First post, by kennyPENTIUMpowers
hi there guys..
ive got an old pentium system that im wanting to put a p200 (non mmx) in but havent been able to find one to buy ..
ive got 3 p166's here and i thought why not try to run them at 200..
cpu 1 = su072 1996 week 34
cpu 2 = su072 1997 week 07
cpu 3 = sy016 1997 week 07
what do u guys think my chances of success are... im not going to alter voltages, im just going to up the multiplier from 2.5x to 3x and keep bus at 66mhz..
these dont have a locked multiplier do they?
which one do you think i will have the greatest success with? better chance with later build chips?
does chipset matter much in this sort of overlocking (multiplier change not FSB)... ive got a FX and a HX board i can try it on (if it matters)..
have any of you guys had luck with the 166's? remember this is not an mmx chip...