Why do people like this exist?

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First post, by Gopher666

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Rank Newbie

I watch retro stuff on bunch of auction portals this is how i come across the following ad Today:

Only complete to resellers on presentation of the trade license or to solvent complete buyers! […]
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Only complete to resellers on presentation of the trade license or to solvent complete buyers!

Collection that has been in existence for over 9 years has to go!
246 pieces, mainly 386, 486 and early Pentium systems
Lots of cards, keyboards, mice etc

Only until April 15th
Then I sell everything to the recycler

Absolute fixed price is 7000,-€
That's around €24 per device

The recycler paid 4500 for everything, so last chance until April 15th, then I tell the recycler and everything is gone!!!

Lots of games, OVPs etc
Everything included in the price






7k or he scraps all those beauties. 7k€ is a joke amount for me, making more than that in a month but don't have space to store them neither do i live in Germany anymore.

Hope these cuties will find a new home / owner and don't end up on the scrapyard 🖕

Last edited by DosFreak on 2023-04-18, 20:41. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2 of 42, by jakethompson1

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Rank Oldbie
Gopher666 wrote on 2023-03-30, 19:52:

7k or he scraps all those beauties. 7k€ is a joke amount for me, making more than that in a month but don't have space to store them neither do i live in Germany anymore.

Sometimes "must be sold by X date or they get scrapped" rhetoric can be an indication of a possible scam.

Reply 3 of 42, by rasz_pl

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Rank l33t

Hoarding is a mental health issue. Its not about using any of this stuff, its about the moment you click "buy". That weird clause might be lashing out, If I cant have it because im being kicked out of my house/family intervention/etc then nobody else will. I seriously doubt any recycler would offer 5K for this, maybe <1K IF seller packs and loads everything into the van himself. In wealthier countries recyclers actually demand to be paid for utilizing this trash.

https://github.com/raszpl/FIC-486-GAC-2-Cache-Module for AT&T Globalyst
https://github.com/raszpl/386RC-16 memory board
https://github.com/raszpl/440BX Reference Design adapted to Kicad
https://github.com/raszpl/Zenith_ZBIOS MFM-300 Monitor

Reply 4 of 42, by SpectriaForce

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rasz_pl wrote on 2023-03-30, 21:40:

seriously doubt any recycler would offer 5K for this, maybe <1K IF seller packs and loads everything into the van himself. In wealthier countries recyclers actually demand to be paid for utilizing this trash.


I would buy it for a substantial sum (if I wasn't broke), but even € 4500 is too much considering the amount of labor involved and the mediocre condition of a lot of the stuff.

Reply 6 of 42, by Cosmic

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Rank Member

That's pretty wild. I sure hope they don't end up at the recycler, or if they do, that the recycler has enough sense to resell.

If it was me I'd buy a temporary storage unit to put it all in, take some PTO, and go through them piece by piece and inventory it all. I'd take what I want and hopefully sell the rest at reasonable prices to other collectors. I wouldn't want a massive profit, I'd just want to keep it in retro friendly hands.

UMC UM8498: DX2-66 SX955 WB | 32MB FPM | GD5426 VLB | Win3.1/95
MVP3: 600MHz K6-III+ | 256MB SDRAM | MX440 AGP | 98SE/NT4
440BX: 1300MHz P!!!-S SL5XL | 384MB ECC Reg | Quadro FX500 AGP | XP SP3

Reply 7 of 42, by sliderider

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Rank l33t++

Do you mean the hoarding, or the insistence on someone proving they actually have the money to buy the whole lot, or else they won't talk to them? If you mean the latter, why would you waste your time on someone who may only want one or two pieces, when you're looking to sell everything? It will take forever to sell it that way.

And 'recycler' doesn't necessarily mean they will be scrapped. There are several prominent recyclers who list on ebay and elsewhere, because they know there's a demand for this stuff, but not everybody can afford to buy warehouse lots. They get more selling to hobbyists, than if they broke it all down for parts and metals.

Reply 8 of 42, by Unknown_K

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Rank Oldbie

Vast majority are the beige era PCs with quite a few AT style cases so there is some money to be made there from stripping and reselling and just recycling the broke stuff. Is it worth $7K, nope.

A single person with nothing better to do it looking at a year of their time to move, test, clean, and ebay everything that can be sold while junking the rest.

The way many covers seem to be just hanging there means somebody was poking around looking for valuable boards and cards before offering the lot for sale, or this is a defunct (judging by the close ages of most machines there) repair shop that closed down and was forgotten.

Collector of old computers, hardware, and software

Reply 9 of 42, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Yes there are a lot of empty cases and broken ones, 7000 / 24 per piece I do not see ~290 worth while parts... not even at 4500

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 10 of 42, by The Serpent Rider

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Typical used-cars salesman technique. From the looks of it, most of that stuff is just junk.

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 11 of 42, by TheMobRules

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Rank Oldbie

There's some interesting stuff among all that junk, but 7000eur??? Also, I doubt any recycler is going to pay anything close to 4500 for that, they would be out of business very quickly with those kind of "deals".

Reply 12 of 42, by Doornkaat

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Usually this is a sales tactic creating a sense of urgency in potentially interested buyers. This is to discourage collectors/hoarders from waiting for him to drop the price and instead feeling pressured to 'save' the whole lot from being scrapped.

Reply 13 of 42, by theelf

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Rank Oldbie
Gopher666 wrote on 2023-03-30, 19:52:
I watch retro stuff on bunch of auction portals this is how i come across the following ad Today: […]
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I watch retro stuff on bunch of auction portals this is how i come across the following ad Today:

Only complete to resellers on presentation of the trade license or to solvent complete buyers! […]
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Only complete to resellers on presentation of the trade license or to solvent complete buyers!

Collection that has been in existence for over 9 years has to go!
246 pieces, mainly 386, 486 and early Pentium systems
Lots of cards, keyboards, mice etc

Only until April 15th
Then I sell everything to the recycler

Absolute fixed price is 7000,-€
That's around €24 per device

The recycler paid 4500 for everything, so last chance until April 15th, then I tell the recycler and everything is gone!!!

Lots of games, OVPs etc
Everything included in the price






7k or he scraps all those beauties. 7k€ is a joke amount for me, making more than that in a month but don't have space to store them neither do i live in Germany anymore.

Hope these cuties will find a new home / owner and don't end up on the scrapyard 🖕

7000 euro is a lot of money, more than my year salary

From pictures there is very nice things but i dont think worth that money

At empty cases, exept is very rare, maybe 20-40 euro each with psu, but atx ones no more than 5-10 euro

Reply 15 of 42, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

I don't get it. So he's got a quote for €4500 yet if I offer him €5000 he's going to turn away the extra €500?
The pictures do seem to suggest it's the back room of a old computer shop where PC's either traded in, too expensive or simply couldn't repair.
So most likely almost nothing works in it's currant state. I can fully understand not wanting to be bothered going though and testing individual components, or simply wanting everything gone.
But why would you turn down even an extra €100 if it's no extra work for yourself and achieves the same result? Something isn't right.

Reply 16 of 42, by PcBytes

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I pretty much bet this guy would raise the price even more if someone offers him 7000 euros - he looks scummy enough to turn down his own 7k offer and raise the price just so collectors can't get anything (even the ones that would possibly pay 7k) so he can scrap everything. Even as much as tearing down the whole place.

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 17 of 42, by Gopher666

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Rank Newbie

Not really talking of any kind of "monnies" here, these PCs have sentimental value for me. Many people in this life don't deserve what they have, this bum is an example right for that.
He tried to list some of these for 50eur a piece with filling out brief description like "286 386 486 old computer" clearly knows f all about computers. I think this was some of his family member's legacy who passed away and he starts it with dumping it for scrap price what an absolute pos.

Some old ISA sound cards go for multiple thousands by themselves let alone voodoos. If you HODL them their value will just go up over time.

Reply 18 of 42, by Joakim

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Rank Oldbie
Gopher666 wrote on 2023-03-31, 19:15:

Not really talking of any kind of "monnies" here, these PCs have sentimental value for me. Many people in this life don't deserve what they have, this bum is an example right for that.
He tried to list some of these for 50eur a piece with filling out brief description like "286 386 486 old computer" clearly knows f all about computers. I think this was some of his family member's legacy who passed away and he starts it with dumping it for scrap price what an absolute pos.

Some old ISA sound cards go for multiple thousands by themselves let alone voodoos. If you HODL them their value will just go up over time.

I think you are right, this is possibly a fellow vogon's legacy. It is quite sad in many ways.

Probably it's all a lie and the person selling has no idea of what it's worth. It is pretty common people think old computers are worth a lot.

Reply 19 of 42, by pentiumspeed

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This particular case is what like I had with my first computer I purchased in around 1990 from my first job fixing computer stuff. Was 80MB, 4MB and 386DX 25, no cache based on a low quality C&T chipset motherboard.



Great Northern aka Canada.