Reply 80 of 114, by Tetrium
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Jo22 wrote on 2023-01-20, 12:38:In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. ;) […]
In some way or another, we're as vintage or obsolete as the systems in our hobby. 😉
So maybe, as the years go by, our level of "compatibility" to the outside world is affected, too? 🤷♂️
As an observer, it seems to me as if people/users had been changed in personality over the last ~17 years.
Back then and in the following years, they were so full of enthusiasm, so lively.
Now they are.. I don't know. Different, I guess. Sometimes more strict, less diplomatic?
Hm. I don't know. Maybe it is/was due to the Corona years, too?
Corona definitely made the situation worse as people had to stay home, got bored, started looking for stuff to do online and probably found some social media related to old computers and thought "heck I got the time, Ima order on ebay right now!" or something 😜
Not just old parts got more expensive, new electronics also rose in price. And the whole bitcoin mining thing also made the situation worse as did the shutting down of factories that made this hardware which was now in higher demand.
I don't see myself as wanting something obsolete. It's more a thing of wanting to see it being useful in some way back in an era when people thought it was just trash and thought I was the crazy one. WELL IM NOT CRAZY!!!111 *shakes fist into the air angrily*
anyway, ahem, for me it's about how useful anything is. I don't really care about any, well, political thing, I just use what is useful to me.
I'm unsure what you mean with people having changed. People have always changed so that in itself is not really surprising for me. Is it for worse or for better? I don't really know, probably a bit of both.
I do think people have gotten less diplomatic in a way, many people seem angry all the time and have ample channels to go vent where back before the net the only nest you'd shit would be your own, so people would tend to restrain themselves better because they would find themselves better (and see what shit they were really made of).