First post, by SETBLASTER

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I know how to spot real vs fake pentium 133mhz cpus or 166mhz cpus.

But i never knew how to spot real vs fake pentium MMX cpus (im talking about the black ones, non-ceramic)
Is there any way to spot them by looking at the back? i know some say "A4" and some say "malay" but never found any info on how to actually spot them or a photo from a real one and a fake one

Reply 2 of 2, by dominusprog

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Flat numbers and letters, they are more visible on the back. Overheating is also yet another symptom.

A-Trend ATC-1020 V1.1 ❇ Cyrix 6x86 150+ @ 120MHz ❇ 32MiB EDO RAM (8MiBx4) ❇ A-Trend S3 Trio64V2 2MiB
Aztech Pro16 II-3D PnP ❇ 8.4GiB Quantum Fireball ❇ Win95 OSR2 Plus!