I recently (last 3 weeks) went through the exercise of trying to locally source PCI (32-bit/33MHz legacy parallel ) sound cards.
I managed to find :
- A CMI8738 based card (already have one with apparently same chip rev, so skipped)
- an ESS Maestro 2E (ES1978) based card (which I purchased)
- 2 different Creative Labs base cards (did not bother checking exact models since I did not care, as I likely have enough Live! and Audigy variants to last a lifetime)
I also ended up sourcing a new-old-stock ALS4000 based card of Ebay, as I wanted to try one of those .
Time and COVID (most likely) caused most of my go-to local vintage sources to close, so that may explain my slim pickings. There likely are, however, some untapped sources for me to explore in downtown Montreal, so the hunt will continue. Maybe I will be lucky enough to score some dual-channel capable VIA or SIS based Pentium 4 boards (recent interest of mine), but local sources (pawn shops, flea markets, used PC shops, etc) nearby seem to be at Core2 gen or newer, for the most part.