keenmaster486 wrote on 2022-04-25, 18:40:
3000 is way too low for a lot of stuff. Equates to maybe a slow 386 or something.
With modern computers you can just set it to 30000 or something and forget about it.
Hi! I was going to say that, too.
Back in the 2000s, when DOSBox was young, 3000 cycles marked the upper end to what was possible with the average PC.
On my old PC of that time, going up a bit to 9000 cycles was enough to
distort Sound Blaster emulation in Windows 3.1, for example.
With 3000 to 5000 cycles, everything was smooth, albeit a bit leisurely. ^^
Edit : Also, if memory serves, DOSBox was originally intended to provide a 386/486 level of emulation.
So performance wise, a 386SX16 to 486SX25 range wouldn't have been too off, I assume.
For a standard configuration, I mean. That performance was safe for old games like Lemmings or Wing Commander, still.
"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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