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Reelmagic/Realmagic MPEG games

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Reply 82 of 153, by Uka

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No, it does not...
It seems that every (or almost every) REELmagic game requires the DOSBox fork to be tuned a bit for that specific game.
It does work on the real hardware though!

Reply 85 of 153, by Hammer

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Galatea2.2 wrote on 2022-05-14, 14:08:

Thanks for the vid. The cutscene quality is a huge step up. Let's hope it will be working in the dosbox fork soon.

I'm glad it works at least on the real hardware! The cutscene quality in the non-MPEG version is like the worst cutscene quality of any FMV game ever. The pixels are gigantic!

Thank you to all the people who are helping to preserve these Realmagic versions including getting them to work on DosBox!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply 88 of 153, by brassicGamer

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Just noticed this discussion. I know a collector who has 3x ReelMagic CD and I can acquire them soon. Would anyone be interested in one of these cards? I would be happy to provide for the cost of postage as I will hopefully be able to obtain them for free. May or may not wish to keep one myself.

Check out my blog and YouTube channel for thoughts, articles, system profiles, and tips.

Reply 89 of 153, by Uka

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xcomcmdr wrote on 2022-05-17, 19:09:

If Conspiracy exists for this platform, could Dune exist too ?

Well, that remains a possibility, but to tell the truth, I doubt that - no proof had been surfaced so far, and there are no mentions of "Dune" in catalogs 🙁

DonutKing wrote on 2022-05-18, 08:56:

Excellent work Uka! I'm looking forward to trying Conspiracy on my 386 😀

You can already try it, I've uploaded it to Archive.org 😀

brassicGamer wrote on 2022-05-18, 11:05:

I know a collector who has 3x ReelMagic CD and I can acquire them soon. Would anyone be interested in one of these cards? I would be happy to provide for the cost of postage as I will hopefully be able to obtain them for free. May or may not wish to keep one myself.

You mean ReelMagic cards or disks? I am very interested in disks, if it is something not available yet 😀

Reply 90 of 153, by brassicGamer

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Uka wrote on 2022-05-18, 11:23:
brassicGamer wrote on 2022-05-18, 11:05:

I know a collector who has 3x ReelMagic CD and I can acquire them soon. Would anyone be interested in one of these cards? I would be happy to provide for the cost of postage as I will hopefully be able to obtain them for free. May or may not wish to keep one myself.

You mean ReelMagic cards or disks? I am very interested in disks, if it is something not available yet 😀

Sorry, "ReelMagic CD" is a type of ISA card.

Check out my blog and YouTube channel for thoughts, articles, system profiles, and tips.

Reply 91 of 153, by Uka

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Ah, I see. It is just the topic for discussing mostly games, you know.
Yes, ReelMagic CD is a kind of the original ReelMagic - it should be quite rare and expensive 😀
Will it come with full box, drivers, demo disks etc. or just the cards?

Reply 92 of 153, by Uka

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No new RM-MPEG games has been surfaced for now. But I have some considerations on non-RM MPEG games!

It turns out that at least "Mad Dog II" was bundled with one of REALmagic cards (which seems to be Maxima):

File size
237.73 KiB
File license

But this game was not for ReelMagic/REALmagic MPEG, but for OpenMPEG! That is, it required OM1 driver, not (just?) RM driver - and could work on other cards in DOS. Just like "Silent Steel" and other Windows games that could have been marketed as "Games for REALmagic cards", but worked without the propietary driver. But those were for DOS.

The system requirements mention "OM1-compliant MPEG card with OM1 DOS driver". And the back cover of "Mad Dog II MPEG" lists many other multimedia titles sold by IBM - at least one of them, "Mad Dog McCree" (the first game of the series), should also have had such an OM1-MPEG version.

Sadly, I did not win that auction, and the other copy is rather expensive: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275442079524

Dose anyone per chance has any of such OpenMPEG games?

Reply 93 of 153, by Hammer

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Uka wrote on 2022-11-14, 11:46:
No new RM-MPEG games has been surfaced for now. But I have some considerations on non-RM MPEG games! […]
Show full quote

No new RM-MPEG games has been surfaced for now. But I have some considerations on non-RM MPEG games!

It turns out that at least "Mad Dog II" was bundled with one of REALmagic cards (which seems to be Maxima):


But this game was not for ReelMagic/REALmagic MPEG, but for OpenMPEG! That is, it required OM1 driver, not (just?) RM driver - and could work on other cards in DOS. Just like "Silent Steel" and other Windows games that could have been marketed as "Games for REALmagic cards", but worked without the propietary driver. But those were for DOS.

The system requirements mention "OM1-compliant MPEG card with OM1 DOS driver". And the back cover of "Mad Dog II MPEG" lists many other multimedia titles sold by IBM - at least one of them, "Mad Dog McCree" (the first game of the series), should also have had such an OM1-MPEG version.

Sadly, I did not win that auction, and the other copy is rather expensive: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275442079524

Dose anyone per chance has any of such OpenMPEG games?

I have a copy of this. Just picked it up recently, never heard of it before that.

I would like to hope an MPEG version of Mad Dog 1 exists, but I guess there's no proof of that. Mad Dog 1 really needs an MPEG version BTW - the video quality on that one is TERRIBLE! The generic version of Mad Dog 2 has much better video quality, even without the MPEG.

BTW, any more progress on getting DOSBox to work better with these Realmagic titles? I haven't seen an update on that in a while.

Reply 94 of 153, by Uka

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Hammer wrote on 2022-11-20, 19:16:

I have a copy of this. Just picked it up recently, never heard of it before that.

Nice! Can you please share it? 😀

Hammer wrote on 2022-11-20, 19:16:

BTW, any more progress on getting DOSBox to work better with these Realmagic titles? I haven't seen an update on that in a while.

As you can see from a neighboring thread - not yet. But there is a lot of work going on, so hopefully soon: https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging/pull/2077

Reply 95 of 153, by exofreeze

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Uka wrote on 2021-05-08, 17:05:

I. The games that certainly exist.

Ia. DOS games
13. Return to Cyber City.

What is the evidence that this one exists? The rest of these all have known regular MS-DOS versions. However this game is only known for it's CDi release, and potentially an Arcade release.

I'm curious as to how this game got on the "for sure" list.


Reply 97 of 153, by exofreeze

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Short of actual scanned evidence, even just a picture of it, I would be highly hesitant to believe it. It would only take a few minutes to snap a photo of the disk.

Reply 98 of 153, by Uka

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exofreeze wrote on 2023-01-12, 20:30:

Short of actual scanned evidence, even just a picture of it, I would be highly hesitant to believe it. It would only take a few minutes to snap a photo of the disk.

I can only hope he would see that - and either make a picture or share the disk image.
But I have no reason not to believe him. Both the cover and the screens of this game in the RM catalog look quite real.

Reply 99 of 153, by exofreeze

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What bothers me is that unlike the other American Laser games, that one didn't even have a base DOS port. So it seems odd they would have gone to the trouble of making a version for DOS... that only used the reel magic card.

If there was evidence of the game being ported to *anything* other than the CDi, I would feel differently.

But yes, I would love to be wrong. But if it does exist, it is incredibly rare. Which means anyone who has it that also cares about preservation should be concerned about getting it dumped