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Gatekeeping in the retro hobby

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Reply 80 of 114, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
Jo22 wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:38:
In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. ;) […]
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In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. 😉

So maybe, as the years go by, our level of "compatibility" to the outside world is affected, too? 🤷‍♂️

As an observer, it seems to me as if people/users had been changed in personality over the last ~17 years.

Back then and in the following years, they were so full of enthusiasm, so lively.

Now they are.. I don't know. Different, I guess. Sometimes more strict, less diplomatic?
Hm. I don't know. Maybe it is/was due to the Corona years, too?

Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and probably found some social media related to old computers and thought "heck I got the time, Ima order on ebay right now!" or something 😜
Not just old parts got more expensive, new electronics also rose in price. And the whole bitcoin mining thing also made the situation worse as did the shutting down of factories that made this hardware which was now in higher demand.

I don't see myself as wanting something obsolete. It's more a thing of wanting to see it being useful in some way back in an era when people thought it was just trash and thought I was the crazy one. WELL IM NOT CRAZY!!!111 *shakes fist into the air angrily*

anyway, ahem, for me it's about how useful anything is. I don't really care about any, well, political thing, I just use what is useful to me.

I'm unsure what you mean with people having changed. People have always changed so that in itself is not really surprising for me. Is it for worse or for better? I don't really know, probably a bit of both.

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent where back before the net the only nest you'd shit would be your own, so people would tend to restrain themselves better because they would find themselves better (and see what shit they were really made of).

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Reply 81 of 114, by Anders-

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Rank Member
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:46:
That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices wer […]
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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 07:53:

I agree there are more expensive hobbies, but the prices have definitely kicked up during the years.
For me, the prices these days no longer stand in relation to what one actually get.
Back in the day people pretty much begged you to grab their old computers as it was considered trash and having it taken away for free turned into a "win-win" situation.


My reply above kinda goes for you too.
A hobby is of course allowed to cost a bit, and while I don't spend anything at all on this, I can still complain about ebay-prices going through the ceiling 😁

That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices were low. Heck, I picked them off of the streets, cleaned them up, it was a labor of love and not some sort of greedily hoarding like you try to play it.

Just wondering: If you liked this stuff back then, why didn't you get it while it was still cheap?

You can blame the scalpers and other greedgroups for current prices, people like me have nothing to do with it. You're barking up the wrong tree 😜

And you haven't even explained yet how hoarding causes prices to go up anyway, so as far as I'm concerned, you're just trying to spread a lie. Feel free to explain how it supposedly works 🙂

I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of people hogging lots and lots of hardware (for whatever reason) keeps it out of the hands for people looking to get into retro (as this thread is about "gatekeeping"). A side effect is that it helps with keeping the prices up. Simple supply and demand, nothing to explain really.

Second, I got all the stuff I wanted and tons more. I've had to ditch about 50% during the years.
Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 82 of 114, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:56:
Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and pro […]
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Jo22 wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:38:
In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. ;) […]
Show full quote

In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. 😉

So maybe, as the years go by, our level of "compatibility" to the outside world is affected, too? 🤷‍♂️

As an observer, it seems to me as if people/users had been changed in personality over the last ~17 years.

Back then and in the following years, they were so full of enthusiasm, so lively.

Now they are.. I don't know. Different, I guess. Sometimes more strict, less diplomatic?
Hm. I don't know. Maybe it is/was due to the Corona years, too?

Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and probably found some social media related to old computers and thought "heck I got the time, Ima order on ebay right now!" or something 😜
Not just old parts got more expensive, new electronics also rose in price. And the whole bitcoin mining thing also made the situation worse as did the shutting down of factories that made this hardware which was now in higher demand.

I don't see myself as wanting something obsolete. It's more a thing of wanting to see it being useful in some way back in an era when people thought it was just trash and thought I was the crazy one. WELL IM NOT CRAZY!!!111 *shakes fist into the air angrily*

anyway, ahem, for me it's about how useful anything is. I don't really care about any, well, political thing, I just use what is useful to me.

I'm unsure what you mean with people having changed. People have always changed so that in itself is not really surprising for me. Is it for worse or for better? I don't really know, probably a bit of both.

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent where back before the net the only nest you'd shit would be your own, so people would tend to restrain themselves better because they would find themselves better (and see what shit they were really made of).

Yes society use to police itself more closely, now because you can go on the internet and find a group that agrees with you about absolutely anything, stupidity has become empowered. It's an insurrection of mob based losers.

Reply 83 of 114, by ratfink

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Rank Oldbie
Errius wrote on 2023-01-18, 21:37:

Photography is another area with an elitism problem. The new generations of smartphones have some pretty fancy optics that make them competitive with much more expensive professional cameras, but of course smartphone photographers don't get any respect.

All those millions of smartphones users and not one smartphone-friendly forum? Aw come on...

Reply 84 of 114, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:
I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of peop […]
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Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:46:
That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices wer […]
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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 07:53:

I agree there are more expensive hobbies, but the prices have definitely kicked up during the years.
For me, the prices these days no longer stand in relation to what one actually get.
Back in the day people pretty much begged you to grab their old computers as it was considered trash and having it taken away for free turned into a "win-win" situation.

My reply above kinda goes for you too.
A hobby is of course allowed to cost a bit, and while I don't spend anything at all on this, I can still complain about ebay-prices going through the ceiling 😁

That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices were low. Heck, I picked them off of the streets, cleaned them up, it was a labor of love and not some sort of greedily hoarding like you try to play it.

Just wondering: If you liked this stuff back then, why didn't you get it while it was still cheap?

You can blame the scalpers and other greedgroups for current prices, people like me have nothing to do with it. You're barking up the wrong tree 😜

And you haven't even explained yet how hoarding causes prices to go up anyway, so as far as I'm concerned, you're just trying to spread a lie. Feel free to explain how it supposedly works 🙂

I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of people hogging lots and lots of hardware (for whatever reason) keeps it out of the hands for people looking to get into retro (as this thread is about "gatekeeping"). A side effect is that it helps with keeping the prices up. Simple supply and demand, nothing to explain really.

Second, I got all the stuff I wanted and tons more. I've had to ditch about 50% during the years.
Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true. You haven't elaborated as to how this works, according to you.

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Reply 85 of 114, by Tetrium

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Shagittarius wrote on 2023-01-20, 17:03:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:56:
Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and pro […]
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Jo22 wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:38:
In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. ;) […]
Show full quote

In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. 😉

So maybe, as the years go by, our level of "compatibility" to the outside world is affected, too? 🤷‍♂️

As an observer, it seems to me as if people/users had been changed in personality over the last ~17 years.

Back then and in the following years, they were so full of enthusiasm, so lively.

Now they are.. I don't know. Different, I guess. Sometimes more strict, less diplomatic?
Hm. I don't know. Maybe it is/was due to the Corona years, too?

Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and probably found some social media related to old computers and thought "heck I got the time, Ima order on ebay right now!" or something 😜
Not just old parts got more expensive, new electronics also rose in price. And the whole bitcoin mining thing also made the situation worse as did the shutting down of factories that made this hardware which was now in higher demand.

I don't see myself as wanting something obsolete. It's more a thing of wanting to see it being useful in some way back in an era when people thought it was just trash and thought I was the crazy one. WELL IM NOT CRAZY!!!111 *shakes fist into the air angrily*

anyway, ahem, for me it's about how useful anything is. I don't really care about any, well, political thing, I just use what is useful to me.

I'm unsure what you mean with people having changed. People have always changed so that in itself is not really surprising for me. Is it for worse or for better? I don't really know, probably a bit of both.

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent where back before the net the only nest you'd shit would be your own, so people would tend to restrain themselves better because they would find themselves better (and see what shit they were really made of).

Yes society use to police itself more closely, now because you can go on the internet and find a group that agrees with you about absolutely anything, stupidity has become empowered. It's an insurrection of mob based losers.

Yep..unfortunately this is true.
What's even sadder is that in a way they become their own victims as well, never growing out of it, never really maturing in that regard.

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Reply 86 of 114, by Tetrium

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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 16:03:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:56:

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent [...]

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? 😁

I'm talking about your argument not making any sense. Several people have already explained to you how your argument is flawed, but you're not listening. You're only repeating the flawed argument as a response which in itself is a flawed response as it shows immaturity.

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Reply 87 of 114, by Mandrew

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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:11:

I can still complain about ebay-prices going through the ceiling 😁

For certain niché items for sure. Generally speaking not so much. I think you misunderstand Ebay BIN prices and sold prices. BIN doesn't mean they can actually sell those things at that price. Hell, I want to sell my house for $1m but nobody would actually pay that.

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:

Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Scalpers don't just buy one item and leave some for collectors, they buy everything they can in bulk and sell it for profit. How is that less of a problem? The average collector simply doesn't have enough storage space to hoard that much so he has to sell things eventually. People also get bored of things so the hardware finds its way back to the market one way or the other. You also sold 50% of your stuff, right? People get older and get other priorities so piling up tons of stuff is almost never permanent when it actually takes up valuable space. Ask an average wife if she wants to live in a house full of computers or start a family when the cupboards are lined with e-waste from the 80's.

Reply 88 of 114, by imi

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Rank l33t
Shagittarius wrote on 2023-01-20, 17:03:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:56:
Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and pro […]
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Jo22 wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:38:
In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. ;) […]
Show full quote

In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. 😉

So maybe, as the years go by, our level of "compatibility" to the outside world is affected, too? 🤷‍♂️

As an observer, it seems to me as if people/users had been changed in personality over the last ~17 years.

Back then and in the following years, they were so full of enthusiasm, so lively.

Now they are.. I don't know. Different, I guess. Sometimes more strict, less diplomatic?
Hm. I don't know. Maybe it is/was due to the Corona years, too?

Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and probably found some social media related to old computers and thought "heck I got the time, Ima order on ebay right now!" or something 😜
Not just old parts got more expensive, new electronics also rose in price. And the whole bitcoin mining thing also made the situation worse as did the shutting down of factories that made this hardware which was now in higher demand.

I don't see myself as wanting something obsolete. It's more a thing of wanting to see it being useful in some way back in an era when people thought it was just trash and thought I was the crazy one. WELL IM NOT CRAZY!!!111 *shakes fist into the air angrily*

anyway, ahem, for me it's about how useful anything is. I don't really care about any, well, political thing, I just use what is useful to me.

I'm unsure what you mean with people having changed. People have always changed so that in itself is not really surprising for me. Is it for worse or for better? I don't really know, probably a bit of both.

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent where back before the net the only nest you'd shit would be your own, so people would tend to restrain themselves better because they would find themselves better (and see what shit they were really made of).

Yes society use to police itself more closely, now because you can go on the internet and find a group that agrees with you about absolutely anything, stupidity has become empowered. It's an insurrection of mob based losers.

that doesn't have anything to do with corona imho, but with the rise of social media like facebook and twitter in general with all kinds of crazy fringe groups finding enough followers to spread their misinformation, "alternative facts", and crazy conspiracy theories.

Reply 89 of 114, by Anders-

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Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:47:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 16:03:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:56:

I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent [...]

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? 😁

I'm talking about your argument not making any sense. Several people have already explained to you how your argument is flawed, but you're not listening. You're only repeating the flawed argument as a response which in itself is a flawed response as it shows immaturity.

My reply here was obviously meant as a joke, but for some reason you didn't get that. (hint, look at the quoted messages)

Last edited by Anders- on 2023-01-20, 22:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 90 of 114, by Anders-

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Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:44:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:
I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of peop […]
Show full quote
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:46:
That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices wer […]
Show full quote

That's exactly my point. Most people weren't interested in 486 stuff back when hardly anyone had interest in them and prices were low. Heck, I picked them off of the streets, cleaned them up, it was a labor of love and not some sort of greedily hoarding like you try to play it.

Just wondering: If you liked this stuff back then, why didn't you get it while it was still cheap?

You can blame the scalpers and other greedgroups for current prices, people like me have nothing to do with it. You're barking up the wrong tree 😜

And you haven't even explained yet how hoarding causes prices to go up anyway, so as far as I'm concerned, you're just trying to spread a lie. Feel free to explain how it supposedly works 🙂

I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of people hogging lots and lots of hardware (for whatever reason) keeps it out of the hands for people looking to get into retro (as this thread is about "gatekeeping"). A side effect is that it helps with keeping the prices up. Simple supply and demand, nothing to explain really.

Second, I got all the stuff I wanted and tons more. I've had to ditch about 50% during the years.
Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true. You haven't elaborated as to how this works, according to you.

I'm sorry that you don't (or want to) understand how things work, nothing I can do about that.

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 91 of 114, by Anders-

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Mandrew wrote on 2023-01-20, 20:24:
For certain niché items for sure. Generally speaking not so much. I think you misunderstand Ebay BIN prices and sold prices. BIN […]
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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:11:

I can still complain about ebay-prices going through the ceiling 😁

For certain niché items for sure. Generally speaking not so much. I think you misunderstand Ebay BIN prices and sold prices. BIN doesn't mean they can actually sell those things at that price. Hell, I want to sell my house for $1m but nobody would actually pay that.

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:

Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Scalpers don't just buy one item and leave some for collectors, they buy everything they can in bulk and sell it for profit. How is that less of a problem? The average collector simply doesn't have enough storage space to hoard that much so he has to sell things eventually. People also get bored of things so the hardware finds its way back to the market one way or the other. You also sold 50% of your stuff, right? People get older and get other priorities so piling up tons of stuff is almost never permanent when it actually takes up valuable space. Ask an average wife if she wants to live in a house full of computers or start a family when the cupboards are lined with e-waste from the 80's.

Prices are up, maybe we're looking at this from different time frames? What's the period over which you compare prices when you say they don't go up?

Compare a scalper trying to grab all the newest graphics cards with a hoarder obsessed with aquiring the umc486-40 - which one do you think will run out of storage space first? Not everything retro has to do with bulky printers or crts. While I agree that hoarders can sell some items back, I'm sure plenty hang on to things forever (part of the "hoarding" syndrome).
The stuff I got rid of I just dumped in the electronics container at the nearest recycling plant, selling wasn't on my mind (too much hassle). Maybe someone else picked up a few items, I don't know.

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 92 of 114, by imi

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you know you can put multiple quotes in a single reply right?

stop hoarding all the posts for yourself :p

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:21:

The stuff I got rid of I just dumped in the electronics container at the nearest recycling plant, selling wasn't on my mind (too much hassle). Maybe someone else picked up a few items, I don't know.

ah yes, the spirit of sharing strikes again 😁

Reply 93 of 114, by Anders-

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imi wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:23:
you know you can put multiple quotes in a single reply right? […]
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you know you can put multiple quotes in a single reply right?

stop hoarding all the posts for yourself :p

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:21:

The stuff I got rid of I just dumped in the electronics container at the nearest recycling plant, selling wasn't on my mind (too much hassle). Maybe someone else picked up a few items, I don't know.

ah yes, the spirit of sharing strikes again 😁

Only got a button saying "reply with quote", where do you find the multi-quote? (can of course copy the text manually, but it seems a hassle).

Hey, just because I hog a lot of hardware doesn't mean I can't see the problem of doing so 😁 (and especially if large group of people do the same thing)

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 94 of 114, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:28:

Only got a button saying "reply with quote", where do you find the multi-quote? (can of course copy the text manually, but it seems a hassle).

There is no multi-quote button, but it can be done by entering the "Review history" feature on the full editor where another post can be quoted without deleting the existing message that one is currently writing.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 95 of 114, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:08:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:47:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 16:03:

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? 😁

I'm talking about your argument not making any sense. Several people have already explained to you how your argument is flawed, but you're not listening. You're only repeating the flawed argument as a response which in itself is a flawed response as it shows immaturity.

My reply here was obviously meant as a joke, but for some reason you didn't get that. (hint, look at the quoted messages)

I'm referencing to your statement that hoarding causes price inflation. You have yet to back this up in any way.
I'm not stupid. I just don't really care about your attempt at humor.

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:12:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:44:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:

I think you misunderstand me, I don't try to "play" anything one way or another. I'm just saying a fairly limited amount of people hogging lots and lots of hardware (for whatever reason) keeps it out of the hands for people looking to get into retro (as this thread is about "gatekeeping"). A side effect is that it helps with keeping the prices up. Simple supply and demand, nothing to explain really.

Second, I got all the stuff I wanted and tons more. I've had to ditch about 50% during the years.
Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true. You haven't elaborated as to how this works, according to you.

I'm sorry that you don't (or want to) understand how things work, nothing I can do about that.

I understand how this works. But here you come in with a statement which, at best, is some kind of flamebait, at worst you are just very misinformed or ignorant.

I also want to point out that saying a member who doesn't agree with you 'doesn't understand how things work, nothing you can do about it' is also not the way to go around doing things here. Instead of trying to do some half-arsed personal attacks, perhaps you should clarify your position instead of playing dumb and being an asshat.

I and a few others have already explained how your statement is not true. You're just ignoring it and keep repeating your (false) statement. We're not stupid you know.

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Reply 96 of 114, by Tetrium

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Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:32:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:28:

Only got a button saying "reply with quote", where do you find the multi-quote? (can of course copy the text manually, but it seems a hassle).

There is no multi-quote button, but it can be done by entering the "Review history" feature on the full editor where another post can be quoted without deleting the existing message that one is currently writing.

Cheers! I always did it the copy+paste way, out of habit I guess 😜

I've done multiquoting more elaborately in the past, but these days I tend to do a bit more quoting of single messages as I noticed oftentimes multiquoting someone would cause the person replying to me to mess up the quotes.

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Reply 97 of 114, by Anders-

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Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:32:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:28:

Only got a button saying "reply with quote", where do you find the multi-quote? (can of course copy the text manually, but it seems a hassle).

There is no multi-quote button, but it can be done by entering the "Review history" feature on the full editor where another post can be quoted without deleting the existing message that one is currently writing.

Thanks for the tip, that sure beats clicking on "reply with quote" in two different tabs and copypaste manually.

Måttfull och balanserad.

Reply 98 of 114, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:21:
Prices are up, maybe we're looking at this from different time frames? What's the period over which you compare prices when you […]
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Mandrew wrote on 2023-01-20, 20:24:
For certain niché items for sure. Generally speaking not so much. I think you misunderstand Ebay BIN prices and sold prices. BIN […]
Show full quote
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:11:

I can still complain about ebay-prices going through the ceiling 😁

For certain niché items for sure. Generally speaking not so much. I think you misunderstand Ebay BIN prices and sold prices. BIN doesn't mean they can actually sell those things at that price. Hell, I want to sell my house for $1m but nobody would actually pay that.

Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 15:58:

Finally, if you think about it, a scalper does less permanent damage to the market as the things he grab eventually is returned out there (the point is to make money, after all) whereas the stuff a hoarder vacuums up disappears.

Scalpers don't just buy one item and leave some for collectors, they buy everything they can in bulk and sell it for profit. How is that less of a problem? The average collector simply doesn't have enough storage space to hoard that much so he has to sell things eventually. People also get bored of things so the hardware finds its way back to the market one way or the other. You also sold 50% of your stuff, right? People get older and get other priorities so piling up tons of stuff is almost never permanent when it actually takes up valuable space. Ask an average wife if she wants to live in a house full of computers or start a family when the cupboards are lined with e-waste from the 80's.

Prices are up, maybe we're looking at this from different time frames? What's the period over which you compare prices when you say they don't go up?

Compare a scalper trying to grab all the newest graphics cards with a hoarder obsessed with aquiring the umc486-40 - which one do you think will run out of storage space first? Not everything retro has to do with bulky printers or crts. While I agree that hoarders can sell some items back, I'm sure plenty hang on to things forever (part of the "hoarding" syndrome).
The stuff I got rid of I just dumped in the electronics container at the nearest recycling plant, selling wasn't on my mind (too much hassle). Maybe someone else picked up a few items, I don't know.

Scalpers will scalp anything they can make a profit off. This includes retro hardware as well as modern hardware.
Generally speaking they care less about what items they are scalping as long as it's in sellable condition.
Scalpers will tend to not handle hardware (especially non-boxed older hardware) with the care it needs and may end up tossing parts on piles where usually a collector will hoard items they want to use themselves one day.

Yes, hoarders will hang onto stuff that otherwise would have been destroyed anyway. So if anything, hoarders actually increase the amount of parts available on the market and thus lower prices, if anything at all.

So you dumped your stuff instead of keeping it? You mean you had retro hardware and got rid of it and then later on regretted it?

Whats missing in your collections?
My retro rigs (old topic)
Interesting Vogons threads (links to Vogonswiki)
Report spammers here!

Reply 99 of 114, by Anders-

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Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:37:
Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:08:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:47:

I'm talking about your argument not making any sense. Several people have already explained to you how your argument is flawed, but you're not listening. You're only repeating the flawed argument as a response which in itself is a flawed response as it shows immaturity.

My reply here was obviously meant as a joke, but for some reason you didn't get that. (hint, look at the quoted messages)

I'm referencing to your statement that hoarding causes price inflation. You have yet to back this up in any way.
I'm not stupid. I just don't really care about your attempt at humor.

If you wanted to talk about hoarding and not "angry folks on the internet" you quoted the wrong post.
I still think you completely missed the joke due to being upset though 😁

Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:37:
I understand how this works. But here you come in with a statement which, at best, is some kind of flamebait, at worst you are j […]
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Anders- wrote on 2023-01-20, 22:12:
Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 19:44:

Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true. You haven't elaborated as to how this works, according to you.

I'm sorry that you don't (or want to) understand how things work, nothing I can do about that.

I understand how this works. But here you come in with a statement which, at best, is some kind of flamebait, at worst you are just very misinformed or ignorant.

I also want to point out that saying a member who doesn't agree with you 'doesn't understand how things work, nothing you can do about it' is also not the way to go around doing things here. Instead of trying to do some half-arsed personal attacks, perhaps you should clarify your position instead of playing dumb and being an asshat.

I and a few others have already explained how your statement is not true. You're just ignoring it and keep repeating your (false) statement. We're not stupid you know.

Ok, one last time. There is a thing called supply and demand, the retro market is not spared from this, the fewer items you have available of something the more valuable it becomes.
Hoarders who hog lots of stuff contribute to driving up the prices. What exactly of this is it that you don't agree with?

I agree that personal attacks should be avoided. For instance, you might want to rethink your strategy of accusing a member you don't agree with of spreading a lie.

Tetrium wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:46:

[...] as far as I'm concerned, you're just trying to spread a lie [...]

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