Kamerat wrote on 2016-05-27, 05:40:
Modified SNDINIT.EXE myself and GM is now working 😁 It searches for PCI ID 1039:0630, I changed it to 1039:0631.
Now I have to find out how to load large sample banks.
Just resurrecting this thread as I've been tinkering with an IBM NetVista X40 all in one that has the SiS 630 chipset. (No opportunity to fit any different sound card in this system!)
I've used this modified Sbinit file and added the sample file name to the .ini file, and General MIDI seems to work in some games, but not others.
Doom works fine, and General MIDI sounds great!
But SimCity detects General MIDI ok in the install utility, but then locks up the system totally when starting the game.
Games with the SetSound utility, like Caesar2, seem to totally lock up the system when trying to detect or verify General MIDI within SetSound.
Anyone have any ideas on that? I wondered if it was significant that problem games with General MIDI seem to use Dos4GW. Perhaps a memory management issue?