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Reply 740 of 782, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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The ending was quite anti-climatic as I beat the final boss very easily....

Nope, that wasn't Force Lightning.

...but then his soul possessed me, so he could continue his evil deeds using my body. Well at least that was the plan.

Aaagh! Get the hell out of my head!

But then I realized that I don't need to stay alive to win, so I committed suicide by drowning myself in the well.

But I'm not gonna die alone. You're coming with me!

So that was how I stopped the cycle and saved the world.


What game have I just beaten, by the way?

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 741 of 782, by DosFreak

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*DRM free for singleplayer

I don't play Early Access so picked this up a couple of months after it was released on PC.

This is a survival game with base building both of which I tend to shy away from unless the games are really good.
Most survival games are too grindy and I hate grind and base building is a waste of time (I only build what is necessary) and yet another grind.

So grounded is a singleplayer or multiplayer game where you are shrunk and placed into a backyard where you need to survive, figure out how and why you were placed here and how to get back.
This game is pretty good but if you didn't play it in Early Access, read guides or play survival games then you'll end up wasting alot of time.
For this game the key is keeping resources for both markers, leantos and roasting spit on you at all times and discovering locations of everything on the map so you aren't wasting time.
Water isn't too much of a concern for most of the map but you should work on getting a crossbow or bow as soon as possible so you can kill aphids for food and shoot water droplets from grass.
You should try to upgrade to level two axes and hammers as quickly as possible since if you don't you'll be wasting time.
Invention management is a PITA so only carry what you need and build storage chests and bases of what you need for parts of the map you are currently working on.
The game is only difficult if you don't have the proper equipment and armor, mutations and are not being aware of your environment.

No game crashes or performance issues with a 7950x and 3080 at 3840x1600. I keep gamma at maximum since I'm too lazy to constantly adjust it in-game and dark is too dark.

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Reply 742 of 782, by DosFreak

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A Plague Tale Requiem

If you liked the first one then you'll like this one since it's much better.
There are LOTS of cutscenes and lots of walking as well as slow walking.
No crashes or performance issues
Played the GOG ver so no DRM

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Reply 743 of 782, by zyzzle

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I just beat the old 1997 Finnish DOS game Aleshar: World of Ice.

It's one of the hardest, yet most satisfying RPGs I've ever played. Totally unique. Yet could have been so much better and more varied. I'm sorry the company didn't market the game -- or their creative talent skills better.

Reply 744 of 782, by MrFlibble

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zyzzle wrote on 2023-03-09, 02:43:

I just beat the old 1997 Finnish DOS game Aleshar: World of Ice.

It's one of the hardest, yet most satisfying RPGs I've ever played. Totally unique. Yet could have been so much better and more varied. I'm sorry the company didn't market the game -- or their creative talent skills better.

I tried playing that a while ago, but got lost very quickly. There's indeed an interesting concept of a game world, but I got caught between a seemingly endless snowy wasteland with random encounters that seemed just a bit too tough, and a town with nothing obvious to do. Perhaps you could share any tips on a successful playthrough?

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Reply 745 of 782, by gerry

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zyzzle wrote on 2023-03-09, 02:43:

I just beat the old 1997 Finnish DOS game Aleshar: World of Ice.

It's one of the hardest, yet most satisfying RPGs I've ever played. Totally unique. Yet could have been so much better and more varied. I'm sorry the company didn't market the game -- or their creative talent skills better.

i hadnt heard of it so i looked it up, actually looks interesting and was intrigued that there are videos of gameplay and even streaming!

Reply 746 of 782, by Myloch

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I finally managed to finish this lil' bastard


This game can be really weird sometimes...I wonder if some gameplay choices were voluntarily made by Titus programmers or it's simply glitched to hell and back!
And reading the game manual can be misleading.

Don't waste time fighting Red Sabbaths if you haven't received the medallions, they take way longer to die and the game will not count them as killed.
Even if you already got all five medallions, you have to kill the wizards following the level order from left to right or it will not consider them as beaten (check the score).
The stage order you choice for harvesting the medallions is irrelevant.
The ending is dull, the game just a bit better overall.

"Gamer & collector for passion, I firmly believe in the preservation and the diffusion of old/rare software, against all personal egoisms"

Reply 747 of 782, by DosFreak

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The Last of Us Part 1
Recommend at least 16gb of ram and a video card with 12-16gb of VRAM if playing at 3840x1600.

No performance issues on a 5950x with a 7900xtx w/ 32GB of ram.
Game takes an extremely long time to compile shaders when the video drivers change.
Occasionally with all graphics settings to max when initially loading a game the game will never load so has to set settings to load and then switch back.
Use Goldberg Steam Emu to play without steam

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Reply 748 of 782, by leileilol

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Half-Life PS2 on Difficult

Okay so it's a console game, but you can still keyboard/mouse it so it behaves very much like a PC game. I did my crowbar finish like i've done on my PCem v13 run some 2017 ago. The PS2 version could've run a lot smoother had it not used the gearbox cruft model pack. There's some other art tweaks like all the blurry canyon textures being replaced by a more varied seamless texture (a bit unrealesque) and all the health/armor stations getting models.


  • hl69.png
    File size
    358.99 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

long live PCem

Reply 749 of 782, by DracoNihil

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zyzzle wrote on 2023-03-09, 02:43:

I just beat the old 1997 Finnish DOS game Aleshar: World of Ice.

It's one of the hardest, yet most satisfying RPGs I've ever played. Totally unique. Yet could have been so much better and more varied. I'm sorry the company didn't market the game -- or their creative talent skills better.

That game uses 8 channel ProTracker style MOD files but with a different file extension and the magic number altered. If you change the magic number with a hexeditor back to 8CHN and the extension back to .MOD it'll work on pretty much every single module replayer that knows what a 8CHN MOD is.

I quite like the music, the game also is very interesting setting-wise. I actually watched CapnClever on Twitch stream the game to the very end a while back and that's what prompted me to investigate into getting the music playable outside the game.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 751 of 782, by robertmo

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and again 😀

you can practice angles here:
choose "novice" in setup

rules are slightly different though:
extreme version doesn't move balls left<->right with every drop
extreme version automatically changes ball color when there are no more balls of that color 😀


Reply 752 of 782, by RandomStranger

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I just beaten Soldier of Fortune (Platinum Edition) for the first time. And I have mixed feelings about it. I don't know why did it need a "military expert" to make. It doesn't seem to do anything different than any other run n' gun FPS' at the time. Or years before. Early game I found it hard to play more than 20-30mins/session. While it had some B-movie charm, it felt really mediocre compared to its contemporaries.

Total play time: 6:56 (Game Time Tracker)

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 753 of 782, by gerry

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RandomStranger wrote on 2023-05-05, 18:48:

I just beaten Soldier of Fortune (Platinum Edition) for the first time. And I have mixed feelings about it. I don't know why did it need a "military expert" to make. It doesn't seem to do anything different than any other run n' gun FPS' at the time. Or years before. Early game I found it hard to play more than 20-30mins/session. While it had some B-movie charm, it felt really mediocre compared to its contemporaries.

i suspect the military expert was a bit of marketing at least in part. i always found the game to be fun, being very good in gameplay controls and action and undemanding in plot and depth

i have fond memories of playing it online too, already with a small number of people online when i played it the group was ever shrinking with a small number of servers remaining until finally it stopped. it was possible to go online sometimes and see all remaining servers empty 🙁

the first two levels (undergrounds and on train) should entice you, i guess if they don't then there's no need to persevere though

Reply 754 of 782, by Kerr Avon

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leileilol wrote on 2023-04-28, 21:48:

Half-Life PS2 on Difficult

Half-Life on the PS2 was a great port. As far as I know, Half-Life was never ported to another console (other than the aborted Dreamcast version, I mean). You'd think such a highly popular game might have been developed for the original XBox, as that console hosted many great ports of PC games, and a Half-Life pack consisting of Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift, would surely have been a bigger seller on console.

Reply 756 of 782, by clueless1

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DosFreak wrote on 2023-07-10, 01:49:

System Shock Remake

What did you think? I'm getting close. Just got to Security. ~31 hours played so far according to the game's save log.

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Reply 757 of 782, by DosFreak

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I've only played 1/4 of the original so can't compare much between the two. So when remaking a game there is always a tough decision on how true to the original a game should be but IMO some things should be changed:

Managing inventory in games is ridiculous. Does anyone consider this fun? Either make inventory infinite or change the game to not make this an issue. There is no reason to spend cumulative hours managing inventory in games. The cargo elevator is useless. You may as well just dump everything you need in a common location traversible to other locations like an elevator and call it a day.
There should be an option to enable to identify items that are able to be picked up and/or quest items.

I have no issue with the graphics. We've long since gone past the point where graphics are an issue in games. There's an article on pcgames about morrowind complaining about the graphics with this quote and all I could do was roll my eyes "You know that feeling you get when you look back at an old game and realize how much your brain filled in the low-poly gaps"..... It's freaking Morrowind for crying out loud.

This is the massive difference in the remake vs the original. Anyone who has never played the original but has played Daggerfall or Ultima Underworld, etc. No one should have any complaints here since there is no reason for the original to be as obtuse as it was.

I know there have been complaints but I can't remember the original music. All I can say is that there was nothing memorable about the remake music which may or may not be the same as the original. All I can remember is the elevator music which you'll hear a lot and the end credits

So the enemy difficulty is pretty disappointing.
If you see an enemy they will immediately come straight for you, if you shoot at them they'll keep coming. Just blast away until they go down. You could say this makes sense for mutated\modified creatures but it really isn't, it's just laziness. If they are caught on something on the environment then hide behind something and keep shooting. This may be true to the original but it's a "remake' so....
SHODAN is pretty useless,spouts some bullshit but doesn't actually do anything. If this is a remake then more should have been done to have SHODAN mess with you as was originally planned for the game.

Not sure there is much point complaining here since there is a in-game reason for the obtuse design and once you traverse the levels for the most part you remember the main layout of them although remembering the location of vending machines, mod stations and recycle stations may be an issue. Some easier way to find these on the map may be nice....you are a hacker after all. For those who are older and/or who can only play this game in 15-30m spurts periodically every couple of days....good luck 😉
The levels tend to have a tendency to loop back on themselves no matter the route you take similar to other games but the only time I sort of felt like I was taking a path not intended to be taken was at the end of the game where I didn't have a key for a door so I used my jump boots to get where I need to go. More of that please.

I played the GOG version so unsure of other stores but no DRM here. Didn't even need GOG galaxy

Played this mostly on my living room PC with a 7950x and a 3080 10GB. No performance issues at roughly 120fps at 3840x2160 using DLSS quality mode, my projector only does 60fps though.
No crashes

The difficulty settings at the beginning of the game should be explained better. I can't remember what I used but they were pretty high and I played the game fine but I'm sure someone will have issues. I don't think you can change difficulty later.

There is always the debate about objective tracking, compass in the interface etc etc. In this game you're supposed to be confused BUT you are a hacker so IMO it seems pretty ridiculous that you wouldn't keep track of your objectives on your interface and guess what there could be an option to turn it on or off! Trying to remember what you were doing and what you need to be doing is difficult. All I did was continue to push forward and hope for the best and hope I kept a logic probe and remembered on what and where I needed to use it on (flight deck). When I ran out of inventory I would spend tons of time figuring out how not to drop items since I was sure if I dropped something I wouldn't be able to find it again and I didn't want to have to hunt down a elevator or other common location so I could drop something.

Cyberspace seems lame to me. I guess if your concept of hacking is "Hackers" or "Jurassic Park" or similar then it makes sense but the "hacking" you do to open doors and platforms make more sense (Start from the end first) than the Cyberspace levels. If the reasoning is to break up the game for those tired of playing an FPS then mabye they shouldn't be playing an FPS..... I'm not one for gimmicks for instance the flying sections in the POS Jade Empire game annoyed me.

As with most games the ending is pretty lame, I won't spoil it but pretty much anyone can come up with a better ending and from what I've heard the original ending is kind of corny but fits better than this one. There is no excuse for bad endings in games we all know why this happens but it needs to stop.

P.S. When destroying the A.I. nodes make sure you note the static number on the display and the name of the level that each is in so you don't have to backtrack. Not all rooms with A.I. nodes have a number which is confusing so don't spend forever looking for it if you don't see it when you destroy the nodes, there is no trick.

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Reply 758 of 782, by clueless1

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DosFreak wrote on 2023-07-16, 11:23:
I've only played 1/4 of the original so can't compare much between the two. So when remaking a game there is always a tough deci […]
Show full quote

I've only played 1/4 of the original so can't compare much between the two. So when remaking a game there is always a tough decision on how true to the original a game should be but IMO some things should be changed:

Managing inventory in games is ridiculous. Does anyone consider this fun? Either make inventory infinite or change the game to not make this an issue. There is no reason to spend cumulative hours managing inventory in games. The cargo elevator is useless. You may as well just dump everything you need in a common location traversible to other locations like an elevator and call it a day.
There should be an option to enable to identify items that are able to be picked up and/or quest items.

I have no issue with the graphics. We've long since gone past the point where graphics are an issue in games. There's an article on pcgames about morrowind complaining about the graphics with this quote and all I could do was roll my eyes "You know that feeling you get when you look back at an old game and realize how much your brain filled in the low-poly gaps"..... It's freaking Morrowind for crying out loud.

This is the massive difference in the remake vs the original. Anyone who has never played the original but has played Daggerfall or Ultima Underworld, etc. No one should have any complaints here since there is no reason for the original to be as obtuse as it was.

I know there have been complaints but I can't remember the original music. All I can say is that there was nothing memorable about the remake music which may or may not be the same as the original. All I can remember is the elevator music which you'll hear a lot and the end credits

So the enemy difficulty is pretty disappointing.
If you see an enemy they will immediately come straight for you, if you shoot at them they'll keep coming. Just blast away until they go down. You could say this makes sense for mutated\modified creatures but it really isn't, it's just laziness. If they are caught on something on the environment then hide behind something and keep shooting. This may be true to the original but it's a "remake' so....
SHODAN is pretty useless,spouts some bullshit but doesn't actually do anything. If this is a remake then more should have been done to have SHODAN mess with you as was originally planned for the game.

Not sure there is much point complaining here since there is a in-game reason for the obtuse design and once you traverse the levels for the most part you remember the main layout of them although remembering the location of vending machines, mod stations and recycle stations may be an issue. Some easier way to find these on the map may be nice....you are a hacker after all. For those who are older and/or who can only play this game in 15-30m spurts periodically every couple of days....good luck 😉
The levels tend to have a tendency to loop back on themselves no matter the route you take similar to other games but the only time I sort of felt like I was taking a path not intended to be taken was at the end of the game where I didn't have a key for a door so I used my jump boots to get where I need to go. More of that please.

I played the GOG version so unsure of other stores but no DRM here. Didn't even need GOG galaxy

Played this mostly on my living room PC with a 7950x and a 3080 10GB. No performance issues at roughly 120fps at 3840x2160 using DLSS quality mode, my projector only does 60fps though.
No crashes

The difficulty settings at the beginning of the game should be explained better. I can't remember what I used but they were pretty high and I played the game fine but I'm sure someone will have issues. I don't think you can change difficulty later.

There is always the debate about objective tracking, compass in the interface etc etc. In this game you're supposed to be confused BUT you are a hacker so IMO it seems pretty ridiculous that you wouldn't keep track of your objectives on your interface and guess what there could be an option to turn it on or off! Trying to remember what you were doing and what you need to be doing is difficult. All I did was continue to push forward and hope for the best and hope I kept a logic probe and remembered on what and where I needed to use it on (flight deck). When I ran out of inventory I would spend tons of time figuring out how not to drop items since I was sure if I dropped something I wouldn't be able to find it again and I didn't want to have to hunt down a elevator or other common location so I could drop something.

Cyberspace seems lame to me. I guess if your concept of hacking is "Hackers" or "Jurassic Park" or similar then it makes sense but the "hacking" you do to open doors and platforms make more sense (Start from the end first) than the Cyberspace levels. If the reasoning is to break up the game for those tired of playing an FPS then mabye they shouldn't be playing an FPS..... I'm not one for gimmicks for instance the flying sections in the POS Jade Empire game annoyed me.

As with most games the ending is pretty lame, I won't spoil it but pretty much anyone can come up with a better ending and from what I've heard the original ending is kind of corny but fits better than this one. There is no excuse for bad endings in games we all know why this happens but it needs to stop.

P.S. When destroying the A.I. nodes make sure you note the static number on the display and the name of the level that each is in so you don't have to backtrack. Not all rooms with A.I. nodes have a number which is confusing so don't spend forever looking for it if you don't see it when you destroy the nodes, there is no trick.

Thx. In principle I agree with most of your points, but this was my favorite game when it came out and I've completed the OG twice before playing the remake, so the nostalgia lenses are in full force.

Music - at first I was very unhappy with it because it wasn't the OG soundtrack and seemed toned down and lame, but as I got further into the game, I appreciated that it worked better than the OG at setting the mood and creating suspense.

You are correct, the difficulty settings you pick at start cannot be modified (just like OG). In the beta group, a few complained that they got to certain Cyberspace sections that they could not get past and wished they could tone the difficulty down after the fact.

Cyberspace was IMO a huge improvement over the OG. I like it a lot from an entertainment standpoint.

Agree on the inventory management. I found myself dropping items I wanted to keep in front of the cargo lift if they wouldn't fit in the lift. That at least reduced the amount of "looking for" if/when I ever wanted it back.

Visually, I thought it was beautifully made. The Groves were a highlight here. I felt a sense of awe the first time I entered a grove and looked up.

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Reply 759 of 782, by clueless1

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Ended up finishing Icewind Dale last weekend. I was glad to finish it to be honest. I was getting tired of the combat. I love combat if done a certain way (think Wizardry series or Lords of Xulima). But this game reminded me of why I don't like this engine. It was a major complaint when I played Baldur's Gate I. Even with everything set to pause to most simulate turn-based combat, the pathing is messy and often have to manually redirect my characters when they decide to take the long way for some inexplicable reason. Then when combat gets crowded, it's too hard to make out enemies vs player characters. I briefly thought of playing the Heart of Winter DLC, but I could not figure out how to transfer my party into it. I guess I could've gone to a certain location in the main game to kick it off, but I also read that you could export your party and import it into a fresh play of HoW, but no matter what I tried in the game menu, I could not get this to happen. Oh well, I wasn't super excited about it anyway, so I've moved on to Metro Exodus Remastered. Overall, it took me about 75 hours to complete IWD.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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