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First post, by chris2021

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I bought 2 recently. King Richard the Lionheart and Xenoshyft (the 2nd 1, Dreadmire?). Had them a few weeks, no interested parties at the moment. I'm not sure either of these is to my liking.

Scouting around 3 others caught my eye: Terraforming Mars, Pulsar 2849, and the Search for Planet X. I'm sure there are numerous others that'll seem cool. It's not that I ain't into the whole medieval thang, rife with political machinations and whatnot. KRtL just seemed too simplistic. Most games are (I grew up on rpg's, so most boardgames are bound to seem trivial). I originally wanted to find an older Avalon Hill wargame, set in medieval times or (in some ways preferably) the dark ages. Certain sci fi stuff is entirely cool though.

Reply 1 of 7, by sliderider

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chris2021 wrote on 2023-05-21, 07:53:

I bought 2 recently. King Richard the Lionheart and Xenoshyft (the 2nd 1, Dreadmire?). Had them a few weeks, no interested parties at the moment. I'm not sure either of these is to my liking.

Scouting around 3 others caught my eye: Terraforming Mars, Pulsar 2849, and the Search for Planet X. I'm sure there are numerous others that'll seem cool. It's not that I ain't into the whole medieval thang, rife with political machinations and whatnot. KRtL just seemed too simplistic. Most games are (I grew up on rpg's, so most boardgames are bound to seem trivial). I originally wanted to find an older Avalon Hill wargame, set in medieval times or (in some ways preferably) the dark ages. Certain sci fi stuff is entirely cool though.

My problem with board games, is finding people to play. Most of the classic board games are available to play online, so finding opponents is much easier, there. I like card battle games, and there are many to choose from online.

Reply 2 of 7, by akula65

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When I look at mechanics for virtually any board game, I invariably am struck by the thought: This is why (insert deity of your choice here) made computers. When you look at many of, say, SSI's computer war games, they are basically computerized versions of your typical hex-based board game.

I considered purchasing some WWII submarine board games (for solo play) a couple of years ago, but finally decided not to. In the course of my research though, I came across a site that had a number of pencil and paper games (some of which also use dice): Warp Spawn Games. The board games that I had considered buying are not unlike one of the games on this site called Malta Convoy, just somewhat more complex. The site has both multiplayer and solo games, so you might find something of interest.

Reply 3 of 7, by chris2021

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Rank Oldbie

It has to be sci fi based, or strictly historical 300 -1200 A.D. No fantasy, fire and ice, or the like. To be of interest to me. I lean a bit more towards sci fi.

When maps play a significant part of the game, I'm interested. Games like Cattan and Carcasonne have sort of maps. But I mean real maps, like a map of Britain (or much of it). So I can go over there, pillage, plunder. Then continue on.

I daresay playing against a real opponent lends more intrigue to a game. Otherwise you're just playing against a puter. But puters are evolving, have you heard? The ****ers.

Reply 4 of 7, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
sliderider wrote on 2023-05-21, 20:54:
chris2021 wrote on 2023-05-21, 07:53:

I bought 2 recently. King Richard the Lionheart and Xenoshyft (the 2nd 1, Dreadmire?). Had them a few weeks, no interested parties at the moment. I'm not sure either of these is to my liking.

Scouting around 3 others caught my eye: Terraforming Mars, Pulsar 2849, and the Search for Planet X. I'm sure there are numerous others that'll seem cool. It's not that I ain't into the whole medieval thang, rife with political machinations and whatnot. KRtL just seemed too simplistic. Most games are (I grew up on rpg's, so most boardgames are bound to seem trivial). I originally wanted to find an older Avalon Hill wargame, set in medieval times or (in some ways preferably) the dark ages. Certain sci fi stuff is entirely cool though.

My problem with board games, is finding people to play. Most of the classic board games are available to play online, so finding opponents is much easier, there. I like card battle games, and there are many to choose from online.

Same problem here. I eventually basically gave up on it as everybody I know now don't like playing board games.
Tbf I don't even miss it that much at all, but I used to really like board games before I got into computers. I even designed my own board games back in the day, just for the lolz or I'd combine several board games into one or make wacky versions of existing games (like colonists of catan, but with nukes and armies and fleets and ways to destroy enemy towns and cities).

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Reply 7 of 7, by Tetrium

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robertmo wrote on 2023-06-09, 22:49:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOOhbzr6-X4 https://a.allegroimg.com/original/1e1104/0cdb00eb45ea9f54fcc32ac2da5a https://a.alle […]
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