related?

I mean the society here doesn't take mental health seriously, because things have gotten more serious, globalised and mainstream in the last few years or so. However they don't take into account the side-effects when this happens.

Shreddoc wrote on 2022-03-13, 20:55:
You are doing one of the best ways right now. "Talking to people". […]
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BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2022-03-13, 17:30:

Could be good if you share some ways to eliminate them!

You are doing one of the best ways right now. "Talking to people".

What people refer to as Therapy, is a formal, trained version of that. A nice luxury, if available, but most people in the world do not have access to it, as you have rightly noted.

But life is about connections. People and items have limited meaning, when alone. It's the connections between people and people, or even people and things (e.g. your connection with your hobbies), that give deeper meaning.

The people at Vogons are replying to the thread, and that's much appreciating and keeping me better and happy. I tend to keep to my hobby (which is fixing and testing old softwares over hardwares, because it's difficult to find any old hardware here), and that is disrupted now temporarily, but I hope the wait isn't long and unpleasant.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 12 of 93, by TrashPanda

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The Serpent Rider wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:14:

Here on vogons we don't have anxiety, instead we have obsessive-compulsive desire to collect old hardware. Unfortunately, it's terminal and can't be cured.

Oh there's anxiety .. right before that bid count down finishes ...I guess its a different kind. (Fuck bid snipers ...not that I wouldn't do the same to them 🤣)

The Collecting OCD I agree with ...HALP I have no free space and I must scream.

Reply 13 of 93, by Jo22

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Sunoo wrote on 2022-03-13, 17:57:

Therapy and medication.


Reminds me of someone which suffered from anxiety, too.
He/she got this medication and it really worked for years and had seemingly no negative effects.
Just don't overdo. A low dose (1mg to 2.5mg?) already helps often against depression and anxiety. Some people can otherwise get addicted, also.
- Which happens with all kinds of medications, however. This one is no special. Such things are highly individual, after all.
Another one he/she was using previously was this one. It's working similar, I suppose.

Anyway, these are just suggestions. As a start.
So the OP can ask a doctor or psychiatrist about it.

Also: Nature. A walk in the green seems to help. Contact with trees and plants also has a positive effect.
Cuddling also works. Or stroking a pet. The purring of cats also has a positive effect.

Edit: Anxiety can be very very cruel.
Some patients are afraid of getting future panic attacks or future moments of anxiety.
Such a "fear of the fear" is really really bad.
Second is the fear of not having your medication. Be it because you lost it, not carrying it with you or because your doctor being a stubborn jerk (refuses to provide you with further medication after a while).
Seriously guys, these things aren't funny. Imagine being told that you will die next week or that your child just died. That's the kind feeling patients with anxiety go through every day.

Last edited by Jo22 on 2022-03-14, 07:32. Edited 1 time in total.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 14 of 93, by RandomStranger

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SpectriaForce wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:35:

The cure is very simple: stop looking at online market places and also skip the 'Bought these (retro) hardware today' topic on this forum. You just have to be disciplined if you want to cure it. 😉

Cure? Yes. Simple? No. Once you built a habit stopping is anything but simple.

TrashPanda wrote on 2022-03-14, 06:02:

Oh there's anxiety .. right before that bid count down finishes ...I guess its a different kind. (Fuck bid snipers ...not that I wouldn't do the same to them 🤣)

Snipers turned me into a sniper. Some things are just too good to pass on and you just can't trust in other people.
Also when I put something up for auction I just tick the check box which adds another 5 minutes to the auction timer if there is a new bid in the last 5 minutes. Snipers sometimes fight for an extra half an hour trying to outbid each other.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 15 of 93, by TrashPanda

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RandomStranger wrote on 2022-03-14, 07:21:
Cure? Yes. Simple? No. Once you built a habit stopping is anything but simple. […]
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SpectriaForce wrote on 2022-03-13, 22:35:

The cure is very simple: stop looking at online market places and also skip the 'Bought these (retro) hardware today' topic on this forum. You just have to be disciplined if you want to cure it. 😉

Cure? Yes. Simple? No. Once you built a habit stopping is anything but simple.

TrashPanda wrote on 2022-03-14, 06:02:

Oh there's anxiety .. right before that bid count down finishes ...I guess its a different kind. (Fuck bid snipers ...not that I wouldn't do the same to them 🤣)

Snipers turned me into a sniper. Some things are just too good to pass on and you just can't trust in other people.
Also when I put something up for auction I just tick the check box which adds another 5 minutes to the auction timer if there is a new bid in the last 5 minutes. Snipers sometimes fight for an extra half an hour trying to outbid each other.

That's pure fucking genius and downright evil.

I like it!

Reply 16 of 93, by gaffa2002

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Thanks for sharing, you’re getting through the exact same thing I am getting through for the past years, and I mean the same reasons, too.
Unfortunately I don’t have time right now to write more about it, but I will later today.


My DOS/ Win98 PC specs

EP-7KXA Motherboard
Athlon Thunderbird 750mhz
256Mb PC100 RAM
Geforce 4 MX440 64MB AGP (128 bit)
Sound Blaster AWE 64 CT4500 (ISA)

Reply 17 of 93, by Bohemond1099

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Well I've had a couple of strokes and have a pretty unfun disease that attacks my immune system called lupus; before all that I was in and out of 3rd world countries in some fairly stressful conditions depending on which one. But the real issue I think for me has always been focusing too much on myself; and the Old Man is correcting my course through these trials; so I'm less of an introverted asshole and care more for those around me. Now, I know the theory so to speak, but it is pretty tough in practice and I still fight stress on a recurring basis. But in the end I'm very thankful I'm still around and not a vegetable.

Reply 18 of 93, by chris2021

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Long walks can be beneficial. How long is long? 3 - 4 hours. Some people wake up anxious. Or rather wake up to anxiety to be more precise - mere seconds after waking they feel it surge through their body like electricity. Vigorous or less vigorous but long, drawn out exercise can cure that. Try it.

Anxiety as I like to define it is a physiological.reponse to stress, which is simply fear or fears. It's all in your head. Everythings in your head. But then if prolonged it's in your body, and maybe still in your head. Excercise does often help a lot with the body part.

Initially you won't feel better when starting to exetcise. But the benefit will come. You will near alwaysfeel better after exercise. Just don't do it when you haven't had enough sleep. Sleep is also important.

Having said that, depending how long you've been suffering, how the anxiety is embedded in your being, it could take a process to rid yourself of it, to whatever degree. It's also about learning coping skills. Don't rely on medication alone. By all means use it to get you through. But you'll need to find your place, in the world, inside your own head. Sometimes you need to get out of stressfull situations.

Reply 19 of 93, by Hoping

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My wife has been struggling with anxiety and depression for three years. And after all that time I also ended up in psychiatric treatment. The environment greatly influences mental illness, if those around you do not act correctly, anxiety and depression only get worse. Treating mental illnesses as trivia is a common and seemingly universal mistake.
Luckily for me and my wife, I live in a country that takes mental illness very seriously. I am being treated in an intensive care unit for thoughts of suicide.
A very clear thing that the psychologist told me is that certain thoughts are not normal and occur because we are not feeling well, so they should not be taken lightly.
But if you can do not act as if you were your own doctor and seek professional help and never take medication for anxiety or depression on your own as almost all of them are very addictive and have many dangerous side effects, they can even worsen the disease and create new problems over time or just the day after.
Do not trust only the Internet, even this post, since each experience is unique in mental illness.
Keep in mind that even a professional psychiatrist cannot and should not treat himself, he has to seek the help of another professional.
That's part of my experience with anxiety of course.