First post, by chris2021
I bought 2 recently. King Richard the Lionheart and Xenoshyft (the 2nd 1, Dreadmire?). Had them a few weeks, no interested parties at the moment. I'm not sure either of these is to my liking.
Scouting around 3 others caught my eye: Terraforming Mars, Pulsar 2849, and the Search for Planet X. I'm sure there are numerous others that'll seem cool. It's not that I ain't into the whole medieval thang, rife with political machinations and whatnot. KRtL just seemed too simplistic. Most games are (I grew up on rpg's, so most boardgames are bound to seem trivial). I originally wanted to find an older Avalon Hill wargame, set in medieval times or (in some ways preferably) the dark ages. Certain sci fi stuff is entirely cool though.