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Dune II HD port at last!

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Reply 80 of 160, by gerwin

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Rank l33t

There is some new development activity around the Dune Dynasty project, here:
Yeah, 1oom, the Master of Orion 1 project, is there too.
There are no new binaries available AFAIK, just source code.

Suspect the original Dune Dynasty developer Mr. Wang has the github account "wangds". But that is not the account making the recent changes.

From current changes.txt:

Version 1.6.3, 2022-04-28 ------------------------- - New Action Panel mode: Interactive unit list - Shift + click removes […]
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Version 1.6.3, 2022-04-28
- New Action Panel mode: Interactive unit list
- Shift + click removes clicked unit from list
- Shift + Ctrl + click removes clicked unit type from list
- Ctrl + click removes all units except clicked type
- Click removes all units except clicked unit
- New hotkey: select next building of the same type (Tab key)
- New hotkey: focus viewport on selected structure (Space key)
- Draw health bars for all visible units in "All units" mode
- Fix save/load bug: fix fog data loss in saved games
- Fix pathfinder freeze in case if destination is out of map

Version 1.6.2, 2022-04-14

- Action Panel title text no longer reacts to mouse clicks
- Action Panel title click behavior moved to the portrait
- Add old style status button to action panel
- Remove Send Order button from Starport menu (uses status button)
- Add new status button for Palace menu
- Pause/Cancel factory task by pressing ESC
- Pause/Cancel factory task by rmb click on status button

Version 1.6.1, 2022-04-07

- Fix critical saveload bug which breaks the behavior of starports
- Fix attempts to spawn Fremen outside the map
- Unbind hotkey H
- Add hotkeys for each type of unit/structure
- Bind unit/structure hotkeys to action panel
- Add hotkey hints to action panel

Version 1.6.0, 2015-02-03

- Version changed to 1.6.0 to reflect all those undocumented changes
that were added for 2013-2015

Version 1.5.7, 2013-08-18

- Fix crash on startup when by using Spanish data files.
- Put nouns before adjectives for Italian and Spanish.
- Use English audio for Italian and Spanish.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 82 of 160, by MyName

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I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad:

Dune Dynasty is broken that's why i abandoned it. Also, Allegro 5 doesn't support DOS and there is no Allegro 4 support in Dune Dynasty

1oom pleases much more

Reply 83 of 160, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++

I just tried it and it seems to work quite fine though I am not 100% onboard with the upscale filtering .. Is there an option to disable it and just run at 2x or 3x native?

EDIT: Manually changed resolution to 1600x1000 Windowed and it looks a million times better.

Reply 84 of 160, by gerwin

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MyName wrote on 2023-02-13, 10:17:
I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker […]
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I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad:

Dune Dynasty is broken that's why i abandoned it. Also, Allegro 5 doesn't support DOS and there is no Allegro 4 support in Dune Dynasty

1oom pleases much more

I recon you are github user 1oom-fork. Thanks for your work on that game.
What exactly is broken about Dune Dynasty? I worked with the source a little, and played that port of course. I don't remember any issues.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 85 of 160, by MrFlibble

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MyName wrote on 2023-02-13, 10:17:

I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad:

Dune II - The Maker is a recreation which is for the most part not directly based on Dune II code, and uses hand-edited upscaled art from the original game.

By contrast, Dune Dynasty is based on the reverse-engineered code of Dune II and can read native data file formats.

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Reply 86 of 160, by MyName

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gerwin wrote on 2023-02-27, 00:56:
MyName wrote on 2023-02-13, 10:17:
I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker […]
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I never tested this one but it feels like it cant be too bad:

Dune Dynasty is broken that's why i abandoned it. Also, Allegro 5 doesn't support DOS and there is no Allegro 4 support in Dune Dynasty

1oom pleases much more

I recon you are github user 1oom-fork. Thanks for your work on that game.
What exactly is broken about Dune Dynasty? I worked with the source a little, and played that port of course. I don't remember any issues.

The author of Dune Dynasty added too much chaos, such as corrupted fog in saved games.
Open dune is much cleaner and less bugs

Reply 87 of 160, by gameflorist

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Rank Newbie

hey there dune lovers!

i hope you are all doing great!

as gerwin mentioned, there was some new development going on with Dune Dynasty - mainly by 1oom-fork (aka MyName) - but they were sadly abandoned with no new releases. so i took it upon myself, created new fork (https://github.com/gameflorist/dunedynasty), merged all those new commits, fixed/added a bunch of other stuff and released a new version v1.6.0 (win32 and linux).

without much further ado, here is the changelog from v1.5.7 to v1.6.0:

  • Adds support for HiDPI displays
    • With seperate scaling factors of menubar, viewport and actionbar from 1-8
  • Adds Multiplayer:
    • Up to 6 players
    • With 3 additional factions: Fremen, Sardaukar and Mercenaries
    • Setting for lose condition: either by losing all structures or structures plus ground-units
    • Settings for starting credits and amount of spice fields
    • Random map seeds (or enter fixed map seed)
    • Shared starport-inventory
  • Adds support for new music packs (with songs sorted into attack/idle music):
    • Dune (1992) game (by Cryo) music by Stéphane Picq and Philippe Ulrich: The excellent award-winning soundtrack for Dune II's predecessor - the 1992 Dune game by Cryo. It is very atmospheric, and makes Dune II a much more relaxing and chill experience. Two versions are supported:
    • Dune (1984) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Toto and Brian Eno
    • Dune: Part One (2021) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and "The Dune Sketchbook" soundtrack - both by Hans Zimmer
  • New control enhancements:
    • LMB double click or Ctrl + LMB selects all units of the same type in current viewport
    • Ctrl + RMB sets rally points for all similar buildings
    • Ctrl shows rally points for all similar buildings
    • Tab key selects next building of the same type
    • Space key focuses viewport on selected structure
    • ESC pauses/cancels factory task
    • Added hotkeys for each type of unit/structure
  • New in-game settings:
    • Resolution and window mode (requires restart)
    • Enable/Disable music sets (requires restart)
    • Sliders for seperate scaling of menubar, viewport and actionbar from 1-8 (accomodating HiDPI displays).
  • Many more fixes and improvements

grab it while it's hot!

and let me know of any problems you might encounter! (it's best to post them directly as github-issues. discussions are also open.)

also, here is a little history of Dune Dynasty for a little more context - crediting all involved devs:

Dune Dynasty was initially developed by David Wang, with the source code hosted on SourceForge. Its last official version was v1.5.7 from 2013. After that David Wang added lots of new features (mainly multiplayer) up until 2015, but never released a new version. (Unfortunately i also was not able to establish contact with him 😒). Later some github-repos emerged with additional fixes and improvements (by 1oom-fork and neg3ntropy), but again no new release. This fork is intended to merge these improvements, fix further bugs, add minor features, and provide new releases (v1.6.0+) with binary download-packages for Windows and Linux (see this fork for Mac).

Last edited by gameflorist on 2023-07-02, 23:17. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 89 of 160, by gerwin

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Rank l33t

Thanks gameflorist for your work and the heads up.
Took the liberty to build a version of your codebase with "attack_dir_consistency" option integrated. Will play some skirmish games and see how it goes.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 90 of 160, by gameflorist

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Rank Newbie
MyName wrote on 2023-07-02, 19:38:

The project on my page is no longer available. Good luck with your fork. 1oom is the only priority for me at the moment.

thanks for the heads up, i fixed the link. and also many thanks for all your work on the codebase and also good luck with your 1oom project! 😊

gerwin wrote on 2023-07-02, 22:27:

Thanks gameflorist for your work and the heads up.
Took the liberty to build a version of your codebase with "attack_dir_consistency" option integrated. Will play some skirmish games and see how it goes.

I saw your issue on the OpenDune repo regarding this. This could definitely be a great optional enhancement. I'd be very glad to merge a pull request, if you want to create one. 👍

Reply 91 of 160, by gerwin

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gameflorist wrote on 2023-07-02, 23:32:

I saw your issue on the OpenDune repo regarding this. This could definitely be a great optional enhancement. I'd be very glad to merge a pull request, if you want to create one. 👍

Glad you agree on it being a desirable option.
I am only a lurker on github though, posting comments/issues at most, I have never forked anything there.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 92 of 160, by gameflorist

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Rank Newbie
gerwin wrote on 2023-07-02, 23:46:

Glad you agree on it being a desirable option.
I am only a lurker on github though, posting comments/issues at most, I have never forked anything there.

No problem! Is the code you posted in your last comment of the linked issue the most recent fix? I think i could simply take it from there, so no need for a pull request.

I wonder why Westwood put that behaviour there in the first place, or is it a bug? 🤔

Reply 93 of 160, by gerwin

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Rank l33t
gameflorist wrote on 2023-07-02, 23:58:

No problem! Is the code you posted in your last comment of the linked issue the most recent fix? I think i could simply take it from there, so no need for a pull request.

I wonder why Westwood put that behaviour there in the first place, or is it a bug? 🤔

Yes, the most recent version of that enhancement is still that one, in the last comment there. Dated Jan 11, 2021. The before and after situations were tested, and are written down there as well. So I took the difference in damage values and tuned the compensation algorithm until it resulted in a damage value halfway. Of course one can debate and tune it more, of so desired.

I don't see how it could have been an intentional gameplay choice, so I figure it is a bug.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 95 of 160, by robertmo

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appiah4 wrote on 2023-07-03, 06:47:

Wow, I played this game for almost 5 years and never realized this bug! I'd be happy to see @gerwin 's fix implemented for sure. Cheers.

looking at the sun makes it harder too hit, but if you are in the shadow of enemy unit it is not (sun is in the north)

Reply 96 of 160, by MyName

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Rank Newbie

In my opinion, the approach to implementing high resolution in 1oom is much cleaner than in Dune Dynasty. It would be better to implement the ideas of the author of Dune Dynasty from scratch on the basis of modern Open Dune without ugly code

Reply 98 of 160, by gameflorist

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Rank Newbie
robertmo wrote on 2023-07-03, 10:37:

looking at the sun makes it harder too hit, but if you are in the shadow of enemy unit it is not (sun is in the north)

Interesting point, but it doesn't really make sense, since units do full damage both from north and south, and limited damage both from east and west. See page 279 in the game's insider's guide. There this is also mentioned as an "exploit", further suggesting that this is unintended behaviour.

I'm thinking about making the fix configurable via the cfg-file, but turning it on by default.

Many thanks for your suggestions! But as i'm not really an experienced C dev (but rather a webdev by trade), i have no way of and am not interested in doing such an enormous rewrite. The game as it is seems very stable and performant to me, also resolution and scaling works without problems imho. So the beauty of the code is not really my main concern, as long as i can get the fixes and improvenents in to keep Dune Dynasty a good alternative to other solutions.

Reply 99 of 160, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++
gameflorist wrote on 2023-07-03, 14:58:
robertmo wrote on 2023-07-03, 10:37:

looking at the sun makes it harder too hit, but if you are in the shadow of enemy unit it is not (sun is in the north)

Interesting point, but it doesn't really make sense, since units do full damage both from north and south, and limited damage both from east and west. See page 279 in the game's insider's guide.

when we look at the picture from the link:
The quad in the center is shooting at enemies located around him.
The sun is shining at him from the up and is located just over the horizon (so sunrise or sunset).
When he is shooting at enemies located down from him, he is making max damage to enemies cause the sun is not blinding him.
When he is shooting at enemies located up-left and up-right from him, he is making half damage to enemies cause the sun is blinding him.
When he is shooting at enemies located up from him, he is making max damage to enemies cause the sun is not blinding him cause he is in the shadow of the enemy units.


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