First post, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

have you thought about adding Frame Generator?

Reply 5 of 8, by Dege

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Rank l33t

The problem with these newfangled stuffs is that they all require bunch of extra data, like motion map for pixels, or frames rendered with slightly altered camera position (Intel XeSS), etc., but dgVoodoo can only provide a single color image and a depth buffer. The only exception is AMD FSR but even that one makes only sense for bitmap based 2D-games where forced resolutions won't improve the image quality.

But, the option for implementing it is there, anybody can write an addon for that... Or maybe I myself write it some day.

Reply 7 of 8, by Darkstorm

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Rank Newbie

You asked for frame generator, you brought as an example the NVIDIA innovative technology exclusive to NVIDIA 4000 series GPUs. And now you bring some frame interpolation stuff like it's being same thing? Do I get that right?

Reply 8 of 8, by Trashbytes

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Rank Oldbie
robertmo wrote on 2023-03-27, 06:29:

have you thought about adding Frame Generator?

Just use lossless scaling on steam, it doesnt care what GPU you have and can do DLSS like scaling along with Frame Gen, it doesn't need the game to have implemented any form of scaling or FG to work.

Costs a total of 7 bucks so there is zero need for Dege to reinvent this wheel.

How well this works with DgVoodoo remains to be seen but hey if you want to beta test it for us then have at it.

Honestly DgVoodoo doesn't need scaling or FG, both tools should only ever be used when the engine can benefit from them such as full Path Tracing engines or GPUs that dont have the raster power but do have the AI hardware to assist the raster in improving performance. I know some people hate DLSS and FG but they are damn useful tools that are currently being abused in the wrong manner so devs can avoid optimising their engines.

Used int he right way they can take a horrible old GPU and allow it to play at half decent frame rates or allow devs to really push the tech eg Cyberpunk 2077 Extreme Pathtracing, dont hate the tech .. hate the devs abusing it as a crutch for their horrible programming skills.

Edit - Now I fully expect someone to say but FG isn't real frames ...sure but frames are not real .. its all generated on the same silicon using the same raster/AI cores using the same data following the same post processing path.

Frames haven't been real since unified Pixel shaders were introduced.

So get outta here with the silly not real arguments ...its nothing but cope.