Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 51020 of 56025, by wirerogue

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supercordo wrote on 2023-11-24, 23:17:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2023-11-24, 22:41:
wirerogue wrote on 2023-11-24, 22:10:
a couple of ebay purchases. $40 for a plextor scsi cd burner for my dell precision 220 and a socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz which i […]
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a couple of ebay purchases. $40 for a plextor scsi cd burner for my dell precision 220 and a socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz which i already have but was only $11.

socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz willamette
scsi plexwriter 12/4/32 px.w124tsi

That was a hell of a good price for a 2.0 Willamette!

Indeed!!!!! Lucky

it was mislabled as p4 2.8ghz but, the packaging gave it away.

Reply 51022 of 56025, by acl

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H3nrik V! wrote on 2023-11-24, 22:41:
wirerogue wrote on 2023-11-24, 22:10:
a couple of ebay purchases. $40 for a plextor scsi cd burner for my dell precision 220 and a socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz which i […]
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a couple of ebay purchases. $40 for a plextor scsi cd burner for my dell precision 220 and a socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz which i already have but was only $11.

socket 423 pentium 4 2.0ghz willamette
scsi plexwriter 12/4/32 px.w124tsi

That was a hell of a good price for a 2.0 Willamette!

I never seen one out there in France. (And I'm looking for one for a long time)

It's funny to see that some hardware parts can be found in some locations while being rare in other countries. I can probably list half a dozen parts I never found for sale locally

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Reply 51023 of 56025, by nhattu1986

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just got this Micronics M54Pe delivered, every electrolyte caps is leaking and eating the trace. two cap is missing, one broken clean off the board but one taken one pad with it.
Luckily the via sill there so i can attach a jump wire.

23-11-25 09-30-13 1489.jpg
23-11-25 09-30-13 1489.jpg
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23-11-25 09-30-39 1492_c.png
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also i buy this P5SJ-A REV 2.1 a socket 7 board because it using white for all the socket part (minus the keyboard port), also because of the transparent fan

23-11-25 10-11-27 1494.jpg
23-11-25 10-11-27 1494.jpg
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1.95 MiB
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It come with a k6 233 (or whatever printed on the cpu) but running at 133MHz by default, but when i tried to set the jumper to 3.5x (BF0 1-2, BF1 1-2), the board can't boot normally instead it tried to do bios recovery

23-11-25 10-57-33 1496.jpg
23-11-25 10-57-33 1496.jpg
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379.08 KiB
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only the 3.0x multiplier work and cpu happy run at 200Mhz

Reply 51024 of 56025, by ciornyi

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Got few days ago , tested only videocards


DOS: 166mmx/16mb/Y719/S3virge
DOS/95: PII333/128mb/AWE64/TNT2M64
Win98: P3 900/256mb/SB live/3dfx V3
Win Me: Athlon 1333/256mb/Audigy2/Geforce 2 GTS
Win XP: E8600/4096mb/SB X-fi/HD6850

Reply 51025 of 56025, by ciornyi

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Part 2


DOS: 166mmx/16mb/Y719/S3virge
DOS/95: PII333/128mb/AWE64/TNT2M64
Win98: P3 900/256mb/SB live/3dfx V3
Win Me: Athlon 1333/256mb/Audigy2/Geforce 2 GTS
Win XP: E8600/4096mb/SB X-fi/HD6850

Reply 51026 of 56025, by PC@LIVE

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aaronkatrini wrote on 2023-11-23, 01:15:
PC@LIVE wrote on 2023-11-18, 21:11:

Today I purchased a MB 486, I thought it was an EISA ISA, in reality I discovered that the EISA is an OPTI, I honestly don't know what the difference is, could it be the same thing?
It already has some 30 pin RAM, some L2 cache chips, I think it's 128KB, and an Intel 486DX2-66 CPU, I don't think there is a heatsink with fan, if I'm not mistaken the 486DX2 was required?
I hope 🤞 arrives soon, I will have to test it and add some essential cards to complete the PC, I already have a 1MB ISA VGA Paradise, and some ISA sound cards, then also some 30 pin RAM, I hope to have the same ones as the ones used, but I have in case of other RAM always 30 pins of 1MB each, which can be put, unfortunately I only have 1MB modules, so at most I can get to 8MB, I would have preferred 🤩 to have at least 16MB of RAM, or why not 16+4=20MB, maybe yes could they find cheap 30 pin 4MB modules?

Lol I was bidding on the same board 😀 Glad a fellow vogoner got it... let us know when you get it.. cheers!

Thanks, I won the auction just under my maximum price, in any case it would have already arrived, unfortunately the courier came by my house when I was out, and I have to make an agreement with the courier to go and collect it.
I liked it because it was ISA, there are also a couple of slots, I thought they were EISA, but instead they are Opti Local Bus.
I hope it doesn't have any problems starting up, I already have some cards ready, a 1MB VGA Paradise, and some ISA sound cards.

AMD 286-16 287-10 4MB HD 45MB VGA 256KB
AMD 386DX-40 Intel 387 8MB HD 81MB VGA 256KB
Cyrix 486DLC-40 IIT387-40 8MB VGA 512KB
AMD 5X86-133 16MB VGA VLB CL5428 2MB and many others
AMD K62+ 550 SOYO 5EMA+ and many others
AST Pentium Pro 200 MHz L2 256KB

Reply 51027 of 56025, by KungfuPancake

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Bought this ISA GPU for 8€ without further research, solely because of 1MB VRAM and the shiny sticker. The internet is inconclusive about how useful it is. Any input?


Reply 51028 of 56025, by acl

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Looks like this one.
Based on Cirrus logic chip.


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Reply 51029 of 56025, by BitWrangler

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GD5428 should make it a reasonably fast ISA card, not best but in the leading "peleton", ET4000, GD5434, later S3 and ark 1000pv on ISA should all be faster. May be faster than some of the bottom third of VLB, and level with the few tail end "bad" PCI cards. Should be plenty for 386 and non clock multiplied 486. Will do fine for a lot of games on a DX4 or low pentium even, but those typically have a lot more options in VLB and PCI which would be faster. For Win 3.1 use, don't look for amazing performance above 800x600, but it will be comfortable using around there.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 51030 of 56025, by rasz_pl

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BitWrangler wrote on 2023-11-27, 14:55:

GD5428 should make it a reasonably fast ISA card, not best but in the leading "peleton", ET4000, GD5434, later S3 and ark 1000pv on ISA should all be faster. May be faster than some of the bottom third of VLB, and level with the few tail end "bad" PCI cards.

Slowest worst possible true VLB cards (that excludes Weitek + ISA VGA combos), for example some early Trident, are much faster (~5MB/s 16bit writes) than fastest ISA solutions (~4MB/s 16b writes). In case of PCI you have to pick something weird like a dedicated CAD card or Rendition Verite doing software emulation of VGA to be as slow as ISA 😀
GD5428 is a solid VGA considering some early ISA VGA Trident/OAK/Realtek doing ~700KB/s 16bit writes.

https://github.com/raszpl/FIC-486-GAC-2-Cache-Module for AT&T Globalyst
https://github.com/raszpl/386RC-16 memory board
https://github.com/raszpl/440BX Reference Design adapted to Kicad
https://github.com/raszpl/Zenith_ZBIOS MFM-300 Monitor

Reply 51033 of 56025, by acl

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Kahenraz wrote on 2023-11-28, 13:20:

Be careful. It's covered in popcorn.

I'm sure these old yellow capacitors can pop if heated in a microwave oven

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Reply 51034 of 56025, by silencer_ar

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I'm looking to buy an old notebook floppy drive: Mitsubishi MF355S-417MG. Although any -4xxx would work. I was able to fix an old 386 notebook (a dead resistor prevented the power from reaching the display) but I'm now missing the drive for it 🙁
If anybody has one and is willing to sell it, please let me know! 😀

Reply 51035 of 56025, by acl

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silencer_ar wrote on 2023-11-28, 18:55:

I'm looking to buy an old notebook floppy drive: Mitsubishi MF355S-417MG. Although any -4xxx would work. I was able to fix an old 386 notebook (a dead resistor prevented the power from reaching the display) but I'm now missing the drive for it 🙁
If anybody has one and is willing to sell it, please let me know! 😀

Except this is against the rules of the forum

"Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
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Reply 51037 of 56025, by mrfusion92

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An Intel DK440LX with two unknown PII for 25€. It has also ethernet and sound built-in.

This will be the starting point for my Windows NT build with SCSI drives (I have a tape drive that asks to have a home).

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Reply 51038 of 56025, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

I'd probably bet on two 266s... though you could get lucky and get two 300s.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.