Reply 25600 of 29186, by stef80
Do they work OK with Conroe C2D? All of mine r2.0x work great with Conroes.
Out of 4, one does not even post with Wolfdale, one needs double start, and 2 work OK.
Do they work OK with Conroe C2D? All of mine r2.0x work great with Conroes.
Out of 4, one does not even post with Wolfdale, one needs double start, and 2 work OK.
stef80 wrote on 2023-10-18, 06:41:Do they work OK with Conroe C2D? All of mine r2.0x work great with Conroes.
Out of 4, one does not even post with Wolfdale, one needs double start, and 2 work OK.
yeah they work with e4400, e6700 q6600 etc. I also have an asrock conroe865pe which is a large version of this board
"What's all this racket going on up here, son? You watchin' yer girl cartoons again?"
does anybody know how to check what updates if any were installed on windows 98 image. the reason is everywhere i use this time computers restore cd image, the installs are very stable and less headache than installing vanilla windows 98.
"What's all this racket going on up here, son? You watchin' yer girl cartoons again?"
gmaverick2k wrote on 2023-10-18, 09:12:does anybody know how to check what updates if any were installed on windows 98 image. the reason is everywhere i use this time computers restore cd image, the installs are very stable and less headache than installing vanilla windows 98.
I don't think there is any issue with reinstalling an update, as long as it's the latest one. It's not like you're trying to force an older update.
Kahenraz wrote on 2023-10-18, 12:46:gmaverick2k wrote on 2023-10-18, 09:12:does anybody know how to check what updates if any were installed on windows 98 image. the reason is everywhere i use this time computers restore cd image, the installs are very stable and less headache than installing vanilla windows 98.
I don't think there is any issue with reinstalling an update, as long as it's the latest one. It's not like you're trying to force an older update.
i like to keep everything stock. but i'm having success transferring it on any setup from 440bx to obscure modern systems without much hiccup. if i installed from scratch vanilla win98, i always run into one issue or another. so was interested to know what the oem system lot were doing. my guess is that this was an image for multiple setups and some updates were rolled insomehow or am i talking bs?
"What's all this racket going on up here, son? You watchin' yer girl cartoons again?"
The Omnibook 800CT arrived. Hooked up to a VGA monitor and it works. Pop-up mouse, floppy and cdrom too.
I have already dissasembled it. Monitor cables are okay, reseated them but screen still white. So I guess I will have to find a replacement.
But there is another big issue, I noticed that some keys didn't work well. I had to press multiple times some of them.
Well... the keyboard connector on the board just completly detached from the board while I was putting everything together. It's not broken, I should be able to re-solder it.
Investigated some trash control system boards that survived the shed apocalypse, found EPROMs got two 27128A -100ns and a 2764 and 2732 type. Not sure the '32 is going to be useful for much tho? ... Don't have any XT class up and running at the moment to blow random stuff for though. Also found some CMOS SRAMs... two hundred nanoseconds, wow, what am I supposed to do with that, add cache to a PCJr 🤣 .... Actually if I found a decent amount, I might be tempted to cobble together a battery backed RAMdisk for something 286 or slower, but at the moment there's barely enough to get one system file on there. Few ALS logic parts might be handy for trying to coax a slow 286 board to take a faster CPU, might not. 6809 CPU, think it's the high speed version, I can soup up my CoCo2 🤣 There might be a ferranti z80 in the mix too, but it's got rock hard label gunge over the part number, and Ferrantis were an unlicensed "mostly compatible" z80 so not sure if I should invest much pain in finding how much most is... unless I just want 8080 level, I think it's good for that.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.
Been working on a database (really just a spreadsheet) of hardware with release dates. Intending to use this for guidance on some period-correct builds I'm undertaking from the 1990s.
mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-10-18, 13:10:[url=Re: Bought these (retro) hardware today]
Well... the keyboard connector on the board just completly detached from the board while I was putting everything together. It's not broken, I should be able to re-solder it.
It could also be wear on the carbon pads. If this is the case, they can be repaired with a special conductive paint. 8-Bit Guy did an episode on this during one of this repairs.
Tonight, I broke out my roland jv1010 to compare it to my dreamblaster x2 gs. My pithy comparison vs the x2gs in a few games is as follows:
Doom - Good
Doom 2 - Good
Heretic - Great
Hexen - Great
Hexen II - Meh
DN3D - Bad
Dark Forces - Ewwwwww
tunertom wrote on 2023-10-13, 12:41:Made a Slot1 slocket adapter holder since all the brackets available don't grip them properly and the slight movement can cause […]
Made a Slot1 slocket adapter holder since all the brackets available don't grip them properly and the slight movement can cause system to crash
Fits great, works great, happy!
Are you using long retaining bolts to hold them in the motherboard?
If it's dual it's kind of cool ... 😎
--- GA586DX --- P2B-DS --- BP6 ---
Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀
Quantum Fireball ST 1.6Gb reanimation (surprise inside garage sale Siemens Scenic Pro C5) - start, spinup, can't get enough RPM, stop, restart, three times, shudown. Then heat them up with heat gun: RPM still floating, but detection in BIOS, attempt to boot, shutdown. One more time heat gun, several times boot, three times shutdown during surface scan, unstable read sometimes. Starting from fourth scan - almost flawless, fifth - no issues. Several hours spent with reanimation, worth it.
Interesting idea, I will have to try this on some seemingly dead drive in future.
T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜
I've heard of putting bad HDDs in the freezer, but never to heat them. Interesting.
Another day another Windows 98 install~~
(was going to say "Installing off original media as God intended, but then I remembered back in the day I used to have FORMAT C: /Q; D:\WIN98\WIN98\SETUP.EXE on speed dial 😛)
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2023-10-19, 22:37:I've heard of putting bad HDDs in the freezer, but never to heat them. Interesting.
Two things that would be helped by that. Lube that's gone very gummy and capacitors that have gone marginal. Also either temperature extreme may due to linear interpolations being used for curves or something, trick it into working where it's temperature compensation gives it more leeway, when it otherwise thinks it's calibration is too far out.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.
Good ole C600 getting some 2k treatment 😀
Planning to get BWC's extended kernel in there so I can add Java 7 or 8.
"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2023-10-19, 22:37:I've heard of putting bad HDDs in the freezer, but never to heat them. Interesting.
For laptops in the early 2000s sadly it's a necessity, the Toshiba xxxxGAS / xxxxGAX 2.5" drives all have fluid dynamic bearings and that fluid goes bad over time - I can get most of these GAX / GAS drives working temporarily enough to image just by heating the bearing up with a hair-dryer for a little bit, topping up the temperature if it stops responding.
One nice thing I can say for the regular ball bearing drives is they are less likely to fail from the bearing fluid going bad over time.
Thermalwrong wrote on 2023-10-18, 01:03:Putting together a full 486 system where I want 16MB of RAM, but it's got 2x 72-pin SIMM slots and I appear to have run out of 8 […]
Putting together a full 486 system where I want 16MB of RAM, but it's got 2x 72-pin SIMM slots and I appear to have run out of 8MB / 16MB SIMMs that I'm willing to spare for this system.
So experiments with making EDO memory function in a computer that has no support for its timings - today for the first time I tried with SoJ memory that's got both upper and lower CAS. It seemed to work but digital audio and music was horribly messed up when that stick up top was fitted.
The OR gate is my attempt to connect the OE (output enable) pin to UCAS and LCAS so that if both are low, OE is also pulled low but if either one goes high then OE also goes high / inactive. Messy but after fixing soldering errors it works with the airwires, not working right still though.
Gave up on that one for now and picked up another 16MB EDO memory stick that got close to POSTing before being modified. This PCB is a nice layout, there's a clear trace connecting all of the OE pins to ground at the center point. I first cut that center point and after used a tiny drill to break the trace between the OE trace on each module, then soldered OE to the CAS pin which is next to it on each chip. Instead of trying to cut the traces with a knife after I cut an adjacent trace and my finger. The tiny drill bit proved to be pretty good for this task.
Verified that none of the modules are still bridged except for where the CAS lines join up, now this modified EDO 16MB module is working on this board and the sound is normal.
So far I've only had success modifying EDO into FPM on these 4-bit DRAM chips, rather than the 16-bit with UCAS/LCAS.
Finding as well that despite these being 50ns chips, the timings have to be pretty lax on this Abit AN4 to get even HIMEM to pass its memory test - I found the same on some other 4MB EDO sticks, can't really do better timings than good FPM modules.
Hmm, doing more testing with this Abit AN4 with the EDO > FPM converted SIMM - this converted 16MB stick is working at the "fastest" timings allowed in the BIOS with 40MHz bus speed (overclocking a DX2/66 to 80MHz) with the 1 wait state on DRAM writing. So maybe it is better than regular FPM in some ways - these chips are 50ns so they should be good.
While searching for some of the BIOS strings I found this impressively written and concise manual for a different 486 motherboard: … -1.11#downloads
It's got the recommended timings listed with pinouts, resulting frequencies from dividers around page 30. I'm tempted to print out some parts of it as a handbook for future reference 😀
Testing out some games at 80MHz, I was getting some really weird graphical corruption in games where the pixels looked okay but the screen tint kept changing or in doom it was going kind of 'all-blue'. This is the fun of VLB, I moved the video card up 1 slot closer to the CPU and now it's behaving again.
Modified my 1995 Pentium 133 build by swapping out the AWE64 and GUS Extreme and replacing with 1995 era-appropriate AWE32 and GUS ACE.
Also needed to swap the motherboard in the process as the previous one would not accommodate the AWE32's length.
PcBytes wrote on 2023-10-19, 23:37:Good ole C600 getting some 2k treatment 😀
Planning to get BWC's extended kernel in there so I can add Java 7 or 8.
I remember testing Oracle Java U231 and Azule Java zulu8.54.0.21-ca-jre8.0.292-win_i686 with kernelex on Windows 98 back in 2021 so should be good with BWC on 2000.
For Oracle Java IIRC Java 8 U152 is the last ver that I tested on 2000 with BWC, can't remember if I installed it or just copied over the installed files though.