List the PC games that you have beaten

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Reply 760 of 782, by DosFreak

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Save Load screen shows 5d 11h 57m
Played on hardest difficulty except for space battles
Used Steamless to remove the Steam DRM

Did all Main, Faction, Misc and activities.
Did a couple of missions but it's all the same so stopped doing those.
Did not do any companion quests since I went through half of the game with Vasco and half with Barrett and barrets quest never continued.
Ship buying, upgrading or building and Outpost building aren't really necessary but good time wasters if you want. Complete the quests to get the in-game ships and you'll be good or just change difficulty to easy for the space battles if you don't have points to upgrade your ship.

The graphics are fine, nothing to complain about but there are always those who complain. It's not the new Crysis but considering the scope and scale it's fine.
Played at 3840x1600 on my 7900xtx with and without FSR2 and with and without AFMF on my 5950x and it played fine.
No crashes.

Don't bother searching all the planets or finding unknown things on those planets.
Allocate points to:
Security if you want to lockpick
Targetting if you want to board ships and take them over (see piloting)
Piloting if you want to be able to fly ships.
Starship design if you want to upgrade your ship
Planetary Habitation if you want to build outposts.
Astrophysics if you want to scan planets better (helpful for missions)
Zoology. Assign one point here to accomplish some missions
Weapon Engineering if you want to mod your weapons. All combat is incredibly easy so don't waste points on this one
Spacesuit design. This can be helpful for Rank 1 or 2 to mod your spacesuit.
Surveying. Rank or 2 to see more with your scanner
Research methods. Max this out if you want to mod or create items
Boost pack use rank 1 or 2
For Combat put one point in ballistics, laster, pistol, etc. Assign more if you want but money is easy to get and ammo is easy to buy
Persuasion. There are aids to to help with persuasion so you can save scum but I maxxed this out.
Leadership - Begin the game with this at Rank 1. Assign Rank 2 to have them carry more weight.
Outpost Management - Assign points if for some crazy reason you want to waste time mining resources
Physical - You may want to assign some points to Fitness.

There are a lot of them but not much to them and having to constantly go back and forth is a pain. At least with missions you don't have to go anywhere after you are done to get your money whereas with Main and Misclike on Neon it's back and forth back and forth and you can't just quick travel to where you want to go.
There are some fetch quests where you wonder why they are there all I can figure is to get you to explore a bit but they are so simplistic there could have been a better quest.

Inventory management as usual is a chore. Supposedly there are unlimited chests but I never bothered. Get a ship with high cargo capacity. Create an outpost with a room just for chests and a room where you can fill up the room with dropped items. The ability to sell or recycle from your ship or outpost would be nice.
There are bugs. If a door is closed and you can't open it and you can't force someone to open it then use tcl. If you can't complete a quest because you can't mine a rock then tcl.
If a companion quest doesn't initialize then supposedly you can change affinity and whatnot but I didn't have much lukck. Make sure that Barrett, Sarah Morgan, Andreja and Sam Coe are on your crew and make sure you upgrade your leadership and you acquire a ship they can join and only have these 4 with you throughout the game.
As usual there are physics or terrain collission issues but nothing game breaking for me.
Occasionally with a bigger ship when I would exit I would get caught in the floor but re-entering the ship or fast travel would fix. If you get caught on terrain then fast travel.

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Reply 761 of 782, by DosFreak

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Beat Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty (Already beat the game before on 1/16/2021). Ended with 86 hours with the ending I felt was appropriate and then restored an older save and did the other ending.
Didn't do all of the gig grinding since that got old so a few of those are left.
I did not replay from scratch since I'm not going to replay a game I'd already played so soon mabye if it had been 5-10yrs but 2+yrs? No.
After coming back from so long I was confused why the graphics looked like shit and were so dark so realized I needed to remove the shitty film grain and the vignette (black border) so turned off the film grain and had to use a mod to get rid of the vignette. It's a crime that those are enabled.
Played well on a 7900xtx with everything maxed and RT on Ultra and FSR2 (Performance) and on a 4080 with everything maxed with DLSS (performace) with pathtracing at 3840x1600. No performance issues (except for having to use FSR2 or DLSS when using RT) or crashes.

CyberPunk 2077 still feels as hollow as it was originally if you go off script but if you stick to the main mission you're good. It's disappointing that they threw so much into this game but didn't do more with it. It seems to me that this should be one of those games you could drip feed actual content (not superficial nickel and dime corpo shit) for quite a long time but unless it's an MMO things don't work out like that. If/when a sequel happens hopefully they don't reinvent the wheel and use what they've already created.

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Reply 762 of 782, by CrazyCatman

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Listing all the games I've ever beaten would be redicules since this year I have so far beaten (and I kid you not) 92 games - it have taken me 14,523 minutes to beat them (242 hours) - but many of the games have been really short games!

I use Videogamegeek.com and howlongtobeat.com to keep track of my completed games - but I probably could also could find games in the past I've beaten which aren't registered since I didn't register those from before starting to log everything.

Howlongtobeat tells me that I have completed 415 games (356 unique - so not replays... of those registered and 22 have been expansions/DLCs) and it have taken 107 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes - and 1 second on 21 different platforms (some emulated, but most of them on original hardware). All this since 2016 I believe. I know I have beaten other games before that, some of them games I also have beaten after 2016 (Civilization II, Star Wars: Rebellion, Rome: Total War, Medieval II: Total War, The Curse of Monkey Island just to mension some).

I will not make a complete list of the 2016-2023 games as not all of them are worth playing 😉 But I could see the idea of making a list of those I enjoyed, would play again, and would recommend - but that will take some time. I actually try my very best to complete a game even if I start to find it not good - it have to be really bad for me to abandon it - Amorous and Baseball Stars 2 are games that I have abandonned because I lost interest, else I mainly only abandon games if I can't continue playing it (like a corrupted save file as I had in Ultimate Boob Wars ~BIg Breasts vs Flat Chests~ or hardware/software related issues such as reinstallments or issues that makes me loose the game completely - at least in it's current state).

So many computers, so little time...

Reply 763 of 782, by gerry

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DosFreak wrote on 2023-10-29, 22:41:

CyberPunk 2077 still feels as hollow as it was originally if you go off script but if you stick to the main mission you're good. It's disappointing that they threw so much into this game but didn't do more with it.

that is disappointing, the appeal of the game was in part due to the 'world', meaning that going off script should feel as 'real' as the script. difficult to achieve at the best of times but then this game promised a lot

Reply 764 of 782, by DosFreak

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Alan Wake 2
No DRM on epic ver
Get around 60-70 fps at DLSS Quality at 3840X1600 on a 4080.
No performance issues
No crashes

Game was pretty good but since it's been 13yrs or so I don't remember much from the original except Alan Wake, his wife, the lake and using the flashlight. I get the sense I'm supposed to recognize some characters from the original but nope.
The fights were annoying. Just monsters coming at you and to break that up occasionally some that zip around. A couple of times I got so annoyed I changed the difficulty but not sure if that had any effect or not.
It seemed to me that the ending was rushed, Alan Wake is a crap writer so makes sense I guess but it did leave setup for a sequel so we'll see in another 13yrs.

Deciding between Colony Ship and Spider-Man remastered for the next game.

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Reply 765 of 782, by Bruninho

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I have just beaten Full Throttle 😜

So far since pandemic started I have beaten:

SpyCraft: The Great Game
Sam & Max: Hit The Road
Full Throttle

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
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Reply 766 of 782, by mln

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During last few months:

Max Payne
Quake II
Soldier of Fortune
Jagged Alliance 2.5
Warcraft II BNE - in progress
Flux - in progress forever 😀

Investing time and money in completing a Win98-capable rig was worth it 😀.

Reply 767 of 782, by clueless1

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Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession

It took me 39 hours, and it was a better game then I expected. I'd rate it 75/100. My main issue with the game was the real-time combat, but they actually implemented it well with good spell options to help mitigate frantic clicking. Also, there were a couple nice weapons (knife of throwing, axe of hurling) that worked well in combination with getting enemies stuck in certain spots. Using doorways and other environmental objects intelligently made combats against large groups much more doable. Graphics were so-so overall, but there were some really nice sections, such as reading signs and documents, and the whole scrying glass animation. The FMV sections were bad and the voice acting was pretty terrible for the most part, but the story and pacing of the game were quite entertaining. It was definitely worth the playthrough and I've already imported my party into Stone Prophet. Not sure when I will play that one, but maybe sooner than later?

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Reply 768 of 782, by DosFreak

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Remnant 2
Only need steamless to remove Steam requirement.
Played solo
Played for 34hrs on Veteran with Handler/Challenger. Maxed Handler and one level away from maxing Challenger
No performance issues.
The game isn't as difficult as Elden Ring and not as interesting, the story is just as threadbare but more coherent. Gameplay loop is good but it's still pretty much same old but I can see how if you're playing co-op it would be a good time.

Cheated with Cheat Engine on Phase 2 of the last boss. Tried many many times and it was down to me putting down the game and moving on and if I had it may have been years before I went back if ever. I'd discovered everything I could during a single run and I don't grind so it was either repeat 100 more times (Since I'm obviously too simple and/or my build is not correct to pass the second phase and them jump back and forth multiple times between the two phases ) of Phase 2 or cheat and considering that was the very end of the game then I didn't cheat myself out of anything heh.

Still putting off Iron Fury Aftershock until a heavy discount and wait and see on patches since I was disappointed with how that was handled by the devs for that game on GOG and I'm waiting for at least two months for BG3 to go without updates before I resume Act 3 since it seems like every time I look it's being patched. I'm not complaining, I just like "finished" games. 😉

Thinking mabye next will be Dusk HD, Aliens Dark Descent, Prodeus, Spider-man games or finish up Stray

Last edited by DosFreak on 2024-03-19, 22:17. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 769 of 782, by bushwack

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Add Starfield to my list.
99 hours to complete, I actually quit a few months prior (at 80hrs) but wanted to get back and focus on the end game. Maxed out one companion, didn't try with any others. Only tried one faction, never finish cause I don't like stealth missions. I imagine I'll replay when the DLC comes out and do the things I missed. Played at 3840x1600 with a RTX 4080.

Reply 770 of 782, by wbahnassi

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Finally finished Bad Dudes on my Turbo XT. Yes, no cheats. This is the original booter game. It was one of my first PC games in the late 80's, and now I came back to finally beat it.

Took me about 12 attempts. I played it on 4.77MHz speed. It's a tad slow, but the game's hit detection works much better and more consistently at that speed than 12MHz.

I compared this version against arcade/other consoles. This version has 5 unique bosses, and the last level makes you rechallenge Karnov only before heading to the final boss on the chopper. Other consoles make you rechallenge all previous bosses.

Still, the game has no mercy. 3 lives only. No continues. 6 health bars per life. And a hit while you are jumping punishes you for two health bars.

RNG has a signifcant role in the game. It is best to find a nunchuk and just never lose it again... but easier said than done.

As expected from games of that era, the ending is just a short thank you text.

One exploit that is crucial for winning IMO, when you're down to the last health bar, always use air attacks. You don't die if hit while in the air. But you will die of any hit if you were standing or moving on the ground/platform.

I didn't take a photo of my achievement, but there is not much to be seen anyways 😅

Reply 771 of 782, by DosFreak

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Pacific Drive
Use Goldberg Steam Emu to play without steam.
Took 40hrs but I'm sure can be beaten alot quicker especially if you drive quickly through maps to reach your mission objective instead of scavenging. I didn't visit all the maps or unlock everything but I did do most of each.

Game is highly repetitive since you are constantly scavenging for resources to upgrade your base and car. I never specifically looked for specific resources, just picked up whatever I could find which is likely why I took so long.
You'll spend a lot of time repairing so create spare parts lockers and create copies of your current car parts. Also try to get the blow torch.
Upgrade trunk space and side storage as soon as possible and get the resource scanner.
Make sure your tools have full health before going out and carry a spare gas tank (not really necessary)
Also bring tools and resources to make your tools when they wear out. I usually stored 3 of each kit and 20 of each resource.
When you are in a map and hear the alarm then head for the exit (at least early in the game). Once your cardis upgraded enough and you are more sure of how the game works then you won't have to worry about rushing so much. I only died once in the entire game.

Oh, if the game annoys you too much you can disable certain things in the game menu.
For instance either I am too stupid or the quirks are bugged since it never matched what I thought it was. I troubleshoot every day for my job so I know how so it's not me and considering that's what I do at work all day I'm not going to do it in a game so I turned the quirks off.

Apparently ghostbusters is a common theme for the car color. I pretty much did mine that way unconsciously but with a space theme.

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Reply 772 of 782, by robertmo3

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HunterZ wrote on 2006-02-17, 16:54:

Oh man...I've been playing PC games for over 20 years - there's no way I could remember all the ones I've beaten 😀

Just go through lists and you will find them, like top 100 econony, strategy, simulations, rpg, adventure, logic, sport, racing, arcade, action, platformers.

Reply 773 of 782, by DosFreak

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Horizon Forbidden West + Burning Shores
Use goldberg steam emu
Took 90hrs to finish all quests, left unfinished was the "ubisoftitis" which were rebel camps, contracts, ruins, racing, fighting pits, cauldrons, etc. I'm not one to complain about long games but when it's needlessly long then yeah.

No performance issues with a 7950x, 4080 and 32GBm @ 3840x1600. Every so often a rare crash.

I never finished the original game which I'll have to tackle at some point but kind of burned out after playing this game.

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Reply 774 of 782, by wbahnassi

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Beaten two games recently:
Epyx 4x4 Offroad Racing, and Rockford

Both are tough. I beat 4x4's all tracks at Professional level. Lots of strategy and planning for each track to determine the best selections to make, then driving carefully on track to avoid breakages that would occur very easily in Professional mode. Heck the car can even break by itself out of the blue...

For Rockford, the space and doctor levels are the toughest. The last level (doctor level 4) is pure madness, where they require you to time dropping a boulder to kill enemies that move off-screen... yeah... brutal.

In both games, there is no special ending for all the achievement. Your reward is the play experience you went through.

Off to more XT games now...

Reply 775 of 782, by robertmo3

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try sokoban
you can revert all moves here so no danger of wrong move breaks all your progress

Reply 776 of 782, by wbahnassi

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Yes of course, Sokoban is needless of an introduction. It's fully mental compared to Rockford, which has a high skill factor in it due to moving enemies and falling rocks. So lesser of a mental challenge compared to Sokoban. But I like both 🙂

Reply 777 of 782, by Nexxen

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I loved Sokoban. In CGA graphics 😀

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Reply 778 of 782, by progman.exe

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Because of upper memory block problems in the neurons, I'm only gonna mention The Need For Speed.

Had basically every record on every track, all numbers of laps (you could have lonnnng races), top speeds, etc. It had maybe 4 game modes: top on all of them, and unlocked the bonus track without the cheat codes.

Even played it modem to modem a couple of times, and quite a bit of null-modem play when I was a student.

This is one game I fancy looking into playing today with some kind of network wrapper..... there's the brain chugging, just remembered there was an SE version for 9x. And I only ever found out about it years after TNFSSE came out, I did all my play of TNFS on DOS. I would have still been playing it on DOS when I had a PC plenty fast enough to play the 9x version at probably a better resolution than the DOS version ever offered.

Edit to add: Back in the day, when infoseeking or altavist'ering, googling entering the keyword "NFS" used to bring up all this stuff about serious computers that I didn't understand. Something about systems of filed networks? 😀

Reply 779 of 782, by clueless1

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Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra

This one has been a long, slow grind. I started playing on December 23rd of last year, and finally finished this morning on July 4th. Took a total of 93 hours. Part of the slow pace was due to getting older, and more real life challenges, including a cancer diagnosis. In 1991 when this game came out, I bought it and played it as far as I could, but came nowhere near beating it. So I finally accomplished that, but I still came nowhere near 100%ing it. There are so many side quests in this game and it looks like my final score is not even close to what it could potentially go up to. So depending on how much fun you're having, you could keep going in this game for much longer, clear more side dungeons, obtain all the Ultimate Power Orbs, gain more XP and level up higher (my characters finished at levels 64-71). My favorite parts of this game were the freedom of exploration and character development. I really enjoy the process of winning battles, finding gear, determining if it is an upgrade for any of the characters, then playing "hand-me-down" by redistributing gear to each character in a way that will benefit the party most. I kept an elaborate spreadsheet of my characters to help keep things organized. And I used this site extensively throughout my playthrough:


For me, a site like this is required in order to get the most fun out of an old game without modern QoL features. In particular, I used this site for determining whether gear I picked up is more valuable than gear already equipped. It was also useful for determining the best spells to cast in each situation.

I could've kept playing, but after over 6 months, I decided I'd rather move on to another game. I did the same thing back in 2017 after I completed MM4. I stopped, rather than continuing on with MM5 that was built into the game. There's only so much of a particular game that I can take before I need a change of pace.

Here is the obligatory endgame screenshot:

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