With the Wife we watch a lot of different stuff, and tend to get stuck on one or two shows for awhile. For awhile it was Castlevania, The Witcher, and BIg Mouth, now were moving on to H.R.. I really liked F is for Family (I really identify with cranky Paternal figures a lot despite not being a dad), can't wait for Castlevania season 2. For awhile we were into The Circle.
On my own all I really watch is YouTube and usually have it on in the background when I"m watching other stuff. Outside of the VOGONS related stuff (8-bit GUy, LGR, Beige-O-Vision, VWestlife, etc...) I watch a lot of....
- Vice Grip Garage
- Bithead1000 (he's rebuilding a 62' Mercury Meteor gasser ATM)
- Scotty Kilmer
- Bigfoot 4x4 when they repost old Monster Truck races from the 80's/90's
I've also been going down the "Backrooms" rabbit hole a bit lately, can't remember the YouTuber but he does guides for the "levels" of the backgrooms like....
"Level 9989 is a category 4, it's not safe, it's secure, with a mild entity count. In this level, you spawn in a box truck driving a forest, except the trees have blood for leaves, and the truck changes speed at random, and even sometimes applies it's brakes for seemingly no reason. There are smilers, hounds, and shellcreepers here. There's also an entity known as the ENTity - it's a big tree that likes to eat metal, if you see it, hop out the window and run in the other direction!! You can escape by no-clipping through the floorboard of the truck when it's at 60mph, or you can find a door in a blue tree marked 9990. There's one bottle of Almond Water in the center console - so use it wisely."