First post, by SETBLASTER
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For some years now i have an ASUS VL/I-486SV2G board and i always wanted to mod it. I was reading these tutorials from people that modded their ASUS VL/I-486SV2G boards and made it an ASUS VL/I-486SV2GX4 by installing some components on the motherboard that from factory were not included.
Depending on the motherboard revision, there are different topics from people that don´t visit the forum very often.
ASUS VL/I-486SV2G(X4) REV. 1.8 conversion and jumpers guide
Another high-end 486 back in action (ASUS GX4 conversion success! Tons of pictures)
ASUS VL/I-486SV2 to GX4 conversion + Am5x86 support on Rev 1.7
The list of components to buy for the mod are these:
1) LT1085CT or equivalent adjustable voltage regulator
2) N-channel power MOSFET , STP16NF06L
3) 2 x 10uf 16V and 2 x 1uf 16V tantalum capacitors
4) 330uf 16V electrolytic capacitor
5) 7407 hex buffer (an SMD model, not holes)
But as you might know, every part has many models when you try to buy them, and my problems are the following:
1) LT1085CT voltage regulator.
In digikey i get a lot different part numbers because each has a different voltage output. They are all LT1085CT but im not sure which is the correct one to buy to mod my motherboard the search i did is this one : … GAHAVgMIJAXQF8g
2) N-channel power MOSFET , they mention STP16NF06L,
But this part in digikey is obsolete, but im not sure which one should i choose since there might be some differences with the obsolete one. the search i did in digikey is this one:
Digikey provides about 9 subtitutes: … ils-substitutes
3) am I forced to buy tantalum caps? or can i buy electrolitic capacitors instead of tantalum ?
4) this one is fine, those are the only things im shure what to buy actually
5) 7407 hex buffer
There are many different part numbers and i am not sure whats the correct one to buy.
when i search for 7407 on digikey i get these results: … 9Nkg7bkJS6lF5AA
maybe someone at vogons can guide me on what part numbers i should buy at digikey
im kind of lost and don't want to ruin the motherboard